Christ’s resurrection is extremely powerful. Through Jesus’ resurrection, we are taught many powerful lessons. While in actuality, one could write an entire book on lessons from Christ’s resurrection, today we will discuss four of the most powerful lessons from Jesus’ resurrection. If you want to learn more about the resurrection and its power, this article is for you.
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1. We Can Have Hope
1. We Can Have Hope
The first powerful lesson from Christ’s resurrection is that we can have hope. The Apostle Peter tells us, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3). As Peter says in this verse, we have a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus. We no longer have to fear what is to come because of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
Look to Christ’s resurrection as a beacon of hope. In the modern day, we are often flooded with negative news that can impact us. Each time we turn on the television or check our phones, we are often bombarded with murders, wars, and abuse. This can leave us feeling hopeless about the present and the future. The Lord doesn’t want us to feel hopeless because we are given hope through His resurrection. We will not always live in a sin-filled world because we have hope for the future. In fact, we even have hope now because of the Lord’s resurrection.
We don’t have to live in fear of death or the future because Jesus has defeated death on the cross. Hope is found in the resurrection of Christ, which is a key part of the gospel. Through Jesus, we can have hope and the promise of eternal life, forgiveness of sin, and a fresh start with Him. As believers, we are never hopeless because Jesus is our hope. We can fully trust in Him and know that what He has promised concerning the future will come in His timing. Our lives and souls are kept in the safety of God’s hands. Allow your heart and mind to peacefully hope in the Lord.
2. We Will Be Resurrected in the Future

2. We Will Be Resurrected in the Future
A second powerful lesson from Christ’s resurrection is that we will be resurrected in the future. Similar to Jesus’ resurrection, we also will be resurrected. The resurrection of believers will occur at the time of the rapture. The rapture will happen with no pre-warnings as it will be unexpected. At this time, present-day believers will be resurrected into their glorified bodies, and deceased believers will be resurrected to their glorified bodies (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). This will be a marvelous event in the future, which will only happen because of the Lord.
With our resurrected, glorified bodies, we will no longer sin, get sick, or die. The Apostle Paul tells us this about our resurrected, glorified bodies, “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body” (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). Our glorified bodies will be amazing, and they will be true gifts of the Lord.
Through Christ’s resurrection, we are taught the powerful lesson that we, too, will be resurrected. While it is hard to believe this from a human state of mind, we have to understand there are many spiritual truths of the Bible that defy logic. This is why they are known as miracles. Many Christians have a hard time believing in the miracles of Christ because they go against basic human logic. As believers, we must know that God is capable of anything, and nothing holds Him back from doing incredible, marvelous things.
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3. Christ Defeated Death
3. Christ Defeated Death
A third powerful lesson from Christ’s resurrection is that He defeated death. At the cross, Jesus defeated death once and for all. Paul tells us, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:55-58). We have been given victory over death and sin because of Jesus’ resurrection. No longer does death have its hold on us because Jesus defeated it. While we will all still physically die (unless the rapture happens during our lifetime), we no longer have to live in fear of death. Through Jesus’ resurrection, we know there is life after death.
For years and years, I was afraid of what was going to happen after death. I didn’t know the gospel and I knew nothing about the completed work of Christ on the cross. Due to this, I was terrified of death. Did we simply just cease to exist? Or was our good going to be weighed against our bad and that would decide our eternal destination? All of these thoughts would swirl in my head and fill my entire being with fear. I don’t want you to have to experience this same fear and uncertainty.
Through Christ’s resurrection, we know He has defeated death, and we know we will be with Him after we die if we have placed faith in Him. We don’t need to be afraid of simply ceasing to exist or to be afraid that we will go to hell if we were “not good enough.” These false beliefs have circulated across the world, which is why it is important we understand Christ’s resurrection and share its powerful lessons with others. Christ defeated death on the cross and through His resurrection. There is no reason to be afraid of the future because Jesus will be meeting us on the other side.
4. We Are Given Eternal Life

4. We Are Given Eternal Life
A fourth powerful lesson from Christ’s resurrection is that we are given eternal life. We are given eternal life by placing faith in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Through faith in Jesus, we are given not only eternal life but we are also given forgiveness of sins. Eternal life is only possible through Jesus’ death and resurrection. There is nothing we could or can do to merit salvation. Only God Himself could redeem mankind from our sins. This is why Jesus came down from heaven to save us from our sins and to give us eternal life by placing faith in Him.
Jesus is God in the flesh, which is why He was able to die for the sins of the world and be resurrected. He lived a perfect life and never sinned once. Although He was tempted, He never sinned. It is through the truth that Jesus is God that He didn’t sin and that He was able to be resurrected. No mere man could do this as only God could redeem mankind from their sins, be resurrected, and give us eternal life. If you are unsure about the future, turn to the Lord and know that you have eternal life in Him.
Once a person has placed faith in Christ, they will go to Heaven when they pass away. They don’t have to fear going to hell and being separated from God for all eternity because they placed faith in Christ during their life. You too can have this assurance of salvation by placing faith in Jesus. All you have to do is believe that Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and rose again. Confess your sins, and ask Jesus to help change your heart and mind through him. If you do this, you are forgiven of your sins and you are given eternal life through Jesus. This is only possible because of Jesus’ glorious, all-powerful resurrection.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/KatarzynaBialasiewicz
Originally published March 06, 2023.