One of the most important things you can do as a husband is pray for your wife. And vice versa. Prayer is our most powerful weapon in the world. It is our genuine connection to Jesus and the best way to intercede for each other. When you read the Bible and pray with and for your wife, it strengthens your bond and helps you feel closer to each other.
Although prayer is powerful, it can be hard. Sometimes, we don't know what to say, and that's okay. Jesus understands. I'm hoping that these prayers will help you pray for your wife and find the right words. No matter what, Jesus hears you. In fact, he's working on what your wife needs right now.
1. A Prayer for Work

1. A Prayer for Work
Work is where we spend most of our days. The Bible says we should work as if we are working for the Lord and not man. If your wife is happy at work, that's awesome. Maybe she's not content and is looking for something else. Or maybe she's unemployed right now, or things aren't going well in a business. Here are some prayers to help with each situation.
A Prayer for the Employed:
Dear Lord, I thank you that my wife has a job that she loves. Thank you for providing that for her. I ask that you continue to bless her with this job and that she will be an asset to her boss and the surrounding coworkers. Help her shine your light and lead people to you as she works with her unique gifts and talents. In your name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer for the Unemployed:
Dear Lord, I pray for my wife right now. Please lead her to the right job; I pray that we will have the hours, pay, and benefits we need. I know that you have the right job in mind and that we need to be patient for you to reveal it to her. Lord, please help her not to be discouraged as she looks and applies. Help me encourage her as well. Amen.
A Prayer for the Underemployed:
Dear Lord, I pray for my wife and her business right now. Please lead her to the right clients or bring the right clients to her. She has been working so hard to find new business and is getting more discouraged by the day. Help her let it go, lean on you, and not get agitated and frustrated. Help me be a source of encouragement for her. Amen.
2. A Prayer for Protection

2. A Prayer for Protection
Our day to day is busy and chances are your wife is dropping the kids off at school, going to work, doing errands, and then shuttling them all around in the afternoon.
Dear Lord, I pray for my wife as she goes about her day. Please help her be alert about what is happening around her while she is on the road and running around town. Help her be vigilant in all situations while meeting new people and shining your light. Amen.
3. A Prayer for Health

3. A Prayer for Health
Your wife's health is everything. It can be rough when she's down for the count with the flu or not feeling 100% with a cold.
Dear Lord, I pray for my wife's health right now. Thank you that she is healthy and can help care for things and run this family. I pray you will keep your hand on her in seasons when sickness runs rampant. Guard her from the germs that our kids bring home from daycare and school. Lord, I also pray that you protect her health beyond everyday illness and ward off more serious conditions. No matter what happens or what lies ahead with her health, I trust you completely and trust you to get us through it. In your name, I pray. Amen.
4. A Prayer for Her Identity

4. A Prayer for Her Identity
As women, it's easy for us to let fear and doubt creep in about our talents and abilities. The enemy loves to compound this by making us think twice about what God says about us and what he has given us.
Dear Lord, I pray for my wife and her identity in you. Please help her disregard the fears and doubts that creep into her mind—the inner voices that say that she isn't good enough or can't do something because she has no experience. I say to the enemy to take all the things that you are coming against her with and go back to the pit of hell in Jesus' name. You have no authority here. Lord, I ask that you remind her of what you say she is and how much you love her. Amen.
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5. A Prayer for Her as a Mom

5. A Prayer for Her as a Mom
Moms have the toughest job in the world. Not everyone can raise kids.
Dear Lord, I thank you for my wife and the excellent mother that she is. She is such a blessing in my life. I pray you will help her navigate our day-to-day lives with peace. Give her the fortitude she needs when the kids are screaming in the backseat as she's riding down the highway or when her boss asks her to complete yet another task on their to-do list. Help her keep calm and clearheaded in moments of stress and remind her how amazing she is. In your name, I pray. Amen.
6. A Prayer for Her Calling

6. A Prayer for Her Calling
Everyone has a calling and maybe your wife is having trouble either finding hers or following it. The enemy loves this because it's when he turns up the volume on fear, worry, and anxiety, causing you to wonder if this "thing" that God wants you to do is too risky.
Dear Lord, I pray for my wife's calling right now. Please reveal that purpose to her, and if you have, encourage her to follow it. I rebuke the fear, worry, and anxiety that is coming against her in Jesus' name. It has no authority here. I declare victory over this situation, that she will follow the plans that you have for her with an open heart and an open mind. In your name, I pray. Amen.
7. A Prayer for Rest and Contentment

7. A Prayer for Rest and Contentment
As women, it's easy for us to overload our lives and schedules. Does your daughter want to add another extracurricular activity on top of the four she already has? Sure. Can you bake three dozen cupcakes for the school bake sale on Monday? You bet. (Today is Friday) Are you able to cover Carissa's meeting because she's out sick? Even though you have a gigantic project due at the end of the week? Of course! We have a hard time saying no. The enemy loves it when we push ourselves to our limits and feel like we can't say no.
Dear Lord, I love my wife, but it's so hard for her to say no to anyone. She loves helping and doing things for people. Still, sometimes she does too much. Please help her slow down, take stock of her commitments, and discern what to say yes to and what to say no to. I worry about her because she gets no rest. Please nudge and tug at her heart that she needs to rest and be content exactly where she is. Amen.
8. A Prayer for Her as a Wife

8. A Prayer for Her as a Wife
Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with my wife. She is a wonderful person, and I wouldn't want to be on this life journey without her. I pray you will help her in all aspects of her life, from being a mom to being an employee to being my best friend. Help her navigate our life daily, give her peace and comfort during the hard times, and remind her you are always with her. Amen.
9. A Prayer for Her Relationships

9. A Prayer for Her Relationships
Most women have a small group of close-knit friends that do things together. Still, we know that sometimes personalities clash, and arguments and misunderstandings occur. The enemy loves discord and disunity in our closest friendships. That means he's wriggled his way in and gotten a foothold.
Dear Lord, I pray for my wife and her group of friends. They are all wonderful ladies and I thank you for the friendship, wisdom, and loyalty they have with my wife. Still, I know that sometimes people don't get along and it can get ugly. Lord, I pray that doesn't happen with my wife and her friends. Help them keep their eyes and hearts on you and always talk things out before making rash decisions. In your name I pray. Amen.
Make a commitment to yourself, the Lord, and your wife to pray more for her in 2025. You'll be glad you did.
Originally published December 12, 2024.