9 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Your Wife

With Christmas just around the corner, finding that "one-of-a-kind" perfect gift can prove a tad overwhelming at times. Some husbands are more inclined towards purchasing something functional for day-to-day life, but perhaps this Christmas is one to start the tradition of buying your wife something tenderly thoughtful.
1. Day of Rest and Relaxation Kit
Especially after the stressful past few years everyone has had, every woman could really use a whole day to just rest and relax. Many women will not set aside time to take twenty minutes, let alone an entire day, to be still and take time out, so giving her all she needs for a day for herself can be a gift she was not expecting. Perhaps set a time for her to get her nails done or a massage at a local spa. If money is tight, there are many affordable options for an at-home spa day and great products that can be cost-effective at Target or Walmart or nicer ones at places like Lush or Bath and Body Works. Make an effort to plan out a day where nothing is required of her but to have respite.
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2. A Nod to Your First Date
Perhaps the most important "first date" of a woman's life is not her very first date ever, but the one in which she started dating her husband. It is a cherished sentimental memory, one that is held in the most sacred part of a woman's heart. Consider a nod to that day that invokes feelings of pure nostalgia. Perhaps if you went to a particular restaurant somewhat reminiscent of that restaurant or an activity similar to that of your first date. Help her feel important by the small details you remember from your first date to help her feel seen, known, and loved.
3. A Childhood Dream Come to Life
Deep within every woman is still a bright-eyed little girl inside. Consider helping something from her childhood come to life with a gift. That could be a vintage toy she loved as a child, such as a collector's barbie. Maybe that is an item or sweatshirt with her favorite Disney princess, or perhaps it will help her feel like a little girl again when she uses it. Thankfully many stores such as Box Lunch carry classic Disney items, or eBay always has collector's editions of items from yesteryear. Help her feel understood for all the stages of her life.
4. Time for Her to Spend with Her Friends
Wives give so much of themselves to their husbands, their families, and to the responsibility that comes as a wife. Very rarely do wives get a portion of time to enjoy themselves with their friends, hassle-free. An option this Christmas is to set up a time where your wife can unplug from all on her to-do list and plug into time with her friends. More than likely, her friends will gleefully jump at such a thoughtful invitation to help make a special memory. Treat her a little extra with the gift with a paid lunch or a Paint and Wine Night, or consider an experience like an Escape Room or Cookie Decorating Event at local hosts. Give her that which she won't ask for herself, a free night out with her girls.
5. An Experience Just You Two
Just as it is rare for women to get some time stress-free with their best gals, it can be rare to get a date night just for you two as well. Consider treating her with an experience that is just for you two alone. Even make it a weekend getaway where the kids have a babysitter, and you and your wife get time to connect, relax, and enjoy each other's company stress-free. Some good experiences to try together could be a leisurely hike, skiing, or a couple's cooking class.
6. A Collection of Love Letters
There is something simply wonderfully captivating about the idea of love letters. The taking of time to handwrite from the heart the ponderings of your own heart and forever encapsulating them on paper for one girl and one girl alone. It is something more cherished than a favorite Rom-Com, and it will make her feel so very unique. It could be a few or several but take the time to pour out your heart in expression towards her to lavish her with the words you often feel but rarely say. Remark on the subtle details that make her one of a kind, and adore her with reminders of the qualities that you sincerely value about her. Love letters may be old-fashioned, but they are something she will carry within her heart for all of time.
Photo credit: ©Unplash/Sippakorn Yamkasikorn
7. Legacy Items
Something that endures and is intentionally meant to last comes in the same heart and sentiment of a love letter. Consider this year a gift that could be a legacy item for your wife, something she might even hand down to future generations. It does not need to break the bank, but it can be something you would not find just sitting on the shelf at Walmart as well. A tree swing could be given for your kids to enjoy, and their kids after that, even engraved with the family name that will be passed down through your family tree. Pearl earrings will remind her that she is a pearl in her uniqueness, and they could be something she passes down to a daughter or granddaughter one day with the blessed heart behind them as something treasured because they came from you. It could even be something that sits in your house as a piece of family legacy history to be enjoyed and loved by all, but it is graciously given just to her. I recall reading the Little House on the Prairie series as a child and the mother, Ma, carried with her to every move a little china doll given to her by her husband, Charles. It became something very dear to her heart and a legacy piece in their family because of the significance it held to her. Invite the Lord in prayer to help highlight what the little china doll for your wife might be; it could be her favorite gift ever.
8. A Mix Tape
It is sad today that young people in love do not have the joy of making someone you care about a mixed tape or CD. Party like it's 1999 again, and make your girl a mixed CD, tape, or playlist that will take her on a journey through all your seasons together. You could even write a small paragraph or memory with her to each song. Maybe include "your song" or a song that makes you laugh at a funny occurrence, or a song that says all you feel but didn't know how to communicate. A good throwback from yesterday and today to make her dance, laugh, and see the intention of your kind heart.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/MangoStar_Studio
9. What She Won't Buy Herself
Lastly, consider buying her something she would not buy for herself this holiday. So often, women make sacrifices for their families, and they neglect to get themselves things they really need or want, so take the initiative to buy it for her. You could even get hints by asking her what she would buy if she did not have to worry about everyone else. Lavish her with something she wants but wouldn't take on herself to buy.
Intentionality and thoughtfulness do not need to break the bank, but they go very far in the heart of a woman. Work with God in prayer and help make this Christmas one that she will joyously hold in her heart for years to come because of how you made an effort to show appreciation for her.
Originally published November 14, 2022.