
100 Best Christian Books of All Time

Updated Sep 08, 2023
100 Best Christian Books of All Time

It’s easy to decide what Christian book to read next. Something recently released? A revered classic easily found at the library?

While many books’ reputations come and go, the following list looks at many revered Christian classics—and a few recent books that are on their way to being considered classics. From theology to devotionals to fiction, they nourish different spiritual needs and interests, always bringing something substantial to their readers.

Further Reading: 100 Christian Novels You Have Not Read Yet

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10 Best Devotional Books of All Time

glasses on top of book pile to illusrate best christian devotional books of all time

Whether it’s a meditation on a Bible verse or a broad spiritual theme, a devotional can be a great way to refocus on God and contemplate the next steps in our spiritual journey. These devotional classics include anthologies of classic spiritual writings and themed collections crafted by a single author. Each provides something thought-provoking and practical for living the spiritual life.

1. Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman

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2. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

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3. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

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4. Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

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5. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas á Kempis

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6. Daily in His Presence by Andrew Murray

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7. Devotional Classics edited by James Bryan Smith and Richard Foster

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8. Bread for the Journey by Henri Nouwen

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9. The Little Way for Every Day by Thérèse of Lisieux edited and translated by Francis Boome

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10. Life in the Spirit by J.I. Packer

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Further Reading: Classic Devotionals

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10 Best Theology Books of All Time

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Theology, the study of God, is a broad term covering all kinds of religious subtopics—from the theory of Christ’s atonement to becoming one of Christ’s disciples. For variety, these books include theological studies and books about practicing theology (getting closer to God through spiritual development).

1. The City of God by Augustine

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2. The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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3. A Little Book on the Christian Life by John Calvin, edited by Buck Parsons and Aaron Denlinger

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4. Knowing God by J.I. Packer

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5. The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

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6. The Glory of Christ by John Owen

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7. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson

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8. The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard

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9. Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas

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10. The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul

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Further Reading: 50 Best Christian Books for Deeper Learning

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10 Best Christian Novels of All Time

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Sometimes, a well-told story communicates spiritual themes in ways that will fall flat in an essay or explanation. Some of these novels explore Christian characters undergoing struggles. Others feature non-Christians grappling with what they believe about the spiritual world. Each presents an engaging story with insights well worth pondering.

1. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

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2. Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor

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3. The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene

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4. Godric by Frederick Buechner

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5. Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

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6. The Dry Wood by Caryll Houselander

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7. Silence by Shūsaku Endō

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8. Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry

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9. Ben Hur by Lew Wallace

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10. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

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Further Reading: 10 Novels That Will Shape Your Theology

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10 Best Books on Preaching of All Time

man reading books, best christian books of all time books on preaching

Whether churches meet in people’s homes or packed auditoriums, follow a liturgical tradition that emphasizes the sacraments or a lower church denomination that emphasizes the pulpit, preaching plays a crucial role in Christian gatherings. These books look at many aspects of preaching, from the practical tools to the clergy’s common spiritual struggles.

1. Preaching and Preachers by Martin Lloyd-Jones

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2. Between Two Worlds by John R.W. Stott

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3. The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards

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4. Simplicity in Preaching by J.C. Ryle

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5. The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges

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6. The Joy of Preaching by Phillip Brooks

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7. Lectures to My Students by Charles Spurgeon

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8. Expository Exultation by John Piper

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9. Saving Eutychus by Gary Millar and Phil Campbell

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10. Preaching by Calvin Miller

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Further Reading: Celebrating Pastor Appreciation Day and Clergy

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10 Best Christian Poetry Books of All Time

Flowers and book of poetry

Poems may explore feelings or tell a fully developed story. Either way, their vivid language allows them to explore ideas that novels or plays can’t access in the same way. These poets explore different ideas—from the adventures of King Arthur to the fall of Satan—but each brings skill and flair to their subjects.

1. Paradise Lost by John Milton

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2. The Divine Comedy by Dante

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3. The Faerie Queen by Edmund Spenser

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4. Diary of an Old Soul by George MacDonald

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5. Taleissin Through Logres by Charles Williams

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6. Endless Life: Poems of the Mystics edited by Scott Cairns

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7. Goblin Market and Other Poems by Christina Rossetti

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8. Holy Sonnets by John Donne

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9. The Book of Hours by Rainer Maria Rilke

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10. The Singer by Calvin Miller

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Further Reading: 7 Christian Women Poets You Need to Know About

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10 Best Apologetics Books of All Time

Library full of books best christian books of all time

Apologetics takes the challenge to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). Some apologists focus on how Christianity functions as a worldview. Others look at the circumstances of Jesus’ life to make a case that he was who he said he was. Others focus on dismantling arguments by outsiders. These classic works show the many approaches that apologists can take and the classic techniques or arguments that appear no matter which approach apologists use.

