We at Crosswalk strive to bring you the best Scripturally-based parenting advice possible from a variety of qualified writers. In 2017, we published hundreds of parenting articles, but these 20 were our most popular.
We believe that the Bible is the best place to go for parenting help (and help of all kinds), but it is our prayer that our readers also find our content valuable for their families.
"Train a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV)
Photo credit: Unsplash
20. 10 Lies the World Will Tell You about Parenting

20. 10 Lies the World Will Tell You about Parenting
From the article:
"Any parent who's been parenting for more than oh… a day, can tell you that they get plenty of advice on how to raise their kids. Some is helpful. Some is not so helpful. And some is just plain opinionated. Still, it comes from a variety of sources at different parenting moments in our lives.
"And while it may be welcomed or unwelcomed, as Christians we need to consider the worldview that these advisors live under. If they are not believers, their advice may just be what they’ve always done or always been told. When the truth is, we have sound parenting advice available to us by simply opening a book—the Bible."
Read 10 Lies the World Will Tell You about Parenting in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimages
19. 10 Ways to Stop Childhood Entitlement before it Goes Too Far

19. 10 Ways to Stop Childhood Entitlement before it Goes Too Far
From the article:
"Are we raising a generation of kids who have unrealistic life expectations? Do they believe they should have what their parents have when they graduate? In our desire to keep our kids happy, perhaps we have shielded them from struggle only to create more problems for them when future difficulties come their way.
"We overstep and take over, inhibiting the development of our kids’ perseverance and patience. Many young people leave college unprepared for the adult world. The unbridled, unearned, and insincere positive reinforcement given so freely does more harm than good. It can produce young adults who believe the world revolves around them and think the world owes them."
Read 10 Ways to Stop Childhood Entitlement before it Goes Too Far in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Nomadsoul1
18. 25 Bible Verses to Memorize with Your Kids

18. 25 Bible Verses to Memorize with Your Kids
From the article:
"One of the most powerful things we can do as parents is to teach our children God’s Word. Yet often as adults, we may find ourselves struggling to memorize verses. Maybe we find it difficult to remember the words, or life feels full, we get busy, and it doesn’t seem that important in our day. But God reminds us over and over in the Bible how crucial it is to know the His Truth and the freedom it brings to our lives.
"Children are like sponges, soaking up truth and information, especially during their formative years. They want to know things, they have a lot of questions, they love to memorize, especially when we make it fun and an important part of our own lives."
Read 25 Bible Verses to Memorize with Your Kids in full here.
17. 10 Things You Don't Want Your Children to Learn from Church

17. 10 Things You Don't Want Your Children to Learn from Church
From the article:
"Church. It’s supposed to be a haven of hope. A safe place for our children to learn about Christ, deepen their understanding of the Word of God, and embrace the revolutionary, radical faith that He calls us to and equips us for.
"But real people with real flesh and blood inhabit the House of the Lord. Fallible people who fall short. Some lost, looking for God. Many saved, stumbling to find their way.
"Unfortunately, the lessons our children sometimes learn aren’t the practical or profound words of wisdom that we hope will ground them for life. Instead, they leave life-long scars and are lessons they should never learn from church."
Read 10 Things You Don't Want Your Children to Learn from Church in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock
16. 10 Bible-Based Items to Fill Your Child's Easter Basket

16. 10 Bible-Based Items to Fill Your Child's Easter Basket
From the article:
"Here’s how to create a unique faith-focused and faith building Easter basket for your child. (You could divide up the list so each child has a basket made especially for him or her.) Include all or some of these 10 items with the corresponding Scripture reference in the basket. Each gift represents a biblical story, gives a truth, or provides a promise of God.
"Use numbered gift tags with twine and attach the verse provided to each gift. As your kids unpack their baskets, save the gift tags. For the next 10 Sundays, your family can read and discuss the bible passages in numerical order. All the verses are about Jesus’ life, teaching, death, or resurrection."
Read 10 Bible-Based Items to Fill Your Child's Easter Basket in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Feverpitched
15. 10 Ways Entitlement Manifests Itself in Our Kids

15. 10 Ways Entitlement Manifests Itself in Our Kids
From the article:
“'I just want my kid to be a kid for as long as possible.'
"Does that sound familiar? I get it. I want my kids to have happy, carefree childhoods as well. However, a good work ethic is one of the most important things we can cultivate in them. Entitlement has a way of stifling a kid’s drive to work hard and accept responsibility.
"Preparing our kids for “real life” isn’t robbing them of a great childhood. Rather, it is equipping them with skills to be successful in college, career, marriage, and beyond. Let’s remind our children that working hard is a way of serving God and taking good care of what He’s given them."
Read 10 Ways Entitlement Manifests Itself in Our Kids in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/AshleighWellsPhotography
14. 10 Things Christians Need to Tell Their Teens about Sex

