The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16), revealing prayer is a central call for Christ’s disciples. What should every Christian pray about regularly?
Jesus is the great High Priest, the intercessor before God’s throne. When we are born again, the Spirit of Christ, the intercessor, resides within us. With Christ in us and us in him at the Father’s right hand, we each have become intercessors and priests (Revelation 1:5-6).
Through prayer, we serve God and one another in love. The disciples asked Jesus about prayer, and along with what we call the Lord’s Prayer, the Son of God told stories about the importance of persistence in prayer, like the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8). Jesus’ disciples are called to endure in prayer.
Let us take up our role as priests and intercessors with joy and confidence, blessing ourselves and others with the desire for good and eternal things. Pray these prayers individually and also corporately. The Father’s house is a house of prayer, according to the Son (Luke 19:46), and we are his house. His family and his temple in this world. Let us take this role seriously and be persistent in prayer for the good of all.
Here are seven prayers every Christian should pray regularly.
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1. Pray for Gratitude and Praise

1. Pray for Gratitude and Praise
Jesus began the Lord’s Prayer, his teaching model, praising the Father. We enter his courts and presence with thanksgiving and praise (Psalm 100:4), the secret to appropriately approaching God. By acknowledging God’s goodness, faithfulness, and provision, we cultivate a spirit of thankfulness and reverence, strengthening their connection with Him.
These prayers of praise remind us of God’s sovereignty and majesty. When we intentionally lift our voices in praise, we magnify God’s greatness and acknowledge His power and authority over all creation. This recognition helps us to maintain a proper eternal perspective on a foundational truth: only God is worthy of praise.
Bringing gratitude cultivates a spirit of joy and contentment within our hearts. We are uplifted and encouraged, even amidst trials and difficulties. Gratitude has been shown to have numerous psychological and emotional benefits, promoting well-being and resilience.
With the foundation of worship and praise, our hearts are ready to be aligned with God’s will and purposes. Here, we surrender our desires and preferences to God’s complete plan (for us and others). This submission leads to greater peace, fulfillment, and spiritual growth.
Our prayers of gratitude and praise serve as a witness to others. When we publicly acknowledge God’s goodness and faithfulness, we testify to His power and grace, inspiring others to seek and glorify Him.
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2. Prayer for the Kingdom to Come

2. Prayer for the Kingdom to Come
“Your Kingdom come, your will be done,” Jesus continues after magnifying his Father. The first statement is a desire for God’s perfect realm to come and encounter our lives and the world. The Kingdom brings us the healing and love we long for, and God seeks to give us this amazing gift.
Praying for the Kingdom reflects a longing for God’s reign of righteousness, justice, and peace to be fulfilled on earth as it is in heaven. With our hearts submitted to his plan, we are empowered to desire the Kingdom and participate in God’s redemptive work in the world. Through prayer, we express our desire to see the Lord’s will accomplished and his glory revealed among all nations. God motivates us to actively engage in acts of love, mercy, and justice to advance the Kingdom on earth.
Focusing on the Kingdom of God reminds us that earthly kingdoms and power are temporary. We place our ultimate hope and trust in God and heaven rather than human systems or institutions, which will only fail.
This desire for the Kingdom encourages unity among all Christians across denominational lines and cultural divides. Regardless of our differences, we should unite in the shared longing for the Kingdom. This unity is a witness to the world and a launching pad for evangelism and mission efforts to share the Kingdom with others.
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3. Pray for Personal Strength and Faithfulness

3. Pray for Personal Strength and Faithfulness
We don’t pray in our power but need God’s grace and strength to be faithful. We seek God’s strength with humility, acknowledging our dependence on him and inviting his presence to sustain us in times of weakness and temptation.
Our dependence upon God brings us into a deeper intimacy with God. As we bring our needs and struggles before him in prayer, we develop a relationship characterized by trust, truth, and vulnerability. This intimacy strengthens our faith and resolve to remain faithful to God’s will and purposes.
Praying for personal strength and faithfulness equips us to fulfill our God-given responsibilities and calling. Whether in their roles as spouses, parents, employees, or church members, we encounter numerous challenges requiring perseverance, wisdom, and integrity.
We have an enemy who seeks to keep us from prayer’s power and fulfilling our Christ-given calling. Praying for more grace from God enables us to resist temptation and overcome spiritual battles. In a world marked by sin and temptation, we face constant pressure to compromise faith and values. Through prayer, we can access the spiritual armor and weapons necessary to stand firm against the enemy’s schemes and remain faithful to God’s commands.
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4. Pray for Family and Friends

