5 Prayers as We Remember 9/11
It is hard to believe that it has been twenty years since the events of September 11, 2001. It stands as memory etched within our lives forever as if time stood still. Everyone has a story of what they were doing the day such a horrific tragedy occurred, and that pain still resonates deeply within. It is a bond that we share not only as Americans but also as members of the human race. The day that began as just another Autumn day but left us shaken to our cores. Although it has been two decades, let us come together in prayer so that we may never forget the lives lost, the families affected, and the memory of September 11th.
1. Prayers for Families of the Fallen
Father God, We come together to lift up and pray for the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives on September 11th. Lord, their lives will never be forgotten, and our hearts go out to those who lost someone dear from the events of that day. Those left behind were robbed of such important and valuable people, Lord.
Please comfort them as this anniversary returns yet again. Be present among them in their grief, and Lord, we pray that those surrounding them would offer kindness where they can. That they would be able to celebrate the precious lives of those who died with honor. May sweet memories of good times be shared and recalled, and may there be a sense of peace in knowing they do not grieve their loss alone. Please be bless them with Your love this day. In Jesus Name, Amen
2. Prayers for the Survivors
Father God, So many were killed due to the terrorist attacks on 9/11, but others were left with life-altering injuries and long-term mental effects. For the survivors, we pray this day for comfort. What they endured and witnessed was traumatizing and distressing; Lord, we pray for continued healing for their bodies and hearts. We pray that what was intended in pure evil would not have the final word upon these survivors.
We pray that You would surround them and pour out Your Spirit upon them. Lord, we pray that their stories, their experiences, and what they have seen will be used to inspire healing and peace in the time to come. They are strong individuals, and they deserve our respect. Please help them as this date passes again, and Lord, we thank You that they are here to live among us. In Jesus Name, Amen
3. Prayers for the Memory of those Lost
Father God, Help us never to forget the memory of those lost to the events of 9/11. Lord, they did not die in vain, and we pray with genuine and sincere hearts that their legacies would go on to endure. We think of the courageous souls of Flight 93, who fought back towards the hijackers to spare more lives, giving the ultimate sacrifice in doing so. Lord, we pray for the memories of those who lost their lives to rescue, help, and save others, such as the firefighters, the police, and the civilians who offered a hand. May their bravery be remembered and not just a footnote in history books.
And Lord, we pray for the innocent victims who were killed that heartbreaking day. We thank You for each and every single one of their lives. We thank You for the mark they left on this earth, and we celebrate the impact they had on us as friends, family, and neighbors. Even if we did not know them personally, they mattered to the story of our world, and we thank You for them. Help us not to lose sight with time of these souls; help us become ever mindful that they were made in Your image and that their lives held such great value. Help their stories to be told again and again, and may we feel pushed to share them with those who were not even alive on September 11, 2001, so that they too may come to admire and respect the fallen. We sincerely ask that the memories of those who have passed on would not be erased from this age. In Jesus Name, Amen
4. Prayers for Our Nation
Father God, We pray for our nation as a whole this September 11th. September 12th was met with unity and grief that we all shared. It is still something we share as a people; it is a reminder of how fragile and precious life truly is. Lord, we pray for peace and unity in our nation today. We pray that Your Spirit would pour out among us and that through and by You, there would be a common heart, a common goal, and a common desire for peace and kindness towards one another. Let us not lose sight of what is important in this life and help us love one another as You truly love us.
Lord, we pray for our leaders today. We pray that You would give them wisdom and discernment as they tackle events and dilemmas as they unfold. We pray that You would inspire this nation to be a nation under God, one that seeks to glorify, honor, and praise You. This is our heart’s desire, Lord. We desire to be Your people, and we strive to have peace. This nation has so much to offer, and Lord, we pray for our nation to truly be a City on a Hill. In Jesus Name, Amen
5. Prayers for Peace in Our World
Father God, We pray for peace in our world. It is clear that so much of this world is full of chaos and hate, but we know that is not of You. Lord, we pray that there would be a new heart and mindset in the people of this world that would not be of destruction and madness but of kindness and a sound mind and heart. We pray that this world in every nation would desire peace with their fellow man and that the love of the Lord would be ever-present.
We know that such a prayer is a lofty one, but Lord, we also know that You can do infinitely more than all we could ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). We have not forgotten how You changed the heart of even leaders like Nebuchadnezzar, and Lord, we know You are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8), so boldly we pray for our world to come to a place of peace. We pray this in Jesus Name, Amen
Years have passed, but the events of September 11th will not be forgotten. As the anniversary comes about, let us take on the heart posture of peace towards our fellow man, and let us come before the Lord God Almighty to pray for our neighbors, our nation, and our world. Ask the Lord this day how you can honor those who lost their lives and how you can serve the Kingdom of God here on earth. Let us be ever mindful to pray for peace and to boldly come before the Lord to invite His Spirit to be among us.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Spencer Platt/Staff
Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com
Originally published September 08, 2022.