
Christian Easter Basket Ideas: 20 Meaningful Gifts for Kids

Updated Mar 22, 2022
Christian Easter Basket Ideas: 20 Meaningful Gifts for Kids

Christian Easter baskets have always been difficult for me to plan. Whether it's an easter basket gift for a toddler or a unique basket idea for a teen, I want the gifts for Easter to have meaning. So I decided to put together this list of Easter basket ideas to help my fellow Christians find a great gift to surprise their family.

My mom has always been great at giving gifts. When my brother and I were growing up, she gave thoughtful presents not just for birthdays and Christmas, but for the “minor” holidays like Valentine’s Day. She always made sure we had a meaningful gift at Easter (although, to be honest, I don’t think we had official “Easter baskets”). 

While I’ll probably never be as good as my mom at giving gifts, when I do buy or make gifts for my own children, I want them to celebrate the Christian meaning and celebration of Easter. I also don’t want to spend a fortune. As Easter approaches, I decided to start looking for Easter basket ideas and gifts for my kids’ that I know won’t break our budget.

If you’re looking for meaningful, inexpensive gifts to buy or make for your children, here are 20 fun ideas to fill up those Easter baskets!

Image Credit: ©Getty/Christina Kennedy

1. Books for Easter

1. Books for Easter

Books are my go-to gift, mostly because I am a voracious reader! Here are a few that would make excellent gifts for an Easter basket:

When God Made You and When I Pray for You by Matthew Paul Turner. These don’t directly talk about Easter, but I love the messages in these books, and the illustrations definitely have an Easter-y vibe.

God Gave Us Easter by Lisa Tawn Bergren. My son and I have worn out our copy of Bergen’s God Gave Us Thankful Hearts, so her Easter book would be a definite winner in his basket this year.

Other Easter or Christian faith books that have caught my eye:

Good News It's Easter by Glenys Nellist.
Found: Psalm 23 by Sally-Lloyd Jones
The Donkey Who Carried a King by R.C. Sproul

Image Credit: ©Getty/MoMo Productions

2. Worship Music

2. Worship Music

We’re instructed in Scripture to write God’s word on our hearts (Proverbs 7:2) and to “impress these words of mine on your heart and soul… You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up” (Deut 11:18-19). I’ve found that one of the easiest ways to live out these instructions with our children is through music. Music is catchy and it makes it easy for kids to start memorizing God’s truth at an early age.

My favorite worship music for kids is definitely the Seed Family Worship albums. This worship music “creates modern word-for-word scripture songs for kids and families to learn and memorize the Bible.”

My son also loves the Slugs and Bugs albums – they are super silly, but a fun way to take in Scripture without even realizing it.

If your kids are a little older, the latest Lauren Daigle or Bethel Music offering is sure to please! Simply add a CD or iTunes gift card in the Easter basket!

Image Credit: ©Getty/Jose-Luis-Pelaez-Inc

3. Plush Lamb that Plays “Jesus Loves Me”

3. Plush Lamb that Plays “Jesus Loves Me”

We are expecting our first daughter in a few weeks, and this lamb from GUND might just be my top pick for her first little lovey. Stuffed animals are always a hit, and I love that this one plays the song “Jesus Loves Me” -- helping little ones begin to connect that Jesus is the Lamb of God. This is a wonderful Easter basket gift idea that celebrates the real meaning of Easter - the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Image Credit: Amazon/GUND toys

4. Mini Easter Garden to Teach Them about the Resurrection

4. Mini Easter Garden to Teach Them about the Resurrection

I love this Resurrection Garden idea from Proverbial Homemaker! This super simple craft is something you can do with your child, or perhaps you can make it ahead of time with a flower bulb in the dirt, and instructions for your child to water and watch the flower bloom. The link above has some great ideas to help make each child’s garden unique.

