Trusting God is something that we have to learn to do, even during the Easter holiday. Although we trust Him with our salvation, it can be hard to trust Him with life's daily stressors. Even though this is common, we need to start trusting God with every part of our life. Whether going through a hard or an easy time, we need to trust God. He knows what He is doing, and He can be fully trusted.
You can learn more about trusting God together this Easter as a family. Parents can help teach their children about God’s trustworthiness and faithfulness. Through their own experiences, parents can educate their children about times when God has shown Himself to be trustworthy in their own lives. This will help children be more involved and interested in learning about God, and they will be more prone to trust Him if their parents do.
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1. Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart (Proverbs 3:5-6)

1. Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart (Proverbs 3:5-6)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
As a family, a great way to start trusting God is by reflecting on Proverbs 3:5-6. This passage tells us that we need to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. We must submit to Him in all our ways, and He will make our paths straight. Trusting God with our hearts means we don’t doubt Him or question His power, might, or goodness. Instead, we will have confidence in Him.
Leaning on our understanding will prove futile because God’s ways are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). If we trust in our own knowledge, we will quickly see that we will be led away after sin. However, when we trust in the Lord and lean on Him, He will make our paths straight. Rather than being worried or concerned for the future, we will confidently trust in Him.
Submitting to someone is often seen negatively, but it is a good thing in the Bible. When Proverbs 3:5- 6 tells us to submit to the Lord, it means we need to obey Him. We can obey God by following His teachings in the Bible. As a family, try to make it a practice to read the Bible each day. This will help you learn to obey God better and build your trust in Him.
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2. We Can Trust God Because He Works All Things for Our Good (Romans 8:28)

2. We Can Trust God Because He Works All Things for Our Good (Romans 8:28)
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28).
Knowing that we can trust God because He works all things out for our good is also essential. Whether they are good things or bad things, He can bring beauty from ashes. We should never doubt the blessings, beauty, and wonders God can bring into our lives. With this in mind, there is no reason to distrust God. If we reflect on our lives, we will quickly find that God has always come through for us and always will.
It may be hard to see this immediately, but it is true. God is entirely worthy of our trust. If He has the power to create the world and everything in it, including mankind, then there is no reason to doubt Him. God could have destroyed mankind after the fall, yet He didn't. Once again, this attests to God's trustworthiness. Because of His love for us, He will always bring about the best things in our lives.
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3. We Will Not Be Ashamed When We Trust in God (Psalm 25:2)

3. We Will Not Be Ashamed When We Trust in God (Psalm 25:2)
“I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.” (Psalm 25:2)
Psalm 25:2 highlights the vital truth that we will not be ashamed when we trust God. Our enemies will not triumph over us because God is on our side. In everything, God is for us, not against us (Romans 8:31). Throughout our daily lives, we need to live with this type of thinking—there is no reason to be ashamed or doubtful when we trust God because He will always come through. Whether worried about a test, making new friends, or moving to a new city, God will be with us and help us.
There will never come a day when God will not be trustworthy. It goes against His very nature. In God, there are no falsehoods or lies. Never has God lied, and never will He lie. As humans, we tend to lie, but God never does. He hates lying lips (Proverbs 6:16-19, 12:22). Since this is true, there is no reason to believe God would engage in something He hates.
No longer do we need to doubt God. As a family, you, your spouse, and your children can start fully trusting God. You will never be put to shame or let down. God is not like people in the same way that they will disappoint us. Rather, God will go beyond our biggest hopes and prayers and give us what we truly need. While it is true that God will have us undergo some difficult times, He never causes them.
Whether going through a good time or a hard time, we don't need to fall back. God is entirely trustworthy, and there is a purpose to what we are going through. We never go through something difficult for no reason. Instead, we are learning through the difficulties, and God walks with us through every step. He will not leave us, nor will He abandon us in our time of need.
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4. Trust in God’s Holy Name (Psalm 33:21)

4. Trust in God’s Holy Name (Psalm 33:21)
“In him, our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.” (Psalm 33:21)
The Book of Psalms is filled with beautiful expressions of trusting God. The psalmists never see God fail them, nor do they lose hope in God. Even if things are going rough, they are still rejoicing in God’s Name and promises. Psalm 33:21 shows that we can trust in God’s holy Name. Rather than being discouraged, we can allow our hearts to rejoice.
Deep inside, all of us know that God is real. This is why many unbelievers will pray to God even though they don't know who He is. This is also why many people curse God because, once again, they know inherently that He is real. Instead of cursing God or not knowing Him, we can allow our hearts to rejoice as we trust in Him. There is something peaceful and freeing about giving our worries to God.
God can be trusted with whatever life throws your way today. If you are struggling with anxiety, a difficult relationship, or a hard time at work, trust God with the problem. Give all of your problems over to God and rest in His love. Allow His peace, comfort, and protection to surround you. When you and your family do this, you will notice that your trust in Him will grow.
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5. Trust in the Lord and Do Good (Psalm 37:3)

5. Trust in the Lord and Do Good (Psalm 37:3)
“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” (Psalm 37:3)
As Psalm 37:3 tells us, if we trust the Lord and do good, we will dwell in the land and enjoy safe pastures. While most of us do not live on a farm or anywhere pastures are present, we can interpret this as meaning we will live safely. God wants all of us to be safe and enjoy life, but we will not be able to do this if we live wickedly.
It is clear that God does not endorse wickedness (Psalm 5:4). This is why we must not live in sin or wickedness. Instead of living in this manner, we need to do good, trust God, and serve Him, Which will bring lasting joy. It is always better to do good than to do evil. As followers of God, we need to obey Him, and this starts with doing good to everyone, including God Himself.
Obedience to God demonstrates our love for Him (John 14:15). The more we trust Him, the more we will love Him. In turn, our actions will become more aligned with His teachings. Loving God means we will obey Him. As followers of the Lord, we need to follow Him even if we don’t see anybody else doing so.
The only person we can control is ourselves, and we need to ensure we are following Him. Trusting Him will help us faithfully follow Him and bring Him glory. Choose to trust in Him this Easter as a family, and it will transform your life.
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Originally published March 10, 2025.