As the world continues to get crazier, at least to our perception, Christians begin to wonder, “Is this the end?” We look to the Scripture for answers to wars and deception on the earth.
The Bible describes the Antichrist as a prominent End Times figure, a sign that things are coming to a close. As believers notice many powerful and evil leaders in different nations today, they seek more information about the Antichrist. Often, they try to match a modern figure with that evil figure.
The Bible speaks about the end of this earth, and Jesus tells us what to look for. At the same time, Christ teaches us that we won’t know the exact day or hour. The end will come upon us like a surprise, even for believers. Jesus’ point is simple and clear. Be ready. Learn to live right and watchful.
With that motivation in mind, let’s examine what the Bible says about the Antichrist. Here are seven things to know about what the Antichrist will look like.
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1. A Deceptive Message

1. A Deceptive Message
Recognizing the Antichrist begins with understanding the deceptive message he spreads, what the Bible calls the “great delusion” outlined in 2 Thessalonians. The second chapter letter warns of a charismatic figure who will cunningly deceive humanity with false teaching. This deceptive message emerges to manipulate and sway the world.
In the beginning, in Eden, the serpent (or the accuser, Satan) engages Eve at the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. To eat of that tree meant death for humanity and the world, and the serpent spun a lie to get Adam and Eve to eat the fruit. Satan is a liar from the beginning, Jesus tells us (John 8:44), and there’s no truth in the Devil or the Antichrist, a personal embodiment of rebellion to God, brings the whole world under a massive lie, seducing people away from God.
The Antichrist will draw people into a web of falsehood to distort truth and pervert righteousness. Through persuasive rhetoric and his charisma, he twists and defames the sacred. As part of the great delusion, this message catalyzes widespread spiritual blindness, blurring the lines between true and counterfeit. It lures individuals away from the light of truth, plunging them into darkness and confusion.
For believers, we must know the real to discern the false. Our watchful faith and continued clinging to the person of Christ allow us to recognize the lies of the enemy.
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2. False Messiah

2. False Messiah
“Christ” is another word for “messiah.” The Antichrist will portray himself as the false messiah, actively seeking the worship of others, as outlined in 2 Thessalonians and other scriptures. This false messiah deceives people into bowing before him, usurping the reverence due to God alone.
In 2 Thessalonians 2, the Antichrist’s deceptive nature is starkly depicted as he exalts himself above God. This blatant disregard for divine authority positions him as an object of worship, enticing others to pledge allegiance to him instead of God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This desire for worship echoes the temptation faced by Jesus in the wilderness, where Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship (Matthew 4:8-10).
The book of Revelation symbolizes the Antichrist as a beast rising from the sea, who receives authority and power from the dragon, Satan (Revelation 13:1-4). This beast demands worship from all inhabitants of the earth, threatening those who refuse with death (Revelation 13:8, 15).
First, we must stay true to God alone, worthy of worship, and no human being. Staying vigilant, we refuse to bow before any earthly authority (religious, political, or otherwise) seeking to usurp the worship due to God. By standing firm in our faith and allegiance to Jesus, whom God gave a name above all names, we resist the allure of the Antichrist and remain true to the end.
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3. Political and Military Rule

3. Political and Military Rule
Satan and his beast, the Antichrist, can’t rule in heaven, so their temporary realm of influence lies here in this world. As prophesied in Revelation 13, the Antichrist will acquire and exercise political and military power through lies and getting people to worship him. This figure will eventually rise to power and exert authority over all nations.
In Revelation 13, the beast emerges from the sea, given power by the dragon or Satan. The beast’s ten horns and blasphemous names signify his dominion and defiance against God (Revelation 13:5-6). The Bible often uses horns to symbolize national or political power. The Antichrist’s reign is marked by military might and conquest, as he wages war against the saints and overcomes them (Revelation 13:7), a violent and bloody time.
As believers, we first realize all earthly powers or systems exhibit some form of corruption. Only the Kingdom of God proves righteous and peaceful, so we should restrain ourselves from placing divine roles on earthly leaders or governments. Then, by remaining grounded in biblical truth and guided by the Holy Spirit, we can discern the signs of the Antichrist’s rise to power and steadfastly resist his oppressive rule. Through unwavering faith and reliance on God’s strength, we stand firm.
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4. Opposition to Jesus Christ

