5 Best Scriptures When You Are Struggling with Depression

5 Best Scriptures When You Are Struggling with Depression

I have struggled with depression for over a decade. It has been a long journey, with many improvements as well as many fallbacks. If you also struggle with depression, you are aware of the pain and brokenness that accompanies depression. On the other hand, if you are someone who does not struggle with diagnosed depression, but deals with bouts of depression, you also know the pain and hopelessness that comes with depression. 

Despite our struggles with depression, the Lord wants us to turn to Him. While the Lord will not take away our depression, He will be with us through it all. On our good days and on the bad days, He will remain with us. The Lord will always be supportive, compassionate, and caring towards us. Whenever we are in need, we can go to the Lord and read His Word. As we are reading His Word, we can reflect on many Bible verses to help us when we are struggling. 

Here are five of the best Bible verses when you are struggling with depression.

1. Psalm 46:1-3

One of the best Bible verses to reflect on when you are struggling with depression is Psalm 46:1-3. This passage from the book of Psalms says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalm 46:1-3). This passage of Scripture reminds us that God is our refuge and strength. 

This demonstrates to us that God is with us throughout every hardship. It also tells us that He is our help in our day of trouble. As individuals who struggle with depression, we can often feel alone and full of fear. The Lord does not want us to feel alone or to be fearful because He is always with us.

Even if the earth and the mountains fall into the seas, the waters roar, and the mountains quake, God is still in control. Since He is in control, there is no reason to fear nor is there a reason to feel hopeless.

Depression causes us to feel hopeless. We feel as though nothing will ever get better. This is a lie of depression. We are never without hope because we have hope in the Lord. No matter what we face in our life and no matter how bad our depression gets, God is still with us. We do not need to be afraid because He is in control of all creation. Forever the Lord will be our refuge and strength. 

2. Isaiah 40:29

A second Bible verse when we are struggling with depression is Isaiah 40:29, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” This passage reminds us that God will give strength to the weary and will increase the power of the weak. Depression causes us to feel weak and powerless, yet Isaiah 40:29 tells us the truth that God will give us strength and give us power. 

Whenever depression rises in your heart, remind yourself of this passage of Scripture. You can also turn to the Lord and pray this passage. Ask the Lord to give strength to your weary heart and to increase your power in order to face the day. Small tasks can feel like mountains when we are struggling with depression, and we need all the strength and power we can get. The Lord will help us in this struggle and give strength to our lowly hearts. 

3. Isaiah 41:10

Another best Bible verse to turn to when you are struggling with depression is Isaiah 41:10. This passage tells us, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). I first read this passage when my mother gave it to me as a homeschool assignment. I was to make an artwork piece based on this passage. Rather than focusing on the artwork itself, I was consumed with the comfort of this passage. I had never read this passage before, and it really resonated with me when I did. 

As this Bible verse tells us, God is with us. We do not need to fear or be dismayed because God is our God. He will give us strength, help, and hope throughout every part of our life, including the parts where depression is the highest. Never will the Lord let us fall. Instead, He promises to uphold us with His mighty hand and to always walk beside us.

This is a comforting truth that we can reflect on every day. Even if you do not struggle with depression, Isaiah 41:10 can still bring peace to your soul. All of us are in need of peace, security, and safety, which is exactly what this passage brings to our hearts. Depression will try to eat at our bones, but we can be filled with hope and strength each time we reflect on Isaiah 41:10

4. 1 Peter 5:7

A fourth Bible verse to go to when you are struggling with depression is 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This is another great passage to keep in our hearts when depression is high. Normally, when we struggle with depression, we also struggle with anxiety. Anxiety often is a co-occurring issue that comes along with depression. For many individuals who struggle with depression, there are times when anxiety is overwhelming. 

Having the combined problems of anxiety and depression can be too much at times, and this is when we need to turn to 1 Peter 5:7. This passage helps us to know that we can cast all of our anxiety on God because He cares for us. This is a beautiful truth that can truly help those of us who struggle with depression because it tells us that God cares about us. At times, we feel as though nobody cares about us; however, 1 Peter 5:7 points out the truth that God cares.

Moreover, this passage tells us that we can give all of our anxieties over to God. He will take them up and carry them in order for us not to have to carry them on our own. The Lord is with us through every step of the way and He wants to give us peace, comfort, and support. Whatever depression is bringing into your heart, tell it to God. Be honest and vulnerable with Him. He hears your prayers, and He will answer them in accordance with His Will. 

5. John 16:33

A fifth best Bible verse to reflect on when you are struggling with depression is John 16:33. This passage is from the Lord, and He says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). As the Lord tells us, we can have peace in Him. Although we will have troubles in this world, we take heart because the Lord has overcome the world. Since the Lord has overcome the world, we have too. 

The things of this world can cause us to feel depressed, anxious, and crestfallen. Turn to the Lord when you are feeling this way, and remind yourself that you have peace in the Lord. Things might feel uncertain or scary, but we can always depend on God. We can take heart because Jesus is with us; He has redeemed us, and one day, we will be with Him in paradise. Depression tries to make us believe the worst possible things will happen, but we have to remember Jesus and the truth that we have peace in Him, He has overcome the world, and we are His beloved children.

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Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.