4. Pray for Family and Friends
As Jesus prayed for his disciples, praying blessings for loved ones reflects the biblical command to love and care for one another. We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, and praying for the well-being and prosperity of family and friends is a tangible expression of this love.
We must pay attention to those closest to us, whether a spouse, children, or parents. These are our first responsibility in prayer. Next, consider other areas where we have relationships or influence (such as work or social groups). These connections are opportunities to invite God into other’s lives.
These prayers strengthen relationships and unity within the Christian community. Lifting loved ones in prayer demonstrates our commitment to supporting and encouraging one another in our faith journey. Interceding for family and friends invites God’s favor and provision into their lives. As we entrust our loved ones into God’s care, we acknowledge his sovereignty and trust in his ability to meet their needs and fulfill his purposes in their lives.
With our trust in God to do the work, we can now be agents of God’s love and compassion in the world, partnering with God’s work of redemption and restoration, bringing hope, healing, and transformation to others in real, practical ways. Praying for blessings for family and friends aligns our hearts with God’s desire to bless and prosper his people.
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5. Pray for The Unsaved

5. Pray for The Unsaved
God so loved the world he gave his Son for eternal life instead of death. He cares for the salvation for all, and we must pray for those we know who aren’t following Christ. We begin by taking stock of people we know and interacting with unsaved people, possibly writing down a list. Repentance and faith are gifts from God, and our prayers help God give those eternal gifts to others.
These prayers demonstrate our love and compassion towards those who are spiritually lost, expressing our genuine concern for their eternal destiny and well-being. This practice reflects Jesus Christ’s love and compassion, who came to seek and save the lost.
Praying for the unsaved acknowledges prayer’s power to change people’s lives. Often, we feel helpless when we think of other’s suffering, but as we intercede, we partner with God in his work of drawing people to Himself. Prayer can soften hearts, open minds, and break down barriers to the gospel, paving the way for individuals to receive the message of salvation.
Furthermore, praying for the unsaved empowers us to be effective witnesses to Christ. As we pray for the unsaved, we are equipped with boldness, wisdom, and opportunities to share the gospel message with others. Prayer prepares us to be instruments of God’s grace and truth in reaching the lost with the message of salvation.
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6. Pray for the Church

6. Pray for the Church
God uses the Body of Christ to bring truth and hope to the world, and our prayers should be for the church, both local and universal, to fulfill that call properly and powerfully.
Praying for the church reflects a commitment to unity and fellowship among believers. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to love and support one another, and praying for the church strengthens the bonds of unity and community within the body. The apostle Paul regularly prayed for churches as he wrote to them (Ephesians 1:15-20). By seeking God’s presence and power to be poured out on the church, we invite a spirit of renewal, revival, and transformation within its midst.
Praying for the church empowers us to fulfill our collective mission and purpose. By interceding for the church, we seek God's guidance, wisdom, and empowerment for its ministries, outreach efforts, and discipleship initiatives. Being on a mission, we have an enemy, and these prayers acknowledge the spiritual battles the Church faces. In prayer, we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters against the forces of darkness. As God raises up leaders and pastors for the church, we should also pray for their integrity and strength to teach and facilitate the mission of the Body of Christ (1 Timothy 2:1-2). The Devil attacks them, too.
Interceding for the Body of Christ demonstrates faith in God’s ability to build and sustain his church.
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7. Government Leaders

7. Government Leaders
Beyond the church and our personal lives, God also raises the leaders of worldly nations and kingdoms, whether we like them or not. In a democratic republic like America, realizing God’s sovereignty over who becomes a president or king may be difficult, but he remains in charge.
In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, we are instructed to pray for “kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”
We seek blessings for everyone, loving our neighbor, and leaders can do good or harm. Our prayers for government leaders promote welfare and prosperity. We seek the Father’s guidance and favor upon their decisions and actions. This prayer acknowledges the immense responsibility placed upon leaders to govern justly, promote righteousness, and protect the rights and freedoms of all citizens.
This encourages us to have a spirit of humility and unity. As we lift leaders in prayer, we set aside personal biases and grievances, recognizing the importance of honoring and respecting those in authority. This practice promotes reconciliation and cooperation within society, leading to greater harmony and stability.
Along with this humility, we learn compassion and empathy for our leaders. They are human and vulnerable to spiritual attack. On more practical levels, they are confronted with complex challenges, competing interests, and moral dilemmas. By praying for them, we offer spiritual support and protection against the forces of darkness and worldly adversity.
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Originally published February 21, 2024.