4. Opposition to Jesus Christ
As already mentioned, “Christ” refers to the Messiah, so the “antichrist” would be a person who actively opposes the Messiah, fulfilled in King Jesus. To recognize the Antichrist, we must comprehend his rejection of any worship of the true God, as outlined in 1 John 2:22.
In his first letter to the Church, the apostle John warns believers against those who deny that Jesus is the Christ, denying both the Father and the Son. This denial is not merely a theological disagreement but a deliberate rejection of the foundational truth of Christian faith—that Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God, deserving of worship and adoration. Because the Antichrist sets himself up as a false messiah to be worshipped, he will actively resist any worship of God or truth speaking.
God, in his love, allows people to choose to worship him, even though he alone is worthy. God doesn’t force anyone in this life to bow the knee. The Antichrist won’t give people a choice. Worshipping God will threaten his lies, which he can’t allow.
For Christians, worshipping God alone is a form of resistance, as Daniel prayed when the law forbade it, and his three friends refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s massive statue. Not because we stand against any government but because we must give honor and submit to the only God. This will prove a difficult time for us in the last few days, so we need to rest in the Holy Spirit’s power and the fellowship of the saints for strength.
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5. False Miracles

5. False Miracles
When Jesus appeared publicly and began his ministry, he performed miracles, like healing. The Antichrist will do false miracles to claim himself as a messiah, further deceiving many.
Scripture warns us of false prophets who perform signs and wonders to deceive, as mentioned in Matthew 24:24. These false miracles validate the Antichrist’s counterfeit claims, enticing individuals to follow him instead of the true God. The book of Revelation describes the Antichrist's associate, the false prophet, who performs great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men (Revelation 13:13). These false miracles serve to lead people to worship the Antichrist and receive his mark (Revelation 13:14-15).
However, Jesus never performed a miracle to draw attention to himself. Again, even though he alone is worthy of worship, he often healed a person and told them to keep quiet. The act of compassion and obedience satisfied Jesus. He had rejected worldwide fame in the wilderness when Satan tempted him. In contrast, the Antichrist uses these supposed supernatural events to draw attention to himself and gain more earthly power.
As Christians, we must test the spirits to see if they are from God, as 1 John 4:1 cautions us, and remain rooted in Jesus. Jesus alone can keep us faithful to the end.
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6. Persecution of Believers

6. Persecution of Believers
Since the Antichrist requires everyone to worship him and uses his military and political power to oppose worshipping Yahweh, he will punish and persecute those of us who bow to God. Revelation 13 teaches this persecution as a deliberate and systematic effort to suppress and eradicate those who hold fast to faith in Christ.
Revelation 13 describes how the beast, representing the Antichrist, makes war against the saints to overcome them (Revelation 13:7). The Antichrist orchestrates this persecution as part of his campaign to assert dominion over all peoples and nations. We must be prepared to endure suffering and persecution for the sake of their allegiance to Christ, as warned in Revelation 13:10.
The Bible teaches us important truths to help us endure this persecution. First, we gain rewards for enduring persecution. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me,” Jesus says in Matthew 5:11, as part of the Sermon on the Mount. We identify with Christ since he also suffered violence and persecution for speaking the truth and honoring only his Father. And we will share in his reward.
Second, these persecutions won’t last forever (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). God will save and redeem his people (Isaiah 43:1).
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7. Mark of the Beast

7. Mark of the Beast
In ancient cultures, slaves often received a mark, symbolizing who owned them. The Old Testament Law instructed people choosing to remain enslaved (or a bondservant) to wear an earring in one ear (Exodus 25:5-6).
Recognizing the Antichrist involves understanding the ominous mark of the beast, a tangible manifestation of allegiance to the Antichrist, with profound implications for those who accept it.
Revelation 13 describes how the beast, representing the Antichrist, causes all people to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-17). This mark serves as a means of control and identification, distinguishing those who belong to the Antichrist's kingdom from those who do not. Those who refuse to worship the beast or receive his mark face severe consequences, including economic exclusion and persecution (Revelation 13:15-17). This coercive measure compels individuals to pledge allegiance to the Antichrist under threat of dire punishment.
For Christians, we have been bought by Jesus’ blood, at a price, from death to life. God is our Father and Lord, who gave us his life. We owe allegiance to no one, especially not a man who opposes the God who abundantly loves us and saves us for eternity. As with the persecution above, this will be a difficult time for Christians, threatening our food and provision. However, Jesus promises that if we seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness, then he will provide all we need (Matthew 6:33). Unbelievers, Jesus says, worry about provision. Let us refuse to be manipulated by food and clothing when our Father owns everything.
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How Long Will the Antichrist Rule?

How Long Will the Antichrist Rule?
Thankfully, the End Times, where the Antichrist will arise, will only last briefly.
No, it won’t be very pleasant. But the true Messiah will return to set everything aright. The Lord Jesus Christ (also called the Son of Man in some biblical passages) has promised and prophesied his return when he will throw the beast and the dragon into the lake of fire and remake all heaven and earth anew so that all his people can live in the wonderful Kingdom forever.
This gives us hope during hard times.
“Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Matthew 24:30)
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Originally published May 06, 2024.