14. 10 Things Christians Need to Tell Their Teens about Sex
From the article:
"To be led by God to choose a godly spouse is the prayer of every parent for our kids. Satan wants to steal, kill, and destroy God’s plan for them.
"Help your child realize that Satan’s scheme would be to seduce them into sexual sin so they quench the Spirit in their lives. Then they won’t be led by the Lord to choose a spouse who will walk with and encourage them in the plan He has for their lives. The enemy is crafty and we must equip our kids to not be swayed by his deceptions (see 1 Thess. 5:19, 2 Cor. 2:11)."
Read 10 Things Christians Need to Tell Their Teens about Sex in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock
13. 10 Parenting Rules You Need to Break

13. 10 Parenting Rules You Need to Break
From the article:
"Most moms and dads want to do it right. Yet with all the different information and philosophies on child rearing a parent can feel overwhelmed and overloaded. Many parenting approaches are impractical or even impossible to implement. While some strategies work really well in an educational setting, those same techniques do not transfer to the home environment. Other approaches don’t give the results we really desire.
"To be good and godly parents we need wisdom. Not wisdom that comes from this world but wisdom from our Heavenly Father. In 1 Kings 3, Solomon asks God for wisdom. The Lord was pleased with Solomon’s request. We can ask too."
Read 10 Parenting Rules You Need to Break in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock
12. 10 Signs You're Raising a Kid with a Bad Attitude

12. 10 Signs You're Raising a Kid with a Bad Attitude
From the article:
"Not every child who has a bad attitude is a child with a bad attitude. For instance, a child having a bad day differs from a kid with a bad attitude. One is temporary, the other ongoing. One is situational: Change the circumstance and you’ll change the attitude. The other is systemic: Change the circumstance and the attitude stays negative.
"Still, having a bad attitude can result in being a person with a bad attitude, if not dealt with properly. How do you know if you’re child is sliding into the murky waters of major attitude and respect issues?"
Read 10 Signs You're Raising a Kid with a Bad Attitude in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/maximkabb
11. 20 Powerful Blessings to Pray over Your Children

11. 20 Powerful Blessings to Pray over Your Children
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From the article:
"There’s a battle over our families today, and the enemy would love nothing more than to destroy all that we hold dear in this life. He’s ruthless and cunning, deceitful and sly. He’ll attack when we’re not watching, he’ll do everything he can to lure our kids his way.
"Don’t let him win.
"Prayer is essential over our children and families, in order to stay alert, aware, and discerning of God’s voice, as well as to stand against the attacks of the enemy in our lives. We should never underestimate the importance of speaking blessing and truth over their lives. Prayer is powerful and his words are true."
Read 20 Powerful Blessings to Pray over Your Children in full here.
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10. 10 Unpopular Truths Your Son Needs to Hear from You

10. 10 Unpopular Truths Your Son Needs to Hear from You
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From the article:
"John 8:31-32 says this: 'Jesus therefore said to those Jews who had believed him, If you remain in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.’
"We continue to offer truth, even when unpopular, because in truth sits freedom. Who doesn’t desire freedom for their children? I have two sons, and long to see both walking in the freedom offered only by the Almighty. Perhaps you have sons too. Whether biological, adopted, or spiritual, grab God’s Word, a parenting gold mine, and run with it."
Read 10 Unpopular Truths Your Son Needs to Hear from You in full here.
Photo credit: @Thinkstock/LittleBee80
9. 10 Classic Movies Every Christian Teen Should Watch

9. 10 Classic Movies Every Christian Teen Should Watch
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From the article:
"Modern movies can often be truly amazing things. Thanks to the combined efforts of CGI and digital animation, audiences can now watch all sorts of adventures in epic, pixelated glory.
"But for all the style these movies have acquired, many have lost substance. Older films may not have had the same sparkle as they do now, but they did have powerful stories and profound messages that inspired their viewers."
Read 10 Classic Movies Every Christian Teen Should Watch in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/VladTeodor
8. 5 Ways You May be Ruining Your Child's Life

