God wants you to take good care of your spiritual health. You likely have many ways of staying spiritually healthy, from praying and reading the Bible to worshiping God in church and serving people in your community. But what about your physical health? You may think that your physical health isn’t as important as your spiritual health because your body is temporary while your soul is eternal.
However, the Bible makes it clear that your body matters to God. He created you as a whole being – body, and soul – and calls you to honor him with all aspects of your life, including how you care for your health. If you want to honor God, you must take care of the body he has given you.
Here are seven reasons why you should care about your physical health as much as your spiritual health.
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1. Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit

1. Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit
Many people think of their bodies as separate from their spiritual lives, but the Bible teaches that the body is a sacred place for your spirit and God’s Spirit to live here on Earth. The Bible emphasizes in 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” Treating your body directly impacts your ability to love and serve God.
Just as ancient Israelites revered the Jerusalem temple, you are called to care for your body, where the Holy Spirit lives. Imagine visiting a church that has been neglected and is falling apart. It would be hard for you to worship there, and it would discourage other people from coming, too. In the same way, when you neglect your health – through a poor diet, lack of exercise or sleep, or other unhealthy habits – you’re failing to respect the temple God has trusted you to care for well. Respecting your body doesn’t mean you idolize or become obsessed with it. It just means that you make intentional choices to honor God with how you treat yourself. Eating nutritious food, staying physically active, getting enough sleep, and avoiding substances that harm you are all ways you can show reverence for the body God has given you.
Caring for your body is an act of worship; Romans 12:1 points out: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, because of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” Each healthy choice to take good care of your body honors it as the sacred place it is – a spiritual temple.
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2. Physical Discipline Reflects Spiritual Discipline

2. Physical Discipline Reflects Spiritual Discipline
The Bible speaks often about the importance of self-control and discipline. In 1 Corinthians 9:27, the Bible says: “No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” The Apostle Paul, who wrote that verse, understood that bodily discipline was necessary to keep growing spiritually. Just as your spiritual growth requires consistent efforts – such as prayer and meditation habits and a commitment to live a holy life – your physical health also depends on your daily choices.
Developing healthy habits like regular exercise, mindful eating, and getting enough rest strengthens your ability to practice discipline in other areas of life. Physical discipline and spiritual discipline go together. The Bible points out in 1 Timothy 4:8: “for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”
When you take control of your health, you develop the self-control that helps you stay committed to God’s commands. Proverbs 25:28 warns: “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.” Without discipline, both your spiritual and physical well-being can suffer. By honoring God with your body through disciplined choices, you strengthen your health and your walk with God. The same self-control that can help you resist unhealthy food choices can help you resist temptations to sin. The same consistency that builds strong muscles can also create a strong prayer life.
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3. You Can Fight Anxiety and Sadness When You’re Physically Healthy

3. You Can Fight Anxiety and Sadness When You’re Physically Healthy
Your mental and physical health are deeply connected. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep can help you relieve the anxiety and sadness you feel. While faith in God is the foundation of your peace, caring for your body can help you better manage stress and emotional challenges. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages you to pray about your concerns and trust God to send you peace: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
God will answer your prayer no matter what, but if you’re physically healthy, you can experience God’s peace more fully. If you neglect your health, you may find it harder to manage stress or to focus on your faith in ways that help you be emotionally resilient. Caring for your body gives you a strong foundation for emotional and spiritual well-being. That will allow you to approach life’s challenges with greater strength and trust in God.
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4. Physical Health Affects Your Ability to Serve Others

4. Physical Health Affects Your Ability to Serve Others
Jesus has called you to love and serve others, but doing so successfully involves physical strength and endurance. If you’re constantly tired or struggling with preventable health issues, it becomes harder to care for your family and friends or even to complete basic daily tasks. You certainly can’t help others in need when you’re unwell yourself. Paul encourages you in Galatians 6:9: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Caring for your physical health helps ensure you don’t grow weary too soon. God has placed specific callings on your life, and maintaining your well-being allows you to serve with energy and perseverance. Jesus himself showed the need for physical endurance in ministry. He walked long distances, spent hours teaching, and served tirelessly.
But Jesus also took time to rest. Following Jesus’ example, you should intentionally maintain your body’s strength for the work God has called you to do. Every day, make it a high priority to get the rest you need, exercise, eat well, and stay away from substances that harm your body (like alcohol, tobacco, and junk food). You can’t serve others well if your physical health is depleted. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus reminds you: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Taking care of your body isn’t selfish – it allows you to serve others with strength.
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5. Being Physically Strong Helps You Worship God through Obedience

5. Being Physically Strong Helps You Worship God through Obedience
Worship is much more than just participating in a weekly worship service in the church; it includes how you live your entire life and care for your body. Romans 12:1 urges you: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” God created you purposefully, and how you treat your body reflects your gratitude for the life God has given you. When you choose to take good care of your God-given body, you’re showing respect for God’s creation.
On the other hand, neglecting your physical health can interfere with your ability to worship God because being unwell can distract you from focusing on God and God’s purposes for your life. Taking good care of your body helps you honor God through your choices. When you maintain good physical health, you are strong enough to fulfill the work God has called you to do – from serving in ministry through your church to simply being present for your friends and family when they need you. Your physical well-being is integral to being ready to say “yes” to doing what God wants you to do daily. Being prepared to respond when God calls you to do something is integral to worshiping God.
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6. Your Energy Levels Affect Your Spiritual Growth

6. Your Energy Levels Affect Your Spiritual Growth
When you’re constantly exhausted, it becomes difficult to do what you need to do to keep growing spiritually. You may struggle to stay awake while reading the Bible, feel too drained to engage in prayer, or lack the stamina to attend church and serve in ministry. Isaiah 40:31 reminds you: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”
God is ready to empower you with fresh energy, but your body needs to be well to receive that energy entirely. Neglecting your health can make it harder to be present for your spiritual growth, just as it would interfere with your ability to complete any other task. Taking good care of your body gives you the physical strength to practice spiritual disciplines that help you connect with God, such as prayer, meditation, and reading and studying the Bible. When you have physical energy, your mind is clearer, and your heart is more open than if you were unwell. That will help you grow spiritually since God’s design connects every part of you.
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7. A Healthy Lifestyle Sets a Good Example for Others

7. A Healthy Lifestyle Sets a Good Example for Others
As a Christian, you’re called to be a light to those around you. How you live – including how you care for your body – sets an example for others. Your choices reflect your values and commitment to honoring God in every area of your life. The Bible encourages you in 1 Timothy 4:12: “Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.”
Your conduct includes the way you treat your body. Your family, friends, and other people will notice if you make healthy decisions. You’ll show them that honoring God is a commitment in every part of your life, not just in some areas. You’ll also show them that you’re grateful for the life God has given you – including a strong body to use to live to the fullest. Your healthy choices can inspire others to take good care of their bodies and live faithfully in every part of their lives.
In conclusion, God designed you as a whole person – body and soul – and calls you to honor him in every area of your life. Caring for your physical health is as important as caring for your spiritual health because every part of you is sacred and connected. Every choice to take good care of your physical health is an act of worship to the God who created you. So, commit to caring for your body as much as your soul. Then, you can live to the fullest and serve God well!
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Originally published March 13, 2025.