Image Credit: ©Getty/Hero Images

5. Melissa and Doug New Testament Bible Stories Wooden Cube Puzzle

5. Melissa and Doug New Testament Bible Stories Wooden Cube Puzzle

I’m going to be honest – I love this Melissa and Doug Puzzle because all I have to do is click one button and the work is done- I just stick it in the basket on Easter morning. But it’s a legitimately meaningful gift, too – this puzzle is really 6 puzzles in one, with 6 Bible scenes (Jesus with the Children, the Nativity, Jesus Walking on Water, the Resurrection, Teaching at the Temple, and Fishes & Loaves). I think it would be fun to work on this puzzle with your little tot and then talk through the stories with him or her as they solve the puzzle. 

Also, Melissa and Doug products are always well made – I love that this is wooden and will hold up as it gets passed down to younger siblings. This is an Easter basket gift that will last and create memories. 

Image Credit: Amazon/ Melissa and Doug


6. A Journal (to start on Easter Sunday!)

6. A Journal (to start on Easter Sunday!)

Journals are a great way to encourage children to be introspective with their thoughts and feelings. For me, my journals were also where I first began to regularly pray – a spiritual discipline I’m so glad I started cultivating at an early age.

For a more reluctant writer, I also know some parents who give their kids journals and write writing prompts at the top of the page, and then let their kids fill it out for them to read and enjoy later on.

I also love the idea of a journal being a special place where you and your child can write to one another – even if it’s as simple as asking them to write three things down that you can be praying for that week or month. What a beautiful idea for Easter baskets for all ages!

Image Credit: ©Getty-/Igor-Alecsander

7. Candy… with an Even Sweeter Message

7. Candy… with an Even Sweeter Message

Special treats are part of what makes holidays so fun, but I love how these two ideas actually have a meaningful message attached. These would also be a great idea for Sunday school teachers to pass out on Easter morning!

Jelly Bean Poem + Printable from Thirty Hand Made Days.

M&M Easter Poem for Children from Ministry to Children.

Image Credit: ©Getty/Kelly-Sillaste

8. Easter Themed Movies

8. Easter Themed Movies

Maybe a fun tradition you can start in your family would be to spend Easter evening watching an Easter-themed movie together. There is no shortage of good flicks out there for all ages and stages of life.

Need some ideas? Check out Crosswalk’s top 10 Easter movie recommendations.

Image Credit: ©Getty/Siri-Stafford

9. Special Jewelry

9. Special Jewelry

For elementary school aged kids, I love this Girl’s Salvation Story Beaded Cross Charm Bracelet and this Boy’s Leather Steel Cross Bracelet. This Easter basket idea will help your children remember the sacrifice and victory of Jesus all year round.

Older girls might appreciate a delicate gold cross necklace or earrings, particularly if it’s a milestone birthday year or the year she was baptized or dedicated her life to Christ.

Image Credit: Amazon

10. Egg Shakers in Baskets

10. Egg Shakers in Baskets

Another fun “one click and be done” gift! I like that this particular set comes with 6 shakers, so you could potentially divide them out between several baskets if you wanted to and save a few dollars. These wooden shakers seem durable and are beautifully painted. I like the idea of pairing these with a CD and making the basket have a music theme.

Image Credit: Amazon/Goege Bailey

11. Coin Purse or Wallet for Tithe Offering

11. Coin Purse or Wallet for Tithe Offering

When I was researching meaningful Easter gifts, this idea came up on a lot of sites, and I love it! We’re just now beginning to teach our son what tithing is, and I know he would feel so special bringing his own little wallet with coins to put in the offering plate each Sunday.

I’m in absolute love with these iSupurb Canvas Wallets – there are several themes you can choose from, and because they come in a set of four, you can divide them between baskets and save a few bucks (or keep one for yourself). My favorite is the Forest and Animals set!

Image Credit: Amazon/ iSupurb

12. Sticker and Coloring Books

12. Sticker and Coloring Books

You can’t go wrong with art supplies – markers and colored pencils are my go-to gift when I can’t think of anything else to give as presents, because craft supplies constantly need to be replaced! Crafts are always a welcome gift idea.

