A Hopeful Prayer for Strength in the Coming Tribulation

Do you long for the return of Christ? This world is not our home, a fact that becomes increasingly apparent all the time. Our culture continues to drift from its Christian roots and float—at times, even plummet—toward immorality, division, and self-destruction.
We can rest assured that no matter the circumstances, God is in control. Jesus is coming back to rule forever in righteousness. And as we wait for His return, we are called to be active participants in His plan. We are called to be ambassadors of His love to people who desperately need Him.
I pray the rising tensions in our world would not cause us to hide in our homes or avoid the issues.
I pray we would match the urgency of our times with an urgency to pray. I pray we would come before God and be filled with His Holy Spirit in order to find the strength to persevere and be the light of Jesus to those around us.
As we cling to the hope of Christ’s return and eternity with Him, let us pray this prayer and allow God to guide us each individually to live out His calling as we wait:
Lord, we’re living in perilous times. The kingdoms are in an uproar. The nation of Israel sits at the hub of history, and the predictions of Your Word are unfolding like a scroll.
Evil has never been stronger, and the end has never been closer. Our world is in the grip of the birth pangs of tribulation the likes of which have never been seen before and will never be seen again.
Lord, rejecting the spirit of fear, we claim the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Help us preach the gospel in these last days. Give us a sense of urgency, anticipation, and evangelism as we await the upward call.
May we persevere as we listen for the shout, for the voice of the archangel, and for the trumpet call of God.
Dear Lord, give us patience and give us power. Give us strength and sound minds, as we pray: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”
The signs of the times could instill a sense of insecurity if we did not know who was in charge, but because we do know Him, learning about His plan for us fills our hearts with expectancy and hope.
Dr. Jeremiah’s inspirational prayer book, Perhaps Today, will help you hit the “Pause” button and be filled with hope.
Dr. David Jeremiah is one of America’s most trusted Bible teachers. For more than 36 years he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the Bible through 8,761 daily Turning Point Radio releases and a weekly Turning Point Television program that reaches millions of people weekly.
Photo Credit: GettyImages/CatEyePerspective
Originally published April 24, 2019.