Spiritually, Easter is the most significant holiday in Christianity since it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. Despite the vital faith lessons Easter has to teach us, how people practice our Easter traditions doesn’t always align with those lessons. We may participate in an Easter egg hunt, fill an Easter basket with candy, or buy Easter flowers without considering the spiritual significance of those traditions.
By connecting our traditional Easter customs to biblical truths about why we’re celebrating, we can strengthen our faith in Jesus as our Savior. Here are seven ways to turn your typical Easter traditions into faith lessons.
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1. An Easter Egg Hunt – Seeking God’s Truth

1. An Easter Egg Hunt – Seeking God’s Truth
Egg hunts are a fun and exciting part of Easter celebrations. That tradition started because eggs represent new life, and the resurrection makes the gift of new life possible. But it’s also key to make the connection between the act of hunting for the eggs and the importance of searching for God’s truth. Just as children eagerly search for hidden eggs, believers are called to seek God enthusiastically. God says in Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Encourage children to think of the egg hunt as a reminder to actively seek God’s presence through prayer. Just as some eggs are more challenging to find than others, sometimes our spiritual journey includes challenges that require us to put in a wholehearted effort to find God. Some truths about God may not be immediately evident, but we can discover more profound meaning in God’s Word with dedication and faith.
Seeking God is an ongoing process, not just a one-time event. Just like kids need to stay focused on their goal of finding Easter eggs, we need to stay focused on our goal of moving closer to God every single day. Consider writing Bible verses or faith-based messages inside plastic eggs along with prizes like candy and then hiding the eggs in challenging places that require significant effort to find. Emphasize the joy of discovery – just as kids rejoice when they see an Easter egg, believers experience joy when discovering spiritual truths in their walk with God. Hebrews 11:6 says God “… rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Show children how the Easter egg hunt reminds them of the blessings they can find by seeking God. Discuss the adventure of seeking God after the Easter egg hunt to deepen children’s understanding of faith.
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2. Decorating Easter Eggs – Becoming a New Creation

2. Decorating Easter Eggs – Becoming a New Creation
The transformation of a plain egg into a beautifully decorated one mirrors the transformation in our souls when we begin relationships with Jesus. Through Jesus’ resurrection, we are made new. The Bible points out in 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Use this time to discuss how Jesus changes us and makes us new creations. The process of dyeing and decorating eggs can symbolize the spiritual transformation that happens when we invite Jesus into our lives. The blank, undecorated egg represents life before we started relationships with Jesus. Once we begin to follow Jesus, he refines and shapes us by adding color, depth, and beauty to our souls, just as dye does to the egg. You can point out how the changes happening to the Easter eggs you all decorate represent the positive changes that occur to us as we become more holy.
Also, different colors and designs can each have specific symbolic meanings to discuss. For example, red can symbolize the blood of Christ, white can represent purity and forgiveness, and gold can show the promise of eternal life. Reflect on the meaning of the specific ways you decorate the Easter eggs. You can also relate eggs that crack to Jesus’ tomb opening on Easter Sunday – just as eggshells break, the stone at the entrance to Jesus’ grave was rolled away, and Jesus emerged resurrected. Talk about how that proves that Jesus has the power to give us eternal life. You can also make the connection that an egg represents potential. Just as new life can emerge from an egg, believers are given the promise of new and eternal life through Jesus.
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3. Easter Baskets – God’s Gift of Grace

3. Easter Baskets – God’s Gift of Grace
Easter baskets are often filled with gifts like candy and toys, which represent the grace God freely gives us through Jesus’ sacrifice as the world’s Savior. Ephesians 2:8 declares: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Teach children that God's grace is an undeserved gift from his love, just like the surprises in their baskets. Unlike Easter candy, which eventually runs out, God’s grace is endless and sustains us throughout our lives. This gift of grace is free – not something we earn, but something God does for us out of his pure love.
Consider adding items to the basket that reinforce faith, such as a small Bible, a devotional book, or a cross pendant. Encourage children to reflect on the greatest gift of all – salvation through Jesus – and to think about how our generous God loves them completely and unconditionally. You can also use this opportunity to teach kids to give grace and mercy to others by having them create Easter baskets for people in need. You can encourage children to write encouraging notes or encourage Bible verses to be placed inside the baskets.
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4. Singing Easter Worship Songs – Praising the Risen Savior