8. 5 Ways You May be Ruining Your Child's Life
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From the article:
"Parenting is tough! Have you ever wondered if you are doing a terrible job as a parent?
"We've probably all thought that at one time or another. Parenting is a tough job; often times more art than science. But there are several parenting traps that many well-intentioned modern parents fall into without even knowing it. These attitudes and behaviors easily go undetected because they are ingrained in the culture around us."
Read 5 Ways You May be Ruining Your Child's Life in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock
7. 10 Biblical Baby Names for Boys

7. 10 Biblical Baby Names for Boys
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From the article:
"Are you expecting a little bundle of joy? Do you just love coming up with names? The Bible is a great place to look for baby name inspiration! Which Bible name would you choose for your son?"
Read 10 Biblical Baby Names for Boys in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock
6. 10 Things to Never Say to Your Adult Children

6. 10 Things to Never Say to Your Adult Children
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From the article:
"It’s our responsibility to mold and shape the next generation, one child at a time. Like every generation before them, the generation behind us needs to know one thing – they matter. Specifically that they matter to you, their parent. And our words matter – possibly more than we realize.
"There are things we need to say – and not say – to build confidence, esteem and self-respect at each stage of their lives. If we don’t support our children, who will? And where will they turn? And what will they turn to for solace when they cannot find it from us?"
Read 10 Things to Never Say to Your Adult Children in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Highwaystarz-Photography
5. 10 Things to Say to Your Adult Children

5. 10 Things to Say to Your Adult Children
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From the article:
"Remind them they are chosen and loved by God. God sings over them, Zephaniah 3:17, has plans for them, will listen to them and be found by them when they pray. Jeremiah 29:11-13. See Psalms 20:4; 40:5; 119:26; 138:8; Proverbs 16:3.
“'You have been created in order that you might make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world.' Andy Andrews
"The concept of making a difference is understandable – yet do our children need to hear us tell them they can change the world? Yes. They matter, their life matters, what they do matters – to God, to you, and for all time.
Read 10 Things to Say to Your Adult Children in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/zdenkam
4. 9 Steps to Grow a Healthy Relationship with Adult Children

4. 9 Steps to Grow a Healthy Relationship with Adult Children
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From the article:
"How does a mom go from being needed to not being needed? How does she thrive in a role that’s unchartered? And better yet, how can she relearn the way she’s always performed motherhood? It’s hard! Yet never before has she needed God’s guidance more. Redefining the boundaries and her newfound identity demands adjusting her mindset.
"My children are now in their mid-30s and have their own children, and I’m still learning a few parenting lessons. Some have been easy and some a challenge, but I’m gloriously certain that God will faithfully lead me through an entire lifetime of mothering well if I’ll keep my antennas up and seek His advice."
Read 9 Steps to Grow a Healthy Relationship with Adult Children in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Kikovic
3. 10 Things to Never Say to Your Teen

3. 10 Things to Never Say to Your Teen
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From the article:
"One awe-inspiring privilege of parenting teens is you get to see a work of art in progress. You can take part in mentoring a young person as he grows and develops.
"God calls us to cherish and encourage our children, yet parenting teens is a hard job; sometimes we experience stress, anger, and frustration. In the heat of a crazy moment, we might say things without thinking that tear our kids down. We need to remember our words hold tremendous power over them."
Read 10 Things to Never Say to Your Teens in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/vadimguzhva
2. 10 Things Your Teen Loves to Hear

2. 10 Things Your Teen Loves to Hear
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From the article:
"Some parents might grit their teeth and bemoan the drama of the adolescent years, but I can’t think of anything more fun than hanging out with teens. I liken the teen years to a roller coaster. Once you’re on it, there’s no getting off until the ride’s over, so you might as well stay positive and enjoy it. After all, having teens at home probably means you can have kitchen karaoke parties, or someone who pretends your home is an Indian takeout restaurant when he answers the phone.
"Of course surging hormones and adolescent angst can sometimes cause your teen to explode. He might know how to push your buttons better than anyone else, but positive communication that affirms your teen can improve your relationship and help lessen conflict."
Read 10 Things Your Teens Love to Hear in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/John Howard
1. The 9 Most Dangerous Apps for Kids

1. The 9 Most Dangerous Apps for Kids
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From the article:
"Sexual predators can target your children even when your child is in the room down the hall. And sexual predators aren’t the only problem. Cyber-bullying and exposures to sexually inappropriate content are additional concerns. Not everything in the app store is truly a helpful tool for the end user, unfortunately.
"New apps are constantly being created, so it’s important to monitor what your child downloads. Mostly, it's important to know what each and every app does, whether it has any benefits, and where they can expose your children to danger."
Read The 9 Most Dangerous Apps for Kids in full here.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/djedzura
Originally published January 12, 2018.