25 Prayer Prompts for a Heart Posture of Joy This Christmas

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalms 73:26
This Psalm is a sweet reminder for us this season. When we fall into the stressful demands and feel overwhelmed, striving to do it all, we fail to recognize Who God is. This season – God is all we need. He is our hope, our peace, and our source of joy. As we head into this holiday season, will you step away from the to-do list for a moment and pray with me? Let’s offer God our gratitude and adoration with a humble heart that longs to connect more deeply with Him. In return, may we find the glorious gift of joy.
Here are 25 prayer prompts to get you started. Use these to open your heart, journal your thoughts, or lead you to a Bible verse to ponder. Together, let’s shift our gaze on the glory of our King and posture our hearts for joy this Christmas.
December 1 - Joy Is Found in the True Meaning of Christmas
Thank you, Father, for this beautiful time of year and the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ. I am in awe of the wonders of Your love.
Give God your heart and tell Him what this time of year means to you.
December 2 - Joy Is Found in Seeking Rest
Lord, it is so easy to get wrapped up in the events and activities this time of year that I grow weary. I need Your help. Change my perspective and help me find peace and rest in You alone.
How can you find time to rest in Him this season?
December 3 - Joy Is Found in a Heart Full of Thanks
O God, I come to You with a heart full of thanks and praise. You are such a good Father and have richly blessed me. Let me count the ways….
December 4- Joy Is Found in the Wonders of This Season
You, Lord, are the Light of the world. You fill me with a love that this world will never satisfy. I am forever grateful. I want to see You in all the beauty this season has to offer.
Be intentional as you choose to see God in all the small wonders of this season.
December 5 - Joy Is Found in Forgiveness of Sins
Jesus, I am forever thankful for the price You paid on that cross for me. I am so sorry I fail to recognize Your love and mercy at times. Please forgive me for…
Read Proverbs 28:13 & Psalm 32:5
December 6 - Joy Is Found in the Little Moments
Gracious God, I love how you are found in every detail of my life. Will You reveal Yourself to me in times when I forget to see You? Meet me on a walk or as I go about my day. I yearn to be close to You.
Are there areas where you can be more open to seeing His presence in your life?
December 7 - Joy Is Found in the Trials
It is said that we are to find joy in our trials. But God, if I am honest, I fall to the ways of my flesh often. I let circumstances consume me. Joy seems lost, and I grow angry or bitter. Please forgive me. I need You.
Hand your hurt over to Him today.
December 8 - Joy Is Found in Serving Others
Faithful Father, help me see the needs of those You have placed around me. Give me a heart to love and serve those You lay on my heart.
Who can you serve this season?
December 9 - Joy Is Found in Spiritual Growth
This time of year often opens our hearts in new ways. Jesus, I invite you to shape and refine me in ways that need chiseling. Cut, prune, and remove the things in my life that give no purpose in serving You. Here is my heart…
Reflect on John 15:1-8
December 10 - Joy Is Found in Remembering Who You Are in Him
Loving God, You created me with a purpose and have a plan. I hold tightly to that truth but often forget. In a world confused with their real identity, will You boldly declare who I am in You, Father?
Dig into the Psalms and praise Him today. Psalms 139:14
December 11 - Joy Is Found in The Quiet Stillness
Lord, help me be still and seek moments of quiet. I need it in order to regain my sense of peace and clarity. I long to feel Your presence and need Your love and guidance.
Make time to sit in silence and soak in His presence.
December 12 - Joy Is Found in Giving
Jesus, You are the perfect gift! As I search for those perfect presents for family and friends, help remind me that the real gift is found in You. Help me share that with others. Will you open my heart to give in this way?
Who is God laying on your heart that needs to hear about His gift of love for them?
December 13 - Joy Is Found in the Sweet Time with Precious Friends
You created us for fellowship, and I am forever thankful for the blessings of sweet friendships. Will You bless the time spent with friends this season, maybe even open my heart to creating new friendships?
Are there friendships you need to hand over to God and ask for His blessing or forgiveness?
December 14 - Joy Is Found in Hidden Blessings
Lord, I can get so busy I lose sight of You. With parties to host, cookies to bake, and events to attend, everything cries…more, more, more. Help me lean on You and find the “hidden” blessings tucked in all these beautiful moments You offer. Here is where I need help seeing more of You...
December 15 - Joy Is Found in a Faithful Father
You are so faithful! Your promises ring true and touch my heart every time I experience Your unfailing love. I praise You for all You have done. Here is my song and praise….
Look up 1 Corinthians 1:9
December 16 - Joy Is Found in Living with an Eternal Perspective
Jesus, You tell us throughout Your Word that this is not our forever home. That brings me so much hope that I will one day be united with loved ones and that You are our source of help as we live in this fallen world. Help me live with that eternal perspective.
What gives you the most hope about this eternal promise?
December 17 - Joy Is Found in Our Sufferings
O God, my heart is so heavy this time of year when I reflect on the past. There are painful events that resurface and lead me down a path that is dark and triggers mixed emotions. Please draw near in these times.
Let God carry this burden for you; hand it all to Him today.
December 18 - Joy Is Found in the Simple Things
In being honest, I’ve gotten wrapped up in the commercialism of Christmas. Gracious God, will you remove this need to do more? Help me cherish the experiences rather than the expectations.
Have you gotten swept away with putting too much on your plate? Give that to God, and pray He helps you simplify as needed.
December 19 - Joy Is Found in Times of Peace
Lord, please grant me peace as we come into these last few days to prepare for the glory of Your birth. Bring peace of mind, body, heart, and soul. Remove anything that is causing strife or pulling me away from You. Here are areas in which I need Your guidance, Lord….
December 20 - Joy Is Found in a Comforting God
You are my greatest source of comfort, Oh God. In times of stress or grief, I know You fully control my life and wrap me in Your loving arms.
Are there places in your life you need God’s comfort? Give it all to Him, and let Him comfort you.
December 21 - Joy Is Found in Seeing Jesus in Others
Father God, You created us all differently and uniquely. I long to see the best in others and see You in them. Please restore any broken relationships and help me love them as You do. Here are the relationships I submit to You, Lord…
December 22 - Joy Is Found in All the Fun and Excitement
Lord, between the full calendar of events, baking, and crafts that are strategically planned for the children, I often forget to have fun in the process. Will you reignite that passion inside of me and let me truly enjoy this season?
Are you bending to the holiday stress or making memories and having fun?
December 23 - Joy Is Found in the Eyes of a Child
The excitement in their eyes says everything, and it makes my heart full of joy. Lord, I want to experience this sweet season through the eyes of being Your precious and beloved child. Remind me of Your love as we celebrate the birth of Your Son.
Read & Reflect on Ephesians 1:4-5
December 24 - Joy Is Found in Knowing Jesus Will Return
It’s Christmas Eve. As I go about my day and prepare my heart for a beautiful celebration tomorrow, I am reminded of Your precious promise that Jesus will one day return (Hebrews 9:28). That gives me so much hope and peace. Thank you, Jesus!
Read the story of Jesus' birth and ponder upon His return to save the world! (Luke 2 or Matthew 1)
December 25 - Joy Is Found in Knowing Jesus as Savior
Dear God, as we gather with family today, we give You all our thanks and praise. We thank you for the bounty of blessings You have so freely given. We thank you for this precious time we have with those we love. We thank you for delicious food and precious memories that we will create. Most importantly, we thank you for Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are such a loving Father. You deserve our gratitude and praise. May our open hearts pour upon You today as we celebrate You, our King!
Give God Your full worship and praise today. May you be filled with peace and unwrap the beautiful gift of joy!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Originally published November 16, 2022.