
7 Encouraging Resolutions to Make This Fall

Updated Sep 19, 2024
7 Encouraging Resolutions to Make This Fall

Normally when we think of resolutions, we think of New Year resolutions. At the beginning of each year, we try to work better on our health, our finances, or our relationships. While all of these things can be beneficial, most of us don’t keep up our resolutions throughout the year. By February, most of us have given up or completely forgotten our resolutions.

I’m not one for resolutions, but I am an advocate for positive change. If making a positive change in our life will help us, point us back to Jesus, or bring joy into our hearts, then there is no reason to not try out a few new resolutions. Fall time is the perfect time to start making resolutions even though it is not technically a new year. In truth, we don’t need to wait until a new year to start making positive changes in our life.

Instead, we can start now and begin our resolutions in the present season. Getting a head start and removing the stress of “new year, new you” can actually help us in many ways. There is no reason to wait until everyone else makes their resolutions in order to make our own. We can start today and begin to make positive changes in our lives now. Here are seven encouraging resolutions to make this fall.

Photo Credit: Lil Artsy/Unsplash 

1. Spend More Time with God

silhouette of person reading open Bible in nature with sunset background

It goes without saying, but it is a great resolution to start spending more time with God. If we reflect on our own lives, we face the sad reality that our lives are not in alignment with God. We are spending more time on our phones than we are spending with God. This is something that can convict us, but we must remember that conviction is a good thing. It brings us back to God and obedience to Him.

Spending more time with God can be done by being active in prayer, reading the Bible, and applying the Bible into our daily lives. By doing these things, we will be able to grow in our relationship with God and strengthen our walk with Him. Spending time with God is by far the greatest thing we can do each day. Set aside time each morning, afternoon, or evening to spend with Him.

It will prove to be fruitful, encouraging, and positive. Spending more time with God will bring a new outlook to your life. With time, you will start seeing things as God does and you will be more prone to live out His love in your life. Everything within your life will change the more you are devoted to God. God has great plans for all of our lives, but these plans cannot be fulfilled if we are neglecting spending time with Him.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/arkira 

2. Start Attending Church Regularly

a church building, Louisiana conference approves the disaffiliation of 95 UMC churches

Many of us, as Christians, do not go to church regularly. This can be due to many different reasons; however, the overarching reason is that we have been to a church in the past that didn’t treat us well. Since we were bullied, looked down upon, or abused at a church in the past, we are not prone to want to go back to church. This is completely understandable and valid. Once we have a bad experience with a church, it can be difficult to want to go back again.

If this is true for our own lives, we can start small and start watching online sermons or pre-recorded services. Trying out a few local online churches in our areas can give us an idea of what the church is like. The more we attend the church online, the more likely we will be to try the church in person. Give yourself time if you’ve had a very bad experience with a church in the past, but don’t avoid all churches forever. There are many great churches out there, but they can be hard to find.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Johnathan Kana 

3. Get Outside More

Woman with son and fall leaves

If there is something I would encourage everyone to do, it is to get outside more. Taking time to get outside and be active can radically change our lives. Getting outside and getting moving can help our physical health as well as our mental health. Taking a thirty-minute walk in the morning can help us get our heart pumping, give us fresh air, and bless us with a mood boost. Even if someone has not been very active in the past, taking a short walk can help you start enjoying movement again and take in God’s beautiful creation.

The fall time is the perfect time to get outside because it is not too hot and not too cold. With the changing colors of the leaves, there is no reason to miss out on the beautiful views of fall. God has created each season in its beauty, and we would be wise to appreciate these beautiful seasons. Take advantage of the cooler, crisp air and get outside more this fall. You might be surprised as to how much you will enjoy it and continue with this resolution throughout the upcoming year.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/SrdjanPav  

4. Go Somewhere New

Fall mom and daughter taking walk in nature

While not everyone has the privilege to travel overseas, most of us can take the opportunity to go somewhere new in our own city or in a surrounding city. This fall, try to go somewhere new each week. You can go by yourself, with your family, or with your friends. By taking time each week to go somewhere new, you could create new memories and find your new favorite place to spend an hour or so.

Going somewhere new can be exciting in the fall months because traveling with the beautiful blue skies above and the colorful leaves can bring a new mood into the air. There is something cozy and safe about fall that other seasons do not offer. Take advantage of this colorful and beautiful season by making the most of each day. Go somewhere new, try something new, or see something new. It will bring more joy into your life and the season.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AzmanL 

5. Make a New Friend

Group of friends eating outside fall leaves picnic autumn

A goal of mine each year used to be to make a new friend. While I did make new friends each year, it was rare to find someone who I could actually spend time with and be my true self. Finding true friends who genuinely like us is hard, yet fall time is a great time to try to make new friends. By joining a hiking group, a craft group, or a Bible group, we can make new friends who have similar interests as ourselves. 

When we are making new friends, we need to make sure we are making quality friendships. We don’t need another social media friend—we need someone who will truly be a good friend to us, point us back to Jesus, and be there for us on our hardest days. It will be difficult to find a friend like this, yet we can pray for God to guide us and help us to find these real friends. God is faithful, and He will lead us to the right friends in His perfect timing.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/bernardbodo 

6. Try to Intentionally Date

Happy couple laughing together walking in the fall

If you are not married or dating anyone at the present time, fall might be a good time to get back into the dating scene. However, when you do date, it needs to be intentional. Date with the intention that you want a long-term relationship and to see if it will turn into marriage. If you have been hurt in the past by someone you loved, know that your pain and heartache are all valid. God sees your pain, but He is not finished with your story yet. 

It could be this fall is when you will meet the love of your life. However, you will not meet them if you are hiding away in your room. Choose to step out in the faith of the Lord and ask Him to lead you to the right person. Jesus is faithful and He will guide you to who you should be with. When you find someone, continue to consult Jesus, ask Him to guide you, and to give you discernment.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/supersizer 

7. Make God the Top Priority of Your Life

Open Bible with a notebook and Fall leaves

A final encouraging resolution to make this year is to make God the top priority of your life. In addition to spending time with Him, we must also faithfully follow Him. By making God the top priority of our life, it means that He is more important than anything or anyone else in our life—and He is. He deserves all of our time and devotion. Making God the top priority in our life will make our life look different than others, but it will be far more rewarding.

God’s love for us is greater than any other love we will ever know. He sent His Son to die for our sins in order for us to be redeemed (John 3:16-17). With this truth in our hearts this fall season, we need to make every effort to stay focused on Him, follow Him, and be obedient to Him. Our love for Him will overflow into our actions and transform our lives to reflect Him.

Do you want to try any of these resolutions this fall season? Do you have other goals you are hoping to achieve? Join the conversation on Crosswalk Forums!

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/BNB Photo 

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate:

Originally published September 18, 2024.


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