As I opened up my 2024 calendar and unwrapped a new devotional, I was full of hope for the New Year. I had chosen the word “Grace” for my word to work on in my life this year, focusing on Colossians 4:6 “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” It wasn’t long before I was struggling with responding to the chaos in the world with grace-filled thoughts and prayers.
Several weeks into the New Year, I felt the Lord whispering to me that I would be deepening my prayer life. I was surprised since I have a prayer time every morning, and pray with my husband regularly and weekly with our Couple’s small group. What could the Lord possibly mean by this? Soon, he started revealing exactly how my prayer life was going to be enlarged and enhanced, which would hopefully also fill me with more grace and appropriate responses to situations. Let me share with you 7 ways the Lord led me to enhance my prayer life that will perhaps resonate with you also.
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1. Actively Anticipate the Lord Moving in Your Prayer Life

1. Actively Anticipate the Lord Moving in Your Prayer Life
Sometimes, we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed by everything happening in our personal lives and in the world. Things that might cause anxiety, worry, doubt, fear, maybe even hopelessness in our soul. It’s easy to forget that those are the very times we need to take everything to the Lord in prayer. I mean everything! I’ll admit that’s not always my normal response, but it should be. So many occurrences in our daily lives are actually calls from the Lord to pray about them instead of trying to figure out how to fix them ourselves. God is trying to move us to a deeper dependence on him in all circumstances.
I’m not saying the Lord purposely puts situations in your path to pray over, but sometimes we stumble over them instead of lifting them up to God for answers. We’ve all been around prayer warriors who break out into prayer continuously and spontaneously. Petitioning and praising. I have a friend like that and when I’m around her, I realize how little I actually pray.
Many of us relegate our prayers to morning devotionals and before meals, but then we might set God aside for the day while we deal with life instead of anticipating opportunities to call on God like the Scriptures remind us to do. J. A. Bengel once said, “Anxiety and prayer are more opposed to each other than fire and water!”
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phil. 4:6
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2. Follow Through When Prayer Assignments Are Revealed

2. Follow Through When Prayer Assignments Are Revealed
A prayer assignment occurs every time we sense someone, something, or even an issue is in need of prayer. It could be illness, job loss, death, problem children, finances, work decisions even world events…really the list is endless. Our tendency is to express concern or condolences and say, “I’ll pray for you,” whether it’s in person or on social media. But could it be that our assignment is to pray in the moment?! Ask the person if you could pray for them right at the time. If it’s on social media, text, or email, write out a short prayer response. When you hear bad news on the media, drop to your knees and pray, especially when you want to throw something or yell at the monitor screen. Take it to God in prayer instead.
Often, I’ll walk into my husband’s “mancave” and hear him on the phone praying for someone. He’s responding to a revealed prayer assignment and doesn’t hesitate to pray in the moment.
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16
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3. Look for Opportunities to Pray More

3. Look for Opportunities to Pray More
It’s wonderful to stop and pray for revealed prayer opportunities, but our prayer life will become more vibrant when we also consciously and consistently seek out opportunities to pray. With all the chaos and upheaval in our world today, it isn’t hard to find occasions to pray.
As I’m writing this article, a prayer warrior friend, who knew I was on multiple deadlines, texted me a short but oh so encouraging prayer: “God bless you and I pray his peace surrounds you and the glory of his gift in you to flow with ease, revelation, and clarity.” Then she wrote out Psalm 45:1. Wow! So many things she could’ve chosen to say to encourage me, but she instinctively knew a prayer and God’s Word would far surpass her words. And they did!
With practice, we can all become beacons of hope, courage, love, and grace when we extend to others and to ourselves the gift of offering prayers to our Lord and Savior. How that blesses him, others, and us.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16-18
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4. Become Aware of Conversations and Resources about Prayer

4. Become Aware of Conversations and Resources about Prayer
Have you noticed when you focus on something, you start to see it talked about everywhere?! Your ears perk up. For example, earlier I said my 2024 word was “Grace.” Now I see grace in songs, Scriptures, Bible studies, books, sermons, conversations... because I’m more aware of it. The same thing will happen in our prayer life if we seek out books, Bible studies, and articles on prayer like the one you’re reading right now.
If you conscientiously desire to broaden and enhance your prayer life, God will open your eyes to see prayer in areas you never expected.
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Col. 4:2
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5. Join a Prayer Group