There are endless places to find stickers and coloring supplies, but the Dollar Store or Dollar Tree near you is probably going to get you the most bang for your buck.  I’m always surprised at what I can find there and how much less expensive it is compared to Target.

Image Credit: ©Getty-Cavan-Images

13. Resurrection Eggs

13. Resurrection Eggs

This Resurrection Egg set looks like it would be an egg-cellent (sorry, couldn’t help it) gift not just for an Easter basket but perhaps something a Sunday school teacher could buy and use in his or her class on Easter Sunday. Each egg has a special trinket inside that helps tell the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross.

Image Credit: Amazon/ Family Life


14. Children’s Bible

14. Children’s Bible

If you don’t already have a Children’s Bible in your kid’s book collection, this would make a wonderful gift, especially at Easter. (These also make great baby shower or baptism gifts). Here are a few of my favorite Children’s bibles:

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name, by Sally Lloyd-Jones
The Children's Story Bible, by Catherine F. Vos
The Big Picture Story Book Bible, by David Helm

Image Credit: Amazon

15. Sponsor a Child

15. Sponsor a Child

I love this idea! Why not sponsor a child together as a family? You could put the picture and information card about your sponsored child in your kid’s Easter basket. This is a sweet way to make the holiday other’s focused and not just about the Easter bunny.

There are many child sponsor organizations to choose from. Do your own research to find an organization that is right for your family.

Image Credit: ©Thinkstock

16. A Wooden Cross to Paint Together

16. A Wooden Cross to Paint Together

This Standing Cross from Living Grace was one of the best ones I found online. You could keep it as simple as you wanted, or make it more ornate. While I’d probably just stick with one or two paint colors for my kids to paint with, I could imagine older kids enjoying adding other decorative materials or painting a Scripture reference on it.

Image Credit: Living Grace

17. Bible Trivia Games

17. Bible Trivia Games

This would be a good Easter gift for your older kids. Here are a few that seem to have the best reviews:

Trend Enterprises Bible Trivia Flash Cards
Ideal Children's Bible Trivia Game
Outburst, Bible Edition (from Christianbooks.com)

Image Credit: Amazon, Christianbooks


18. Easter Eggs with Special Notes for Each Child

18. Easter Eggs with Special Notes for Each Child

I like this idea simply because it takes a cutesy Easter tradition and makes it just a touch more meaningful. Sure, put some candy in those eggs, but why not also take a few minutes to write a few notes to your kids and tuck one in each egg as well?

This could also be a sweet way to celebrate Lent – I think it would be fun to put an egg with a note and treat your child’s lunchbox during the Lenten season – you could even do a Scripture verse in them as well.

Image Credit: ©Getty/Hero Images

19. “Resurrection Rolls” Recipe and Ingredients

19. “Resurrection Rolls” Recipe and Ingredients

Also known as “Empty Tomb Rolls,” these sweet rolls illustrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Here is a simple recipe and (incredibly adorable!) video tutorial on the rolls for you to make with your kiddos. I think this would also make such a fun Easter activity for a preschool class or elementary Sunday school class if you have access to a kitchen!

Image Credit: ©Getty/Hoxton-Sam-Edwards

20. Easter Story Stones

20. Easter Story Stones

I love this handmade, high-quality Easter gift idea from Etsy seller AlleluiaRocks. (She also makes Christmas story stones!)

Here’s her description of the stones from her Etsy page:

“Let your child tell the Easter Story in his/her own words! These Easter Story Stones are a meaningful way to celebrate Easter beyond all the candy and egg hunts... this set of Easter images helps remind children of the reason that Easter is celebrated: the Resurrection of Christ!”

Simple visual tools like this really help children’s comprehension of stories, and it’s so important that our kids understand what Easter is all about! I also love that these stones can become part of pretend play. Just make sure your little one is old enough to play with these without putting them in his or her mouth!

What are some of your favorite creative Easter basket ideas? Share some of your gift plans with our community!

Image Credit: AlleluiaRocks


Kelly Givens is the editor of iBelieve. She lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband and children, and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in the great outdoors.

Originally published March 06, 2019.


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