Statistics show that only one percent of marriages where the couple prays together every day, end in divorce. Prayer contains power to change and transform, as we call upon the only person who can do anything good—God. Regularly praying for and with your spouse improves the relationship, providing strength to endure life’s hardships and follow God’s call.
Given prayer’s benefits and power, one of the best ways to love our spouse is to pray for them as well as with them. And wives have a special opportunity to pray for their husbands.
Men have it rough today. They have much higher rates of loneliness, depression, addiction, and suicide than women. As husbands goes out into a world and faces spiritual, emotional, and physical resistance, they need their wives’ prayers.
The world needs men whose hearts have come alive—who see their lives’ meaning, purpose, and end. Discouraged, defeated men are dangerous to themselves and others. Whole-hearted men protect, heal, and inspire. This only happens through Christ. Christ gives all who follow him a new heart and reconciles us back to his purpose in our lives. Your husband needs this to be the man God has called him to be, and your marriage, family, local church, and community will see the benefits.
But what should those prayers be? If you’re a wife, here are 10 prayers your husband needs you to pray for him.
Photo Credit:©GettyImages/olegbreslavtsev