The beauty standards of today emphasize extreme thinness, a specific type of hair and eye color, and flawless skin. Societal standards such as these have always been unrealistic. They cause women to starve themselves and spend excessive amounts of money on beauty products. But these standards do not just stay in the secular world—they cross over to the Christian world as well. Sadly, nobody is safe from these unrealistic standards.
The world tries to tell us that if we have the “perfect” body, “perfect” hair, and “perfect” skin, that we will be happy in life. This is a lie in a twofold sense; for one, nobody can be “perfect” in any way. Secondly, this is a lie because having the “perfect” body, hair, and skin will not ensure our happiness, nor is it a measurement of true beauty. Even though these things are what the world calls beautiful, it does not mean it is in alignment with the Bible.
By reflecting upon 1 Peter 3, we will learn what the Bible says about beauty, how to apply God’s definition of beauty to our lives, and how to equip others with the same knowledge. The world has a distorted view of beauty, but we can turn to the Lord whenever we need encouragement. Jesus teaches us that we are beautiful just as we are, and it is time to embrace this truth.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Marco_Piunti
1. What Does the Bible Say about Beauty?

1. What Does the Bible Say about Beauty?
The Bible has a radically different view of beauty compared to the world. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” As the Apostle Peter tells us, our beauty does not come from outward appearance, elaborate hairstyles, or the wearing of fancy jewelry or special clothes.
Instead, our beauty comes from inside—the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. This type of beauty is seen as great worth in God’s sight. God says we are beautiful because of our hearts, not because of our outward appearance. As women, we are taught from a young age that our worth comes from our appearance. If we are not deemed as “beautiful” by others, we feel we have to “improve” ourselves.
Dear friend, if you have ever felt this way, know that you are beautiful because of your heart for the Lord. Even if others have said hurtful things to you in the past, it does not reflect who you are. You are beautiful, wonderful, and worthy just as you are. Don’t listen to the lies of the world. Choose to find comfort in what God says over what the world says.
The Bible contains the truth. Focus on adorning yourself with a beautiful heart of service to others and love for God. This is the true measure of beauty compared to the toxic beauty standards of today.
Sadly, many men look at the outward appearance, and far too many women change themselves to try to attract a husband. If this speaks to you, leave this practice behind. The right man will be led to you by God and he will love you for you. Don’t settle for less! Choose to spend the time you have now in singleness for God, and trust that God will bring the right man at the right time. Don’t rush things—wait on God perfect timing.
Prayer: “Dear Jesus, thank You for revealing to me what true beauty looks like. My beauty does not come from my outward appearance—it comes from my inner beauty. Help me to cultivate my inner beauty and to not define myself by my appearance. In Your Name, I pray, Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/zGel
2. How Can I Apply Biblical Beauty Standards to My Life?

2. How Can I Apply Biblical Beauty Standards to My Life?
Start by distancing yourself from the toxic diet culture and toxic beauty standards of the world. Embrace a biblical definition of beauty and focus on cultivating your heart for the Lord. You can apply the teachings of 1 Peter 3:3-4 by taking time to work on your heart. Cultivate the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
Turn to the Lord in prayer and obey His teachings. Allow His Word to transform your heart and lead you into following Him more faithfully. God will hear your prayers and direct your steps. It bring God joy to know that you want to embrace His definition of beauty. Truthfully, only God’s definition matters.
Apply this truth in your life today and see how big a difference it will make. No longer do you have to be constrained to the unrealistic expectations of the world. Foster your inner beauty and listen to what God says instead of the world. What makes you beautiful is your heart, not your outward appearance.
Prayer: “Dear Jesus, please help me to apply this knowledge into my life. Help me to embrace a biblical definition of beauty and to turn to You when I’m struggling. You say I’m beautiful and this is all that matters. Help me to reflect on this truth instead of worrying about what the world says. Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Priscilla-du-preez
3. Can I Teach Others about the Biblical Definition of Beauty?

3. Can I Teach Others about the Biblical Definition of Beauty?
Once you have received the knowledge of 1 Peter 3:3-4, you will want to share this truth with others. It will help more people to deconstruct the beauty standards of today and cause them to reconsider what beauty actually means.
Help other women to know what true, biblical beauty looks like. It might be revolutionary for them. Most women have spent their entire lives in pursuit of “perfect” beauty. They have done dangerous diets, spent so much money on hair products and salon trips, and have bought expensive jewelry and clothes, all just to fit in with the pressures of the world.
Hopefully with time, women in the secular world will be able to lean into a biblical meaning of beauty and also be released from the chains of irrational standards. In truth, sharing God’s definition of beauty could lead many women to become more interested in Jesus. Utilize this opportunity wisely and share the love of Jesus with them in your confidence, kind words, and actions.
Everyone deserves to live a life freed of the obsessions of the world. We can provide this gift to others by sharing God’s definition of beauty with believers and unbelievers alike. Never doubt God’s work in your life and the wonderful things He can do through you. Keep extending grace, kindness, and love in your actions to others.
Prayer: “Dear Jesus, I want to share the knowledge You have given me with others. Equip me with the tools, resources, and bravery to share a biblical definition of beauty with the women in my life. Use my words and actions to help other women know they don’t have to be held in this bondage anymore. I praise You, Amen.”
Photo Credit: ©Sparrowstock
4. How Can I Keep My Mind Focused on What God Says Rather Than the World?

4. How Can I Keep My Mind Focused on What God Says Rather Than the World?
There are many things in this world that will try to make us feel bad about ourselves. Rather than feeding into those things, we need to keep our minds focused on God and what He says. To stay focused on what God says rather than the world can be hard, yet it is what we must do. The more we study and memorize the Word, the more apt we will be at applying what it says.
Each time a negative thought about yourself pops into your mind, talk back to it with Scripture. Use 1 Peter 3:3-4 as an outline to talk back to these thoughts and ask for God's help in prayer. Whenever your own thoughts or what someone else says creeps into your heart, give it over to God. Ask Him to help you remember who He says you are. The world is full of lies and we would be wise to listen to God instead of the world.
Prayer: “Dear God, please help me to listen to You rather than the world. The world tries to tell me many falsehoods, but I'm choosing to trust You instead. Help me to continue to do this throughout my life. In Your Name, I pray, Amen.”
Photo Credit: © Unsplash/elisa-ph
5. Will My Beauty Fade?

5. Will My Beauty Fade?
Similar to outer beauty, inner beauty can fade if it is not cultivated. We can retain our inner beauty by continuing to follow the Lord and His teachings as outlined in 1 Peter 3:3-4.
As we get older and continue to cultivate our inner beauty, we will become even more wise and helpful to younger generations. Even though the world thinks outer beauty is all that matters, we know this is not true. A person’s outer beauty says nothing about their heart’s condition. However, a person’s inner beauty tells of their love for the Lord and their desire to serve Him above all else.
Prayer: “Dear Lord, please help me to cultivate my inner beauty, and to continue to follow You. I don't want my inner beauty to struggle because I'm too obsessed with how I look on the outside. The inside is truly all that matters. Amen.”
Photo Credit: Unsplash/AlexandraFuller
Originally published February 19, 2025.