
Crosswalk's Top 10 Most-Read Trending Articles of 2016

Crosswalk's Top 10 Most-Read Trending Articles of 2016
From the presidential election to Taylor Swift and Terry Crews, it was another year of excellent trending content on Hopefully you found it as interesting as we did!

1. John Piper's Beautiful Funeral Prayer for a Family of Five

1. John Piper's Beautiful Funeral Prayer for a Family of Five

Our top article for 2016 is one of a tragic nature. On Sunday July 31, 2016, the Pals family entered heaven together. Jamison and Kathryne Pals and their three young children Ezra (3 years old), Violet (23 months), and Calvin (2 months) were planning to enter the mission field in Japan when they died in a fatal car crash.

Key Quote: "This we call to mind, and therefore we have hope: Your steadfast love, O LORD, never ceases; your mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. You alone, O Lord, are our portion, therefore we will hope in you." -John Piper

Read it here.

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2. Max Lucado on Trump: Where is the Decency?

2. Max Lucado on Trump: Where is the Decency?

Rachel Dawson, editor of, commented on the presidential race and how Christian leaders like Max Lucado were weighing in.

Key Quote: "'Decency mattered to me as a dad,' he [Lucado] says. He goes on: 'We appreciate decency. We applaud decency. We teach decency. We seek to develop decency. Decency matters, right? Then why isn’t decency doing better in the presidential race?'"

Read it here.

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3. Top Evangelical Theologian Withdraws Support of Donald Trump

3. Top Evangelical Theologian Withdraws Support of Donald Trump

There were a few Christian leaders who changed their mind about President Elect Donald Trump during the race. Wayne Grudem, a prominent evangelical theologian was one of them.

Key Quote: "There will be those who continue to criticize Grudem, and others who support his change of heart. But just like Grudem, we are allowed to change our minds during the election season. Every time we watch a debate, or read new information it helps us gather data so we can make an educated decision that best reflects our values and beliefs when we vote at the polls this November." -Liz Kanoy,

Read it here.

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4. How to Pray like Jesus When Your World is Falling Apart

4. How to Pray like Jesus When Your World is Falling Apart

Liz Kanoy, an editor for, asks, Do you know how to pray when life falls apart?

Key Quote: "God often has to pry my fingers off my desired outcome. Though I’ve felt devastated by his 'no’s,' as I submit to his will—often with disappointment and tears—he assures me he’s working for my good. I see only part of the picture. He has a purpose in his denials." -Vaneetha Rendall Risner

Read it here.

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5. 5 Reasons a Televangelist Needs a Private Plane

5. 5 Reasons a Televangelist Needs a Private Plane

These two televangelists seem a bit off in their justification for flying privately, but we'll let you decide.

Key Quote: “What they’re saying makes perfect sense. And it explains why flying is so often such a miserable experience. It’s not because the TSA is terrible or because there’s no more leg room in coach or because a bottle of water costs $35 inside the terminal. It’s because airports are temples to Satan and commercial airplanes are the Dark Lord’s preferred method for transporting his demons around the world. It’s all so clear now. How did I not see it before?” -Zack Hunt

Read it here.

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6. Terry Crews Reveals the Real Danger of Porn

6. Terry Crews Reveals the Real Danger of Porn

Veronica Neffinger, editor of, reports on actor Terry Crews' stance on pornography.

Key Quote: "My problem with pornography is that it changes the way you think about people. People become objects. People become body parts. And things to be used, rather than people to be loved. You start to change the way you see people. You start to use people." -Terry Crews

Read it here.

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7. The Gospel vs. Taylor Swift's 'Out of the Woods'

7. The Gospel vs. Taylor Swift's 'Out of the Woods'

You may like Taylor Swift's songs, but have you ever thought about her worldview?

Key Quote: "This is a common theme in our 21st century American culture: we are almost consumed at times with 'finding ourselves.' The value of individualism is something that has been drilled into our heads for years. 'You can be anything you want to be,' young children are told. 'Pursue your dreams,' we tell each other. Even Socrates famously said to 'Know thyself.'" -Veronica Neffinger,

Read it here.

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8. 3 Verses You Probably Don't Like - Here's Why

8. 3 Verses You Probably Don't Like - Here's Why

You can probably name off some of your favorite Bible verses, but what about verses that aren't as popular?

Key Quote: "We might not put these verses on our bathroom mirrors or read them on our coffee mugs as often, but these are verses that give us a healthy, needed perspective on who we are and who God is. It’s only when we realize we aren’t in control of our own destinies and lives that we can surrender them to the God who has created us and set the paths before us to be greater than we could dare or imagine." -Rachel Dawon,

Read it here.

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9. 4 Powerful Truths for Depressed Christians

9. 4 Powerful Truths for Depressed Christians

If you feel depressed, chances are you may also feel alone...but you're not!

Key Quote: "When we have honest conversations about depression and anxiety like this, we are helping to change the dynamic in our churches and culture from one of shaming to one of understanding and accepting. May we all find extra measures of grace as we seek to love each other well in the midst of hard and heavy circumstances." -Rachel Dawson,

Read it here.

Photo from Unsplash

10. Should You Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?

10. Should You Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?

Voters faced a challenge this past election, as many believed both candidates to be morally inadequate.

Key Quote: "Regardless of your party affiliation or personal beliefs, we can all agree that there is no perfect candidate, just as we can agree that there are no perfect humans on our planet. Jesus was the one and only perfect person, so all of us are sinners who fall short (Romans 3:23)." -Rachel Dawson,

Read it here. 

Photo from Thinkstockphotos

Originally published December 27, 2016.


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