10. How to Prepare for Spiritual Battle

10. How to Prepare for Spiritual Battle
This excerpt from pastor Skip Heitzig's book Defying Normal touched on a topic that is always huge at Crosswalk - spiritual warfare.
Key Quote: "The first thing we need to be prepared with in spiritual battle is the importance of Scripture. Notice what this angelic being said to Daniel: 'But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth' (Daniel 10:21). Elsewhere the Bible is called 'the sword of the Spirit' (Ephesians 6:17) and even a weapon that’s 'sharper than any two-edged sword' (Hebrews 4:12). It is both a defensive weapon as well as an offensive one. It can deflect an attack as well as inflict an attack. According to the Bible, the devil is the one 'who deceives the whole world' (Revelation 12:9). Deception is one of the main arrows Satan fires from his bow. For a Christian, knowing Scripture is essential. It’s like a surgeon knowing how to operate, a football player knowing the playbook, or a musician knowing how to play a song. It’s a nonnegotiable."
9. How to Ask God for a Miracle

9. How to Ask God for a Miracle
Whitney Hopler based this article on the practical applications to be found in Linda Evans Shepherd's 2012 book, When You Need a Miracle.
Key Quote: "There are no magical formulas to use to conjure up miracles. Instead, miracles happen whenever you welcome God’s powerful presence into the situations you face. So don’t worry about trying to pray perfect prayers to convince God to do something miraculous in your life. Simply invite God to work in every situation in which you’re seeking miracles, and trust Him to do what’s best after you ask Him to intervene."
8. 7 Ways to Sense God's Presence

8. 7 Ways to Sense God's Presence
Cindi McMenamin gives us seven excellent ideas to help us focus on God and sense His presence in the midst of our struggles or chaotic schedules.
Key Quote: "Sometimes you can't sense God's presence because there's something blocking the communication between the two of you. He hasn't left, but your sensitivity to His presence might be affected by unconfessed sin in your life. David, the Psalmist, said, 'When I kept silent (about his sin) my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.'"
7. How Wrestling with God Will Change You Forever

7. How Wrestling with God Will Change You Forever
In this one, Dena Johnson takes us through an epiphany she had: "I’ve always been curious about this passage, about how Jacob—now known as Israel—wrestled with God. I simply couldn’t understand what it meant. Until now…"
Key Quote: "There is a common thread throughout these passages: God is the God of Abraham. God is the God of Isaac. But, it does not say that God is the God of Israel until after he wrestled with God. You see, until Jacob had a divine wrestling match with God—until he had a very personal struggle with God—his faith was not cemented. It was not his own. Yes, he knew of his father’s faith. He had most definitely heard the stories of his grandfather’s faith. But, he was only living his faith vicariously through their faith; it had not been solidified in his life."
6. The Christian Bucket List: 50 Things to Do Before Heaven

6. The Christian Bucket List: 50 Things to Do Before Heaven
How many can you check off (or add to) this list created by everyone's favorite retired pastor Joe McKeever?
Key Quote: "43. Become a person of good humor and frequent laughter. Even though I'm personally gifted in the art of silliness, I don't recommend you go that far. But there are too many dead-serious Christians in the pews today, too little laughter, too few spontaneous smiles. I've not heard this in years, but people used to chide one another with, 'If you're happy, tell your face about it!' This is about two things: the sounds of joy coming from your mouth--words, laughter, positive words--and the appearance of your countenance, your facial expressions."
5. 3 Myths about Heaven Christians Should Stop Believing

5. 3 Myths about Heaven Christians Should Stop Believing
Joshua Ross and Jonathan Storment stirred up some fierce debate about the afterlife with this one!
Key Quote: "Hell isn’t the counter-point of Heaven, Earth is. This may sound like nothing more than a bit of interesting Bible trivia, but it’s a huge deal in the Scriptures. Heaven and earth were made together, they belong together, and God will ultimately reconcile Heaven to earth. In fact, he already is."
4. 3 Ways to Know If an Open Door is from God

4. 3 Ways to Know If an Open Door is from God
Cindi McMenamin has helped so many make their best decisions with the advice in this piece, reminding us, "the Bible gives us some principles to help us discern if an 'open door' or opportunity is really from God."
Key Quote: "The Door that God Opens Will Never Contradict His Word. Many Christians see opportunities to make more money as an open door from God, even though the opportunity means a job that will keep them from regular fellowship or service in their church. However, God's Word tells us not to neglect meeting together for worship (Hebrews 10:25). Some women have told me that they believe God opened a door to a dating relationship for them, even though it meant being in a situation where they were "unequally yoked" with an unbeliever, which Scripture also warns against (2 Corinthians 6:14). God will not lead you toward an opportunity that contradicts what he clearly says in his Word."
3. 8 Ways God Speaks to Us Today

3. 8 Ways God Speaks to Us Today
Rebecca Barlow Jordan's excellent 2012 article continues to be a requested one four years later!
Key Quote: "Does God speak to all of us the same way? No, we are all unique. Are these the only ways God speaks today? No. He’s a creative God. He speaks so many ways, including through miracles. In other countries where Christianity is taboo, God is also revealing Himself repeatedly through dreams."
2. 5 Indicators of an Evil and Wicked Heart

2. 5 Indicators of an Evil and Wicked Heart
This 2015 article from Leslie Vernick of the Association of Biblical Counselors continued to bring in the readers in 2016!
Key Quote: "The Bible clearly tells us that among God’s people there are wolves that wear sheep’s clothing. It’s true that every human heart is inclined toward sin, and that includes evil. We all miss God’s mark of moral perfection. However, most ordinary sinners do not happily indulge evil urges, nor do we feel good about having them."
1. 4 Things Every Christian Should Know about the Rapture

1. 4 Things Every Christian Should Know about the Rapture
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Our top Spiritual Life article of the year was by Dr. David Jeremiah on the topic of the end times.
Key Quote: "As wars and dissension among groups of people begin to escalate, we know it is a sign of Christ’s return. The book of Revelation tells us that the Tribulation Period is filled with war—ceaseless, unending, terrible war—that will escalate until the world is involved. The Bible says that as we move toward the End Times, there will be constant talk of conflicts, border skirmishes, race wars, and national battles."
Originally published December 22, 2016.