4. Singing Easter Worship Songs – Praising the Risen Savior
Music has a powerful way of drawing us closer to God. Singing to God through Easter hymns and worship songs is an enjoyable and powerful way to praise God for saving you and sense his presence with you. Isaiah 12:5 encourages you: “Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.”
Another Bible verse that encourages you to sing to God is 1 Chronicles 16:9: “Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.” Singing Easter songs like “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” or “Because He Lives” can help you celebrate the true meaning of Easter while expressing your gratitude to God for the greatest gift of all: salvation.
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5. Celebrating with Flowers – Symbols of New Life

5. Celebrating with Flowers – Symbols of New Life
Flowers – especially Easter lilies – have been associated with Easter for a long time. They symbolize purity, resurrection, and new life in relationships with Jesus. The Bible mentions how spring brings new life (including flowers) in Song of Solomon 2:11-12: “See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.”
Easter lilies, with their white (the color of purity) petals pointing upward (as if they’re pointing to heaven), represent Jesus’ resurrection and the hope of eternal life. Including fresh flowers in your Easter celebration can inspire people to give thanks for a new life as they consider how flowers inspire faith. Consider flowers for your family and friends, or display them in your home to reinforce the joyful message of Easter. Beyond lilies, other flowers such as tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths represent renewal and spring's hope. Visiting a garden or planting flowers during Easter can also be an enjoyable way of celebrating the new life that Jesus made possible through his resurrection.
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6. Easter Dinner – Sharing in God’s Love

6. Easter Dinner – Sharing in God’s Love
The tradition of gathering for an Easter meal can remind you and your family and friends (including any neighbors in need you can invite) of the importance of sharing God’s love with people. Acts 2:46 describes the early Christians: “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” Sharing a meal is a powerful way to strengthen your relationships with people. Jesus often shared meals with his disciples. Easter dinner can be an opportunity for you all to reflect on the Last Supper, where Jesus began the practice of communion.
As your family members sit together, they can thank God for the blessings he has given each of you over the past year since the last Easter. Pray at your meal, read Bible passages about Jesus’ resurrection, and discuss what Easter means to each person at the table. Enjoy the meaningful conversations around the table as you eat Easter dinner together.
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7. Savoring Sweetness – Celebrating Salvation’s Gift

7. Savoring Sweetness – Celebrating Salvation’s Gift
Eating Easter candy is a fun Easter tradition. You can connect the sweet taste of Easter candy to the sweetness of salvation. Just as we savor the taste of a chocolate bunny or the burst of flavor from a jellybean, we should savor the sweetness of God’s grace and the gift of eternal life. The sweetness reminds us of the joy we find in our relationships with Jesus.
Each piece of candy can represent a different aspect of God’s love. A chocolate egg can symbolize the new life we receive through the resurrection. The sweetness reminds us of the joyful hope that comes from experiencing the resurrection’s power every day. Jellybeans, with their different bright colors, can represent the diversity of God’s creation and the many blessings God gives us. The sugary coating reminds us of the sweetness of God’s promises. As you and your children enjoy Easter candy, reflect on the depth of God’s love for you all. God's love fills your hearts just as the candy melts in your mouths. Discuss with your family how the temporary sweetness of candy is nothing compared to the eternal sweetness of knowing Jesus. Share verses like Psalm 34:8: “Taste and see that the Lord is good,” and discuss how you can “taste” God’s goodness in your lives.
In conclusion, Easter is an important holiday to celebrate with a strong emphasis on faith. By connecting your Easter traditions to faith lessons, you can strengthen spiritual growth for you, your family, and your friends. So this year, let every Easter tradition inspire you and your loved ones to celebrate the wonderful gift of new life from Jesus!
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Originally published March 06, 2025.