1. Against Heresies by Irenaeus of Lyons

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2. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

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3. Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton

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4. The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

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5. The God Who Is There by Francis Schaeffer

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6. Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace

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7. Finding Truth by Nancy Pearcy

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8. Christian Apologetics by Cornelius Van Til

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9. Creed or Chaos? by Dorothy L. Sayers

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10. Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen

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Further Reading: Why Should Christians Study Apologetics?

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10 Best Christian Dramas of All Time

woman performing on stage, best christian dramas of all time

Novels and poems tell certain kinds of stories very well. Theater introduces new elements—the performers’ energy, the crackling dialogue—making it possible to tell other kinds of stories and reach audiences in different plays. From religious plays like the Oberammergau Passion Play to historical plays like The Hiding Place, these acclaimed plays explore various religious themes in compelling ways.

1. Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot

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2. The Man Who Would Be King by Dorothy L. Sayers

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3. A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt

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4. Everyman by Anonymous

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5. The Surprise by G.K. Chesterton

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6. The Zeal of Thy House by Dorothy L. Sayers

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7. The York Mystery Plays by Anonymous

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8. Shakeshafte by Rowan Williams

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9. Becket by Jean Anouilh

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10. Thomas Cramner of Canterbury by Charles Williams

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Further Reading: Dorothy L. Sayers’ The Man Who Would Be King

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10 Best Christian Biographies of All Time

Stack of books, best christian biographies of all time

Biographies provide a window into the lives of Christians who have done exceptional things, showing the trials they faced and the values that motivated them to overcome great odds. These biographies cover a variety of figures, from missionaries to theologians to artists.

1. Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliott

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2. Her Heart Can See: The Life and Hymns of Fanny J. Crosby by Edith L. Blumhofer

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3. Strange Glory: The Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Charles Marsh

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4. Jonathan Edwards: A Life by George Marsden

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5. To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson

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6. Augustine of Hippo by Peter Brown

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7. Susanna: The Mother of John and Charles Wesley by Arnold A. Dallimore

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8. Here I Stand: The Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton

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9. Anne Bradstreet: Pilgrim & Poet by Faith Cook

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10. The Life of David Brainerd by Jonathan Edwards

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Further Reading: 100 Good Christian Books You Should Read Soon

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10 Best Christian Speculative Fiction Books of All Time

open book with fairyland coming out of it, best christian speculative fiction books of all time

While realistic novels can explore many compelling Christian themes, some ideas are best explored in “speculative fiction,” a broad term for anything with otherworldly elements. These books may be considered fantasy, science fiction, horror, or fit between those labels. They have a much longer history than some readers may realize—pastor-turned-author Mike Duran notes that the earliest version of what we would call Christian fiction (books like Pilgrim’s Progress and Dante’s Inferno) were speculative fiction stories.

Here are some of the best speculative fiction stories that explore spiritual ideas. The list includes a little of all three major speculative fiction genres.

1. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

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2. The Black Spider by Jeremias Gotthelf

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3. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

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4. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

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5. Whalesong by Robert Siegel

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6. The Book of the Dun Cow by Walter Wangerin Jr.

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7. Ingathering: The Complete People Stories by Zenna Henderson

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8. Old House of Fear by Russell Kirk

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9. Doomsday Book by Connie Willis

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10. Shardik by Richard Adams

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Further Reading: 15 Classic Christian Fantasy Books for Kids and Adults

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10 Best Christian Memoirs and Autobiographies of All Time

a stack of books to illustrate best christian books of all time memoirs and autobiographies

While biographies provide a great overview of Christians’ lives, different insights come when they tell their life stories themselves. These books include autobiographies (which cover the subjects’ entire lives) and memoirs (which look at specific periods or subjects within the writer’s life).

1. Confessions by Augustine

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2. The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

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3. Brother to a Dragonfly by William Davis Campbell

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4. Joni: An Unforgettable Story by Joni Eareckson Tada

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5. The Autobiography of George Müller by George Müller

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6. God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew with John and Elizabeth Sherrill

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7. Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose

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8. Chronicles of Wasted Time by Malcolm Muggeridge

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9. The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton

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10. The Sacred Journey by Frederick Buechner

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Further Reading: 6 Keys to Writing Your Spiritual Memoir

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Connor SalterG. Connor Salter has contributed over 1,400 articles to various publications, including interviews for Christian Communicator and book reviews for The Evangelical Church Library Association. In 2020, he won First Prize for Best Feature Story in a regional contest by the Colorado Press Association Network. In 2024, he was cited as the editor for Leigh Ann Thomas' article "Is Prayer Really That Important?" which won Third Place (Articles Online) at the Selah Awards hosted by the Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference.

Originally published September 07, 2023.