5 Heartwarming Lessons from the Wise Men's Visit to Jesus

Christmas is a season that reminds us to look closely at the Bible and learn more about our Savior Jesus. Among the lights, hot apple cider and carols, we are invited to look at the main focus for this season. When King Solomon was told by God that He would grant him whatever he asked for, Solomon chose wisdom. (1 Kings 3) Wisdom means knowledge applied. Today we will observe, five heartwarming lessons from the wise men's visit to Jesus.
1. Wise Men Seek Jesus
1 Chronicles 16:11 says, “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”
Imagine a great leader of today, someone of high rapport. Whoever that might be, they are likely busy and have schedules filled with important meetings and appearances. Could you envision them cancelling all of their work and interviews for the next 6-9 months to go one direction looking for a little boy under a star? What would cause this type of person to abandon all worldly responsibility in pursuit of meeting a baby?
These three men are not called foolish, reckless, or confused, they are called wise. Wise men went, left everything to follow the star that would lead them to Jesus. We later read of Jesus telling His disciples to follow him, but in this case the wise men followed the star that led them to the Savior. In a humorous sense, people were following Jesus before He was even able to physically walk Himself.
Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” We can learn the lesson of seeking Jesus with our whole hearts from the wise men. How often do we neglect to spend time praying or reading the Bible because of our own “busy” lives? When we put on the mentality of eternity that these wise men lived by, we seek after God. We can prioritize what is most important. This is a great reminder for the every day, but also as we enter this Christmas season. We can ask the question, “What are we seeking?”
2. Wisdom from Earth Does Not Compare to Wisdom from Heaven
James 3:17 says, “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
It is interesting that three men who were as wise as they were, did not feel that they were satisfied until they laid eyes on the Messiah. Wisdom from earth does not come close to wisdom from heaven. We can learn that the wisest human being on earth cannot stand a chance when compared to our God who is perfectly wise and created wisdom itself.
I love how the Bible specifically mentions that these men were wise. It would be easy to assume that they were crazy, foolish, or unstable, but they were wise. Not everyone is given this title. Wisdom indicates respect, experience and maturity. We can glean from their example to us that nothing is better than Jesus.
3. All our Earthly Gains are to be Laid at Jesus’ Feet
Matthew 2:11 says, “Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
What is a skill or an accomplishment that you have received in which you are proud of in this life? Consider your highest achievement in the face of the Almighty God. Would you be focused on that or in awe of Him? In a culture that is highly saturated in materialism, accomplishments, wins, and wealth, it is easy to get our eyes fixed on earthly prizes. We can miss what is longterm. We can forget what is holy. We can seek the temporary in an attempt to build our own names or our own kingdoms.
The wise men teach us that even our greatest gifts or resources can be surrendered to the use of the Savior Jesus. Ultimately, anything that we have should be dedicated back to Him. The wise men came and laid their gold, frankincense and myrrh at the feet of Jesus. They knew that to behold Him and give him their all was worth far more than their earthly treasures. Scripture tells us in Matthew 6:21 that where your treasure is, your heart is also. The wise men exemplify treasuring Christ above all else. He is the most glorious and the One worth laying down all of our worldly treasures for His glory.
4. The Wise Men’s Response to Baby Jesus Foreshadows Our Response at Christ’s Return
Philippians 2:9-11 says, “For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow— in heaven and on earth and under the earth—and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
The wise men’s posture foreshadows our own posture in the time to come. When Jesus returns, we will bow before our great Savior. As we reflect on their humility and physical example of worship, may we grow in our understanding of who God is always and forever. Yes, He is personal and our friend, but He is also the Perfect Creator, Holy One, Majestic in wonder, and Glorious beyond comparison.
We can remember God came down in flesh as a baby in a manger, but even in the form of a little one, the wise men could not stand before Him. There are many scriptures where it is said that seeing the face of the Lord would kill humans because of His greatness of glory. Wow. These men were given a glimpse of glory in the face of a babe.
5. The Wise Men Remind Us that Glorious Encounters Happen in the Mundane
1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God.”
Joseph and Mary were a poor couple. These wealthy, wise men went to a tiny home and visited this small boy to worship Him. It reminds our own hearts that powerful encounters with the Savior can happen in the most mundane of places. He can meet us in the everyday, but we need to seek Him as the wise men did.
Maybe you read the account of the wise men and feel like you do not have that much to offer God. The truth is that anything we do can be an act of worship to Him. This very breath we breath can be used for His glory. Our existence is glorifying to Him. Rather than focusing on the tasks or the things, let us focus on the Person who is Jesus. The relationship with Him is why Jesus came to us, to reconcile us because of our sins. He is the prize.
Remember these five heartwarming lessons from the wise men’s visit to Jesus. Ponder the Word of God in your heart. Be compelled to bow down and worship the Savior this Christmas and each day.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Pink_frog
Originally published December 19, 2023.