5. Join a Prayer Group
When the Lord impressed on me that he was going to enhance my prayer life, I wasn’t sure what he meant or how this was going to happen until one day I received an email from My Faith Votes. I had used their resources during past elections and remained on their email list. This particular email mentioned the opportunity to pray with other members from around the nation via a Zoom call. That was an “ah ha” moment for me to sign up for their Monday morning or evening group prayer call. As faces popped up on the computer screen from across the USA, I knew this might be what the Lord was talking about. When we broke into smaller prayer groups, we each had the opportunity to pray for issues in our nation, personal lives, and local communities. Then I discovered that some states have their own prayer groups so I also joined the one in my state of Idaho on Tuesday mornings.
This was something I had never experienced before, and it’s the highlight of my week praying with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that I might never meet. Yet, thanks to technology, we share together across the miles our prayers and praises. Many families have zoom calls to connect family members who might be living in different areas, but what if you developed a zoom call group of friends and family to pray together at a specific time and day of the week.
Or maybe it’s joining a prayer chain or in-person prayer group at your church. Neighbors, friends, or family can also gather regularly for the specific purpose of praying together. Keep the group small and intimate so everyone has the opportunity to share and pray.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matt. 18:20
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6. Prayer Walk

6. Prayer Walk
Walking and praying just seem to go together, especially if you can get out into nature. Fresh air, exercise, the beauty of God’s creation surrounding you leads to spontaneous walks and talks with God. Today, many people tend to walk or run with earbuds listening to a podcast or maybe music, but being outside listening to the birds chirping, the squirrels and chipmunks scurrying around renews a spirit of listening to God and focusing on what he might be saying to you. We don’t have to close our eyes to pray, in fact, when you’re outside you want your eyes wide open to take in all the beauty surrounding you and not stumble or fall.
If you pass homes or businesses on your walk, pray for those who live inside or do business there. If you pass people, wave a friendly greeting and say a silent prayer for whatever is going on in their life. Even if you’re in the city, find a park or a sports field to prayer walk.
If you’re unable to walk, try to sit outside and commune with God as you look up to the heavens and breathe in sustaining fresh air. I enjoy sitting on our deck swing and experiencing a quiet time with my Lord and Savior.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Ps. 119:105
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7. Pray Scripture

7. Pray Scripture
In Praying for Your Prodigal Daughter, I share how I learned to pray God’s will by praying his Word back to him. Praying Scripture is simply personalizing it to the person or situation we’re praying over. Most prayer requests are asking God to do something or focus on the outcome we want. Sometimes we even try to thwart God’s will, but God might be saying, “You’re praying the wrong prayer.” Or sometimes we may pray for something good and even scriptural that God has decided is not for us. For other people perhaps—but not for us this time. Our persistence in that prayer might do no good because this is one of God’s “you’re praying the wrong prayer” answers.
Naturally, our prayer requests often are self-centered. But our best weapon in a spiritual battle is the sword of the Spirit—the Scriptures, the Word of God—to pray God’s will and not our own will. Praying using God’s own Words and promises keeps us in line with his will.
So, in your daily Bible reading, try picking a verse that speaks to your current situation and paraphrase or personalize it with names and personal pronouns. Here’s an example of praying Scripture for a child.
Original text: “Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.” Is. 59:1 NLT
Now Is. 59:1 NLT personalized:
I believe, Lord, that your arm is strong enough to reach down and save my child [name]. And you are not deaf. You hear me when I call, and you hear my child [name] when she [he] calls. I pray that she [he] will call out to you for help and I call on you, Lord, for my child’s salvation and return.
Wasn’t that easy? It’s simple, yet so profound. It will enhance your prayer life like you’ve never experienced before. I promise.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matt. 21:22
“You can develop a meaningful prayer life! Just know that it will come little by little, growing with your increasing knowledge of God’s Word and understanding of God’s will. It will come with application, with time, with experience—with the doing of it.” –Kay Arthur
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. Eph. 1:18-21
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Wenping-Zheng
Originally published May 30, 2024.