A Poem to Honor Dad This Father’s Day
Father’s Day is right around the corner. In honor of this day, let’s pause to praise, encourage, and praise the men in our lives. The role of Father is one that has so much weight! Experts tell us that when fathers are involved in the lives of their children, their children do better. Having a dad around impacts everything from your emotional development and IQ, to helping youth avoid high-risk behaviors, and is also vital in passing along values from one generation to the next. The role of a father is one of great importance.
Why Dads Matter
Dad’s matter.
Yet, oftentimes our culture shrugs off the role of dad as lacking in value. Dad is talked about as the babysitter, superfluous, and less than competent. Even us moms can be guilty of not viewing our parenting partners as a capable and significant part of this parenting gig.
Except for the situations in which a dad is unavailable or unsafe they should be encouraged to take an active role in the lives of their children. Their model, engagement, and presence in your kid’s life is an important gift to them and to mothers too!
dads need to hear our culture cheer them on. They need to know that they are essential to the well-being of their child. They need to hear they are capable and have so much to offer. We need to make space for their style of parenting in our homes. Moms need to share the details of their child’s needs and struggles openly with dads. Our children desperately need strong, loving men in their life that can help them find their way in this troubled world.
My amazing and better-than-the-rest husband and father to our four amazing kids took a moment to write a poem and prayer for all the dads and men reflecting on what fatherhood means this Father’s Day. May these words affirm you, encourage you, and remind you that the role of dad was divinely created with meaning and purpose.
A Father’s Day Poem
To those that accepted the badge of fatherhood; remain forever grateful, forever thankful, and proud of this calling and accept this blessing:
Fathers who work tirelessly to provide for your families, we appreciate you
Fathers of the Expecting, we prepare with you
Fathers of young kids and those with many children, we support you….and will bring you caffeine
Fathers of the grown-up, the graduated, the married. Impart your wisdom; the generations thank you
Fathers who have lost a child, we mourn with you
Fathers that come home exhausted but still find the energy to play and serve, your children and wives thank you
Fathers that foster and adopt, your community thanks you; we need more of you
Fathers of blended families, may God guide you
Fathers that have made mistakes, we forgive you
To those grieving the loss or absence of your own dad, we cry with you
Fathers in a community of families that also positively influence others, their parents are forever grateful for you
Fathers that lead your family through life’s storms, may God bless your perseverance
Fathers that prioritize a relationship with Jesus more than anything,
Fathers that ensure that God’s Word is always present, always heard, always seen in your house,
Fathers that pray regularly for the souls of the little ones around them, we honor you.
Thank You to All the Dads
This Father’s Day we loudly say to all the men that are invested in raising the next generation, thank you! Your influence, time, skills, and existence in the lives of our children make a real difference. If you are estranged from your children, remember that God is in the business of restoring broken things. Pray that He will give you the words and grace to step towards healing.
Genesis 18:19 says, “For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.” Men have a special call to lead their children towards righteousness. A strong faith in God is the most significant thing you can pass along to your household and community. Your community is so grateful for your gentle leadership. We see your service, your prayers, your sacrifice, and your devotion. Continue in the work of showing young ones what it is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Men, do not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9). Parenthood is a huge responsibility but your role in the lives of your children is irreplaceable. Take the lead in your home to model for your kids what it means to be a person of faith, character, loyalty, and love. Your example will make an eternal impression on your children’s lives, at every age! Happy Father’s Day.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/DGLimages
Amanda Idleman is a writer whose passion is to encourage others to live joyfully. She writes devotions for My Daily Bible Verse Devotional and Podcast, Crosswalk Couples Devotional, the Daily Devotional App, she has work published with Her View from Home, on the MOPS Blog, and is a regular contributor for Crosswalk.com. She has most recently published a devotional, Comfort: A 30 Day Devotional Exploring God's Heart of Love for Mommas. You can find out more about Amanda on her Facebook Page or follow her on Instagram.
Originally published June 17, 2022.