The Fourth of July is quickly approaching, and it is the perfect time to pray for our country, our freedom, and our safety. While the Fourth of July is just another holiday for many people, it actually represents the freedom we have in America. By breaking away from England, we were able to have true freedom to speak, live, and believe. When we reflect on the Fourth of July this year, we need to remember to pray over this holiday and praise the Lord for giving us a wonderful country to call home.
Countless men and women have lost their lives in order to preserve our freedom. Rather than turning a deaf ear to this knowledge or pretending as though it is nothing major, we need to remember those who have fallen, as well as their families. The Fourth of July only exists because we are a free country. Not every country has this privilege and blessing, therefore, we must not forget where we have come from. Through the dedication of men and women, America remains free and as Christians, it is a safe place to practice our faith.
In order to preserve this freedom, we need to continue to pray to the Lord and ask for His help in guiding our country. The Lord is faithful and He will answer our prayers in accordance with His will (Romans 8:28). If you are not sure how to pray over this upcoming Fourth of July holiday, you have come to the right place. Here are six prayers to use on the Fourth of July as ways to pray over our beautiful country, America.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/fotostorm
1. A Prayer for Unity in Our Country

1. A Prayer for Unity in Our Country
Despite being built upon a united country, there is much discord and friction among individuals. Rather than striving for unity, it can feel as though everyone is hating one another for no reason at all. People are hated and ostracized because of the color of their skin, their gender, or their political party. In order to be a unified country, this needs to end.
Everyone is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This means that we are all equal. Regardless of a person's appearance or their socioeconomic background, everyone is equal. If we are going to be a county of unity, we have to recognize God as our leader, follow His Word, and apply His teachings into our lives. Without God being present, our efforts will be futile.
“Dear God, I come to You today, asking for unity in our country. For so long, there has been a lack of unity in America. Please help everyone to come together and be able to work together. We need unity, not discord. I give You all the praise, God. Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Delmaine Donson
2. A Prayer for Our Leaders

2. A Prayer for Our Leaders
The importance of praying for our leaders is found in Paul’s words, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
Within America, we have a president and a vice-president. We also have the House as well as governors and mayors. As Christians, the Fourth of July is a great reminder to pray for our leaders. We need to pray for God to give them guidance and that they will yield to His instruction, wisdom, and advice. Even though we cannot control whether or not a person will listen to God, we can pray on behalf of them.
Think about a leader within America who you believe needs prayer. Go to the Lord today and pray on behalf of this individual. Prayer might seem like a small drop in the ocean, but it can move mountains. Trust the Lord with the outcome and rest in His goodness. He will provide training and instruction to our leaders with the hope that they will follow Him faithfully.
“Dear Jesus, please help all of the leaders within the United States seek out Your wisdom. Give them discernment on what to do and how to best lead this country. You can do all things, and I know nothing is too hard for You. In Your Name, I pray, Amen.”
Photo Credit: Sara Cottle/Unsplash
3. A Prayer for Veterans and Those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

3. A Prayer for Veterans and Those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
In order to obtain and maintain our freedom, many veterans have lost their lives or limbs. Others have sustained post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We need to pray for veterans and those with PTSD in order to help them feel comforted, supported, and loved. It is all too common for veterans to be forgotten or not seen as important as active soldiers. This causes many people to lose respect for them.
Sadly, this can persist to the point where people ridicule veterans for being in wars because newer generations are not aware of the great sacrifices these veterans had to give. As individuals who are aware of their sacrifices, we need to pray for them. When we lift them up in prayer, we need to pray for their physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. This will bring glory to God because it shows our love and respect for those who have risked it all for our country.
“Dear God, I pray today for all veterans and those with PTSD. These individuals have seen terrible things, some of which they cannot forget. Please give them peace, comfort, and hope during this Fourth of July. Help them to be respected for the veterans they are. Thank You, Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/WellfordT
4. A Prayer for Active-Duty Soldiers

4. A Prayer for Active-Duty Soldiers
In addition to prayer for veterans and those with PTSD, we also need to pray for active-duty soldiers. Active-duty soldiers are those who are presently serving in America’s effort to protect the country. They are training other soldiers, teaching them skills, and helping them cultivate bravery. We don't know how stressful and hard life can be for them each day, therefore we need to pray for them.
There is no reason to see Fourth of July as a “everyday, normal” holiday when it is much more than this. Think about the soldiers who are serving across the world right now. They are fighting in order for us to retain our freedom and peace. As Christians, we need to pray for their well-being, health, and strength. It is impossible to know every need of every soldier, but a good place to start is to go to God in prayer on behalf of them.
“Dear God, please help all active duty soldiers in their endeavors to keep our country safe and secure. Please provide them with protection, safety, and comfort. They are fighting on the front lines and have been through many terrible things. Please be with them and give them strength. In Your Son’s Name, I pray, Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Bo Zaunders
5. A Prayer for Our Continued Freedom

5. A Prayer for Our Continued Freedom
The freedom we have today would not exist apart from Americans who have gone to war and emerged victorious. We don't need to take this freedom for granted because we are not promised eternal freedom in the present world. It could be that our present freedoms might be taken away at some point, similar to people who live in communist countries. This is why we need to pray for our continued freedom.
Continued freedom will mean future freedom of speech, religion, and press. As Christians, we particularly benefit from freedom of religion because we can practice our faith in Jesus without being persecuted. Many countries across the world do not have this same privilege as they could be killed if the government found out they were Christians. We need to pray for our continued freedom and ask the Lord to protect future generations from losing their freedom.
“Dear Jesus, I ask You today to continue to provide freedom to America. Things could change very quickly and we could become a country where there are strict rules on basic human rights. Please help there to be continued freedom within our country and a continued freedom to worship You without persecution. I praise You, Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/LynnSeeden
6. A Prayer for Safety on the Fourth of July

6. A Prayer for Safety on the Fourth of July
Lastly, it is also essentially important to pray for safety on the Fourth of July. It is common for fireworks to be set off on the Fourth of July, but sadly, many injuries can be a result of this summertime fun. In order to prevent this, we need to take the proper steps to equip ourselves, our family members, and our children with the proper supplies and safety precautions in order to have a safe Fourth of July. If any firework kit looks too advanced, we need to bypass it as it probably isn't worth the risk.
Stick with something smaller and safer. Sparklers are a good alternative when it comes to fireworks as they are not as dangerous. However, it is still important to be careful of the hot substance that emits from the sparkler. Overall, they are very safe for individuals of all ages to use, but just make sure everyone is holding their sparklers out away from them, in order to prevent any burns.
“Dear Jesus, I pray this Fourth of July that everyone will be kept safe. The Fourth of July is known to be a holiday where everyone sets off fireworks and this can quickly become dangerous if proper safety measures are not being utilized. Please protect everyone as they are enjoying their Fourth of July and help them to remember to be safe. Thank You, Lord. Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AleksandarNakic
Originally published July 01, 2024.