The issue of abortion has been at the forefront of America's national discourse and debate for some time. The most notorious abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, was handed down in 1973, and ever since, abortion has remained a heated subject. Then, after undercover videos were released two summers ago allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the sale of fetal body parts, the movement to end abortion and defund Planned Parenthood gained additional momentum.
Now, with a Republican in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress, pro-lifers are even more hopeful that abortion can be stopped and more lives can be saved.
So many states have already passed pro-life measures. Is your state one of them?Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstockphotos.com
10. Pennsylvania

10. Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has a 24-week ban on abortions called the Abortion Control Act. The state is also considering a bill that would prevent abortions after 20 weeks and would not allow exceptions for rape and incest.
On the website of the Pennsylvania Pro-life Federation, you can find lots of resources, including pro-life legislation updates, pro-life news, information on abortion, and help for an unplanned pregnancy.
9. Michigan

9. Michigan
Michigan currently has a number of House and Senate bills pending which would restrict abortion and abortion funding even more. To see the full list, click here.
Currently, Michigan is considering a bill that would introduce "Choose Life" license plates. Right to Life Michigan is urging Michiganians to call Gov. Snyder's office and ask him to sign the bill into law.
8. Georgia

8. Georgia
Georgia has a number of pro-life Congressmen, including Republican Rick Allen. These Congressmen have been working to advance the pro-life cause even beyond the state level. “The efforts of Georgia’s pro-life Congressmen, along with others from across the nation, successfully placed the first-ever litmus test on a President’s desk of whether he would defund the giant abortion provider. God-willing, this will not be the last time,” stated Georgia Life Alliance Executive Director Emily Matson.
7. Mississippi

7. Mississippi
Every year in Mississippi Pastors for Life and Pro-Life Mississippi host an annual Candlelight Vigil for the unborn that takes place at the State Capitol Building in Jackson. The event includes prayer for pregnancy centers, abortion workers, and elected officials.
Pro-Life Mississippi makes it their goal to stand for life by partnering with local churches. "We feel the key to the success of our mission is to motivate the churches of Mississippi into taking action against these heinous sins. This website is intended to provide resources for those seeking a deeper understanding of pro-life and abortion issues worldwide," says their website.
6. South Dakota

6. South Dakota
Recently, South Dakota's governor Dennis Gaugaard signed House Bill 1157 which requires doctors to provide a woman seeking an abortion with additional information about the risks of the procedure and what it truly entails. This is the fourth such pro-life measure signed into law in the state.
South Dakota Right to Life makes it their goal to support life at every stage.
"SDRTL's primary purpose is to educate through the presentation of detailed and factual information about fetal development, abortion, alternatives to abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and related issues, upon which individuals and the general public may make informed decisions."
5. Arizona

5. Arizona
Arizona is designated by Americans United for Life as a "2017 All Star." Arizona has "improved its enforcement of existing abortion laws and ensured that abortion facilities are regularly and rigorously inspected." The state has also "enacted measures to ensure the integrity of taxpayer dollars and to prohibit theuse of the broken bodies of aborted babies for experimentation or research."
Arizon'a all-star status in the pro-life movement is seen by Arizona Right to Life's helpful and appealing website which contains resources and opportunities to get involved. "We love life," ARtL affirms.
4. Arkansas

4. Arkansas
Arkansas has strongly-enforced abortion consent laws and also focuses on how abortion harms both mothers and their unborn children. The state also works to prevent taxpayer money from funding abortion.
The website of Arkansas Right to Life not only contains resources and information, but also offers opportunities to get involved in the pro-life movement by signing a petition.
3. Louisiana

3. Louisiana
Louisiana has been in the top 10 for most pro-life states for six years in a row. Not only does Louisiana have laws restricting abortion, but the state also has laws criminalizing assisted suicide, rounding out its firm pro-life stance.
Louisiana's Right to Life Federation offers many pro-life resources and reminders of pro-life events taking place around the state. If you live in this state, be sure to sign up to receive the latest pro-life news!
2. Kansas

2. Kansas
Kansas recently passed a ban on brutal dismemberment abortions as well as a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Although Kansas is not quite the number one pro-life state, governor Sam Brownback may have been hoping it soon will be when he stated, “Kansas is the leading pro-life state in America, and we will stay that way."
An organization in Kansas which bills itself as the "largest pro-life organization" in the state, affirms that it is fighting to protect life at all levels: "We are a grassroots pro-life educational organization committed to speaking up for the defenseless in Kansas on the issues of abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and bioethics issues such as human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research, human cloning, fetal experimentation and eugenics."
1. And the #1 Pro-life State is....Oklahoma!

1. And the #1 Pro-life State is....Oklahoma!
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Americans United for Life also classifies Oklahoma as a "2017 All Star and notes: "Protecting women and their unborn children remains a primary focus of Oklahoma legislators. Even in the face of threatened litigation by abortion advocates, Oklahoma continues to enact comprehensive and protective laws and regulations, counting it more important to protect women from a predatory abortion industry which values profits over women’s lives and health."
Photos courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com
Publication date: March 23, 2017
Originally published January 18, 2018.