As a Christian woman, I have often struggled to find inner calm. Due to always being stressed over various life situations, my heart is in a state of anxiety most days. Worries, fears, and stressors consume me to the point that I go months or years without feeling truly calm. If you are also feeling this same way today, know you are not alone. Christian women across the world struggle with experiencing inner calmness, but this does not have to be the narrative forever. There are many things we can do to change this, such as implementing strategies to help us.
Finding inner calm does not have to be difficult for us as Christian women. Although it can feel challenging at times, inner calm is not far from each of us. We can find it in the gentle song of the birds in the morning or a hug from a loved one. There are many things that can help us find inner calm, but we have to be intentionally looking for them.
Even at the most stressful times, we can have inner calmness. We don’t have to invest in an expensive book or follow along with a social media influencer in order to experience inner calm. Instead, we can look no further than the Lord, the Bible, and spiritual disciplines. All of these things can cultivate a heart of calmness in our life.
Through implementing these strategies, we will have inner calm as Christian women. There will still be times of anxiety and unrest; however, we will be able to handle these difficult times better. If you are interested in finding inner calm as a Christian woman, keep reading. Here are five strategies to help you find inner calmness.
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1. Following Jesus

1. Following Jesus
The world tries to sell us many gimmicks about inner peace and inner calmness. Instead of listening to the teachings of the world, we need to turn to the Bible and listen to what God has to say. The key to finding inner calm in our life is through Jesus. The Lord tells us directly, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).
As the Lord tells us in this passage, He has given us peace through Him. His peace is everlasting and abounding. We can have peace and calmness by turning to Him. Jesus gives us peace without measure and never will He remove His peace from our hearts.
Notice with John 14:27 that He says “I do not give to you as the world gives.” Keep this in mind when the world tries to tell us we can find calmness apart from Jesus. The Lord gives peace to us without measure, yet the world charges us for peace through advice, social media influencers, and self-help books.
As Christian women, we can find inner calm through the Lord and following Him. The more we trust in Jesus and find comfort in Him, the more we will experience inner calmness. Turn to the Lord today and truly find inner calm. The moment you turn to the Lord, you will find comfort, peace, and serenity.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Fa Barboza
2. Meditating on the Bible

2. Meditating on the Bible
Finding inner calm cannot be accomplished apart from reading the Bible and meditating on it. In order to experience true inner calm from Bible reading and meditation, we have to slow down. We cannot rush through our Bible reading nor can we skim over passages. Rather, we need to carve out time in our day to read the Bible, meditate on what it is saying, and to apply it into our lives.
As we are meditating on the Bible, we need to truly reflect on what we are reading. We need to ask ourselves:
- What is this Bible passage saying?
- How does this apply to my life right now?
- What is God trying to tell me through this passage?
By answering these questions, we will be able to meditate on God’s Word. Focus on what it is saying, lean into its truth, and accept its beautiful teachings. Stay focused on reading the Bible and meditate on it, and you will find inner calm. The inner calm that comes from Bible reading and meditation cannot be compared to anything else. Lasting calmness will be present in our hearts.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Bethany Laird
3. Developing Spiritual Fruits, Especially Patience

3. Developing Spiritual Fruits, Especially Patience
A very helpful strategy when it comes to finding inner calm as Christian women is developing spiritual fruits, especially patience. Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and it cannot be cultivated apart from the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. By allowing the Holy Spirit to develop this fruit in our lives, we will be able to have an inner calm.
Even on our most hectic days we can be calm because of patience. Patience enables us to tolerate delays without being upset. If we are not able to tolerate delays or changes in our life, we will never experience inner calmness or inner peace. As we allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate this fruit in our life, we can rest in the sure promise that it will help us to remain calm in any and every situation.
The Holy Spirit is the One who develops spiritual fruit inside of us; however, we still need to be listening to His kind nudges. By listening to the Holy Spirit and relying on Him, the spiritual fruits will begin to grow in our lives and soon they will become blooming aspects of our Christian walk. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop patience today and He will help you.
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4. Going to the Lord in Prayer and Resting in His Serenity

4. Going to the Lord in Prayer and Resting in His Serenity
If we are not going to the Lord in prayer, we will not find inner calm. Our souls and hearts will be restless, never able to calm down. Praise the Lord that we don’t have to live without having access to Him through prayer. Whenever we are in need of inner calm, we can directly go to Jesus in prayer. We can ask Him for the beautiful blessing of inner calm as well as pour our hearts out to Him and praise Him for all that He does.
Prayer is multifunctional as we can tell Jesus anything we want. Whatever is causing you to have a lack of calm today, go to the Lord in prayer and tell Him about. A short time after you pray, you will start to have an inner sense of calm. Your heart will slow down from anxious thoughts and you will be able to sit still without worrying.
Allow the Lord to bring your inner calm today. Rest in His serenity and find comfort in His goodness. Never feel guilty for taking time to go to the Lord and rest in His love. Calmness is something that we have to work at and a key part of doing this is giving all of our worries over to God (1 Peter 5:7). Only when we go to the Lord in prayer and rest at His feet can we truly do this.
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5. Take Time to Rest and Enjoy God’s Creation

5. Take Time to Rest and Enjoy God’s Creation
Due to always being busy with tasks, our job, and our family life, as Christian women, we do not have much time for rest. For many of us, we start feeling guilty even just thinking about resting. Rest is important for us and can restore our energy levels as well as our hearts. If we are constantly in a fight or flight mode, we will never have true inner calmness. Instead, we will be rushing from one task to the next.
In order to find inner calm, we have to utilize the strategy of taking time to rest and enjoying God’s creation. Taking time to rest looks like doing something that helps us unwind. This looks different for everyone and can vary from a self-care day to getting some exercise in. Everyone’s form of rest is unique to them. Try to find how your body and mind rests, and start including it into your everyday life.
Resting is not being lazy. Although many of us are taught this from a young age, there is nothing wrong with resting. Resting is very productive and can help us recharge from the events of the day. We never need to feel bad or guilty over taking time to rest. We are humans—not robots.
In conjunction with resting, we can take time to enjoy God’s beautiful creation. Maybe taking time to rest for you means going on a hike or a walk around the block. Either of these things can help you ponder God’s amazing creation. Reflecting on the beautiful blue skies, the green trees, and colorful flowers can help us experience inner calm. Due to being surrounded by God’s beautiful creation, we will be amazed at how much it calms us.
Even sitting on our back porches in summer has a way of bringing us inner calm. The gentle breeze of the summer wind, the twinkling of lightning bugs, and the song of the crickets can bring our hearts inner peace. None of these wonderful things would be present apart from God’s creation. Take time today to rest and enjoy God's beautiful creation in your own life and experience inner calmness.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Domepitipat
Originally published June 18, 2024.