
10 Prayers for Earth Day

Updated Apr 25, 2024
10 Prayers for Earth Day

Prayer is the open line of communication with God. He is always listening and hearing the prayers of His people. Prayers of thanksgiving, lament, questions, repentance, and more are spoken, written, signed, and shared worldwide. God has told us in Scripture that He will never leave or forsake His creations. We can share our innermost thoughts and emotions with the Father. Sometimes, we can be specific when we pray. Other times, the words may not come, but God knows our hearts and what is needed.

As children of God, we are called to care for each other and the Earth. Through our words and actions, we can show others the love of God. Taking care of the Earth is one way to share His love and to show God honor and respect for the blessings He has provided.

How can we take care of the Earth and everything God has given? Start with Earth Day prayers. Pause, reflect, and give thanksgiving to God. His creations are glorious and more than we can comprehend. Praise be to the Father! His mercies are new each day. As we pray for the Earth and everything God gives on this Earth Day, may we find a deeper relationship with God.

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1. Earth Day Prayers Thanking God for His Creations Great and Small

deer in beautiful nature landscape by river, earth day prayers

Dear Father, Thank You for Your creations. From the smallest to the largest, we thank You. Scripture tells how You chose the time and ways to create and share each creation. You meticulously and with great care formed everything on the earth.

Thank You for loving us so intensely that even the smallest details were formed through Your love and mercy. You are found in everything, from the stars in the sky to the tiniest of creatures. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

“For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities: all things have been created through him and for him.” (Colossians 1:16 NIV)

Lord God, the first words in Scripture tell that You created the heavens and the earth. You brought forth light and separated the light from the darkness. You separated water from water. Father, You made the sky, the seas, and the land. God, You called the land to produce vegetation. You made the sun, moon, and stars. You gave us living creatures such as birds and wild animals.

Then, man and woman were made in the image of You and called to rule over the livestock. God, You blessed the man and woman and instructed them to care for everything.

From the tiniest ant to the largest ocean, You have given us ways to learn about the Earth and how to take care of our surroundings. Thank You, Father.

In His Name, Amen.

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2. Earth Day Prayers for the Earth

earth, earth day prayers

Heavenly Father, we give thanks to You for creating the Earth. Scientists and historians try to learn and keep records of the ever-changing environment and its inhabitants. Please forgive us when we don’t show love to the Earth. Forgive us when disagreements about how to take care of the earth arise, and solutions are put aside. Forgive us when we think our ways are the best. Remind us that Your way is what we need. We sin when we misuse the Earth and litter trash. Those actions and more dishonor the blessings You have given to us. Help us learn ways to care for the Earth and share those methods with people of all ages. Amen.

“In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of mankind.” (Job 12:10 NIV)

Lord, help us to remember that we can go to You in every moment and seek peace and comfort. When times arise, and we are worried about the planet and the world, lead us to Scripture and remind us to go to You in prayer. Fill us with the peace that only You can give.

Please aid us in remembering the importance of everything You have made and give us wisdom, discernment, and revelation in caring for the Earth. Assist each person to find ways to care for Your Earth.

Thank You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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3. Earth Day Prayers for Earth Day Activities

person planting small flower butterfly coming close to flower, earth day prayers

Holy Father, with each new day that dawns, may we remember the love and care You show for Your creations. Help us to take care of Your Earth through prayers and actions. Remind us of the importance of taking care of the Earth. Guide us to pause and consider ways to celebrate the Earth through activities and prayers.

As we gather with family, friends, and strangers, remind us of the ways we can honor You. If we celebrate Earth Day alone, may we remember You are always with us. Help us to pray before, during, and after every Earth Day activity. As we gather in person and online, remind us to share Your love and glory with everyone.

Thank You, Lord, Amen.

“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.” (Psalms 96:11 NIV)

Dear God, be with us as we gather to pick up trash in neighborhoods. Aid the conversations to include You and how to show Your love. Fill our minds with creativity in artwork such as cards and posters reminding everyone about Earth Day. Remind us to learn about recycling in our community and to share that information with neighbors. Show us how to use items to make homemade bird feeders. Guide those who feel led to join local and national groups that teach about the environment and Earth Day. Please give us the words to teach each generation how to care for the Earth.

In Your Name, Amen.

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4. Earth Day Prayers to Say in Church

Church congregation; earth day prayers

Lord God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, we come to You with thanksgiving and praise. Thank You for making the Earth. We may not understand the intricacies and uniqueness of how everything is made. But we know Your creations are filled with purpose, love, and details. As Scripture shares, You made each thing and declared goodness.

We ask for Your forgiveness and mercy when we don’t show honor and respect to the Earth. We sin. We waste supplies. We don’t pause to remember how much You love us and how we should respond to that love. Forgive us. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.” (Psalms 24:1-2 NIV)

Father Almighty, in church and the community, may we find useful opportunities and show others how to care for the Earth. May we begin at home and in church by seeking ways to keep the Earth clean and healthy. You have called us to be good stewards of everything provided. 

May we walk this journey with You and remember that You are the Creator and Sustainer. As each person worships at home and in church, as we work at home or in the community, and as we journey through life, it leads us to know You and Your Word more. Amen.

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5. Earth Day Prayers for Communities

peoples hands holding young plants, earth day prayers

God, maker of all creation, thank You for giving us a community of believers on this Earth. Thank You for loving each creation and for seeking us when we stray. Be with every community and remind us to take care of Your earth and every blessing You give. Bring friends and strangers together. Form new friendships and show us how to show compassion and love to everything You make. From humans to animals, from birds to fish, from water to soil, and much more, remind us to find ways to share love. On this Earth Day and every day, cover us with Your love, peace, comfort, and protection. May our words and actions show Your love to all. In His Name, Amen.

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” (Colossians 4:2 NIV)

Father, forgive us for not caring for the Earth as You called us. Chemicals fill waterways, trash gathers in communities, and we neglect what You have asked of us. Lord, be with us as we learn from our mistakes and grow in faith. Give us strength, stamina, courage, wisdom, and discernment to take care of the Earth. Your mercies are new every day. May we show Your love by taking special care of the community. As we look to the sky and the land, lead us to feel Your love. Thank You, Father. Amen.

On this and every April 22nd, may we celebrate Earth Day by giving thanks to God. Look for ways in your neighborhood, community, and church to take care of the Earth and celebrate God’s love. We can make every day a time to give thanks for God’s love and blessings.

In His Name,

Melissa Henderson

RELATED PODCAST: In honor of Earth Day, enjoy an episode about the philosophy of mindful consumption and ethical living.

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Melissa HendersonAward-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages sometimes laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals, and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. 

Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister. 

Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at

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Originally published March 27, 2024.