As a child, I never understood the true meaning of Easter. I always associated Easter with the Easter Bunny and Christmas with Santa Claus. There was never a connection between Jesus and Easter or Christmas. As one could imagine, this led me to believe incorrect things about Easter and Christmas. It wasn't until I was a teen that I finally understood Easter was the anniversary of the Lord’s resurrection and Christmas was the anniversary of the Lord’s birth.
While I know these truths now, I wish I could have learned them sooner. Knowing the true meaning of these holidays could have helped me understand the Lord. I struggled immensely growing up, and oftentimes, I had no friends. How wonderful it would have been to know the Lord was my greatest friend and loved me, flaws and all. Maybe you also grew up in a similar situation, and now you want to ensure your own children understand the true meaning of Easter.
This is a noble task and one that God will bless. The Bible wants all people to come to know Him, and we should not hinder children from turning to Him (1 Timothy 2:4; Matthew 19:14). Start now teaching your children about the true meaning of Easter. Here are six ways to help your child understand the true meaning of Easter.
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1. Read the Bible to Them

1. Read the Bible to Them
The best way to help your children understand the true meaning of Easter is to read the Bible to them. A few key chapters from the Gospels concerning the Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection can be found in Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 15:21-41, and John 19-20. These chapters can be a great place to start; however, take your time teaching your children, and don't move forward until they understand what you are teaching them.
Learning the Bible doesn't need to be mindless or half-focused. It needs to be intentional. As you read these Gospel writings, explain them to your children. For example, they might not know what it means to be crucified or resurrected. Explain these things to your children in a way that is understandable and meaningful to them.
You know your child best, so you can just pace the time spent learning these stories as you think best. If doing one passage a day is all your child has the attention span for, then keep it short and remain consistent. However, as your child ages, you can read them more in one sitting and help them understand the power of the resurrection. Don’t feel discouraged if your child doesn’t understand right away. Keep praying for them and sharing the true meaning of Easter with them in a tangible way.
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2. Talk with Them about Jesus and Share the Gospel

2. Talk with Them about Jesus and Share the Gospel
Outside of reading the Bible, make the decision to talk with them about Jesus. Try to see if they are interested in learning more about Him and keep educating them. Jesus is the true meaning of Easter. It’s vital that we convey to our children that God deserves all of the honor, respect, and praise. Most things in parenting are caught, not taught. Be genuine in your Christian walk because your child will notice this and view Jesus more authentically.
Talking more about Jesus will allow you to open up to the Gospel. Share with them how Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again (John 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Depending on their age, they might need more explanation but try to keep sharing the Gospel through your actions and words. Make sure they know how much Jesus loves them. Tell them this is why Jesus died for the bad things we have done, was buried, and was resurrected.
By placing faith in Him, they can become followers of Jesus, receive forgiveness, and be given eternal life.
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3. Answer Any Questions They Have

3. Answer Any Questions They Have
As you talk with your children Jesus about Easter, they will probably have a few questions. Listen to their questions, respect their questions, and answer them. If you are not sure of an answer, don’t panic. Tell your child that you will research their question and give them an answer when you feel ready. Even if your child poses a challenging question, rest in the Lord and know He will help you find an answer in Scripture.
If your child has no questions, it could be that they are uninterested or not ready to learn more. Be patient with them on their spiritual journey, continuing to talk with them about Jesus and praying for them. It could take a few years or more before they are interested in learning more about Resurrection Sunday. Please don’t get upset with them or turn a cold shoulder to them. Love them as Jesus does, and allow your love to point them to Jesus.
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4. Do Easter Related Crafts

4. Do Easter Related Crafts
Easter-related crafts are a fun way to help your child understand the true meaning of the holiday. While painting Easter eggs or drawing pictures of rabbits can be fun, it would be ideal to keep the holiday focused on Jesus since the goal is to help your child understand the true meaning of Easter. Rather than painting Easter eggs, try to have a craft where you make a cross and read Bible passages about the resurrection. Another idea could be to draw a picture of Jesus from the empty tomb.
There are endless ideas for Easter-related crafts focused on Jesus. Be creative in your choice or create a new craft idea unique to your family. Your child probably already loves doing crafts, so getting them to sit down and color, draw, or make a hands-on craft shouldn't be a struggle. Check out the ideas at Live Well Play Together if you need some resurrection crafts.
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5. Don't Place an Emphasis on the Easter Bunny

5. Don't Place an Emphasis on the Easter Bunny
Speaking of Easter eggs and drawing pictures of rabbits, it might be ideal not to emphasize the Easter Bunny. As a kid, I was obsessed with the Easter Bunny. I thought he was the most extraordinary and magical thing in the world. However, Easter isn’t about the Easter Bunny. It’s about Jesus. The Easter Bunny isn’t real, but Jesus is real.
Once kids realize the Easter Bunny isn’t real, they will also believe Jesus isn’t real. The same goes for Santa Claus. This is why it is vital for us to begin our kids with Jesus and help them truly understand the meaning of the holiday. Easter is to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and how He paid our sin debt. We don’t need to diminish this; often, the world’s traditions distract from the real reason for the holiday.
The reason for Easter is Jesus. There wouldn’t be a holiday without Him. While there is nothing wrong with having decorations for little rabbits or baby chicks, we need to ensure our children understand Jesus is the focus of Easter, not the Easter Bunny. This will help them be more prone to accept the Gospel and want to learn more about Him.
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6. Integrate Jesus into Your Everyday Home Life

6. Integrate Jesus into Your Everyday Home Life
It cannot be stated enough that if we are going to help our children understand the meaning of Easter, we will have to include Jesus in our everyday lives. It’s great to talk about Jesus on Easter, but what about every other day of the year? Assess your actions and see if Jesus is indeed included in your life. Ask the Lord for help if you find yourself in a position where Jesus isn’t the focus of your life.
Through the work of the Holy Spirit, He can help you be brought back to the Lord. Try to get more active in Bible reading and praying. These practices keep our hearts close to Jesus. Your children might be surprised if this is a new change in your life as it will give them a glimpse of Jesus. The Lord wants your children to understand His death, burial, and resurrection, and He also wants them to come to know Him.
As parents, we must trust God with the outcome of our kids’ lives and do our best to integrate Him into our daily lives. As a parent, you have a beautiful opportunity to share the Gospel in your words, life, and behavior. Your children will be fascinated by the love and peace that you have in your own life and will be interested in learning more about Him. Most importantly, ensure that you always display His love and teach biblical truths about Him throughout the year.
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Originally published March 08, 2025.