
6 Valentine's Day Prayers When You Feel Unloved

Published Feb 06, 2025
6 Valentine's Day Prayers When You Feel Unloved

Valentine's Day can be a wonderful day for many, but for others, it can be a day of great sorrow. If a person doesn't have a significant other, it can be hard to feel loved or cared about. After all, Valentine's Day is focused on relationships. While there are new adaptations of Valentine's Day, such as Galentine’s Day, it is not the same as the original focus of Valentine's Day.

Whether you are facing this Valentine's Day alone because your partner ended things with you or this is just another Valentine's Day by yourself, know that you are never truly alone. God is always with you, and He loves you beyond measure (Romans 8:37-39). The love He has for you is far greater than any love a human could offer you. His love is unconditional, unrelenting, and forever present. 

When you begin to feel alone and unloved during this holiday, turn to the Lord for His comfort. He will surround you with His love and help you to know that you are beloved by Him. In truth, there is nothing greater than knowing that the Creator loves you.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Layland Masuda 

1. A Prayer for Compassion

couple holding hands in prayer support forgiveness slow to anger

If there is one thing we lack when we are feeling unlovable it is compassion. We figure we are the problem and our partner or spouse left us because we were not good enough. This is a common thought process, but it is not true. We are good enough because of the Lord. The love He has for us brings us into perfect harmony with the Father. 

It might not feel like it right now, but Jesus’ love is greater than any person’s love. He has compassion for us in ways that nobody else ever could (Psalm 145:8-9). He will richly bless us with His compassion if we just turn to Him. And in truth, even now, He is already blessing us with His compassion (Lamentation 3:22-23). We just need to also give ourselves this same compassion.

“Dear Lord, I ask that You fill my heart with Your compassion. I also ask that You help me to show compassion to myself. It can be easy to be hard on myself because I feel like it is my fault that I'm alone. Help me to know that I am loved by You. Even though I'm alone this Valentine's Day, I know I am never truly alone. In Your Name, I pray, Amen.”

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/dragana991 

2. A Prayer for Hope

Woman praying over Bible outside at sunrise, good things come to those who wait

When we are facing Valentine's alone, it can feel as though all hope is gone. This is especially true if we are going year after year alone. Due to the longevity of time, we are convinced that nobody will ever love us. Yet again, this is a common worry for people, but it couldn't be further from the truth. God loves each and every one of us, and His love isn't limited to Valentine's Day (Romans 5:8; Jeremiah 31:3). 

However, it is understandable to be upset that you don't have a partner or spouse on Valentine's Day. It can be hard to accept, but the more you continue to spend time with God, grow in your relationship with Him, and seek Him above all else, you will see that He is all you need. Maybe you don't have somebody with you this Valentine's Day, but maybe next year, there will be someone that God will bring into your life. Have hope in God and know that He is working all things out for your good (Romans 8:28).

“Dear God, I need hope to face the day ahead. Valentine's Day is difficult for many reasons. I know that the hope You give me is a hope that is better than anything else in this world. I don't want to hold on to a hope that isn't real. I'm taking hold of Your hope and the promises of Your love. Amen.”

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/TinnakornJorruang 

3. A Prayer to Know Your Worth

mirror reflection woman brazen altar looking glass

Our self-worth can take a blow if we are alone on Valentine's; however, the Lord can help us with this struggle. The first thing we can do is by listening to what He says about us rather than what our mind is telling us. Our worth is found in Him, and we are more than enough (Colossians 2:9-10). Jesus died for our sins and this is by far the greatest act of love (John 3:16-17, 15:13). Your self-worth needs to be grounded in Him, not in what you are seeing around you. 

Something you can do to help yourself is to refrain from going on social media on Valentine's Day and the day after. This can help your mental state because going on social media during Valentine's will make you feel worse. It is not beneficial to see everyone with their partners and spouses when we are already struggling. Try to be kind to yourself and refrain from making things worse. 

“Dear Jesus, it can be hard to know my worth, especially when I'm alone on Valentine's. It can feel as though everyone is loved except me. I see everyone else with their partners and spouses, and I'm alone once again. Help my self-worth at these times and equip my heart and mind with the ability to know that I'm enough in You. Thank You, Lord. Amen.”

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/polinef 

4. A Prayer for a Full Cup

woman peacefully resting on couch with coffee and eyes closed, prayers to rest in the Lord

Something that is taught to us from a young age is that we are not enough or not a complete person unless we are married to someone who loves us. While marriage is a great thing, it is not what completes a person. Only knowing Jesus as your Lord and Savior can complete a person. Marriage is a true blessing; however, you already have a full cup in the Lord. 

It is true that our cup runs over with the Lord’s blessings (Psalm 23:1-6). Maybe we don't have a date or a spouse this Valentine's Day, but we do have a few great friends staying with us this weekend, wonderful parents who offered to meet up with us, or a sibling ready to play board games. God has blessed us in many ways and in other forms of love, even if it might not be romantic love. Praying for a full cup can help us to see the blessings all around us and help us to feel loved. 

“Dear Lord, I have the bad habit of measuring my life to others. When I see other people having lives full of love, I am quick to feel bad about my own. Even though I am struggling this Valentine's Day and I don't feel loved, help me to know that I am loved by You, my family, and my friends. Bless me with a full cup, as I know You have already blessed me beyond measure. Amen.”

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Prostock-Studio 

5. A Prayer for a Restored Heart

Man with hand on heart with in praise

Some of us are facing our first Valentine's alone this year, and it can be troublesome. We were with someone for a long time and then they abruptly ended things with us. When we are tempted to reflect on the past, we need to try to move forward. The past is in the past, and we need to move forward. It does us no good to dwell on the past and try to hold onto things that are over. What we can do to help ourselves is to lean on God and go to Him in prayer

Our hearts are broken right now, but God will restore them. He will bring strength back to our weary souls and set our feet on level ground (Psalm 26:12, 40:2). With time, our hearts will be fully restored, yet we must remember for the time being that God loves us. We are loved even when we feel unlovable. Others have made us feel unlovable, but God never does. 

“Dear God, my heart was broken before Valentine's Day this year, but I know You can restore it. Please help me to be restored and to have a healthy relationship with my life again. Due to my partner leaving me, I have felt unlovable and broken. Thank You for showing me that I am loved beyond measure. In Your Son's Name, I pray, Amen.”

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/NoonVirachada 

6. A Prayer for Healing

Heart with a bandaid over it

When we think about feeling unloved, we often feel like there is no way out. Healing feels impossible because the pain is so severe. While the pain hurts now, it won't hurt forever. There will be healing by the hand of God (Psalm 147:3). He will equip our souls and our hearts with the healing that we need this Valentine's Day. 

The parts of us that feel unlovable will be covered with grace. Maybe we feel as though we are not pretty enough, cool enough, or smart enough because of what a person has told us, but what they said doesn't matter. In truth, the Lord says we are enough and dearly loved by Him (1 John 3:1). He will bring our hearts healing. All we have to do is go to Him in prayer

“Dear Jesus, the healing that I need can only come from You. I might feel unlovable, but I know I'm loved by You. Your love doesn't change as the world’s love does. You are my great and mighty Savior who loves me despite my shortcomings. I praise You, Lord. Amen.”

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/eternalcreative 

Originally published February 07, 2025.


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