What should we pray for to give our children safety at Halloween?
When I was a kid growing up in the 1970s, we only had two things to worry about when we were trick-or-treating: whether our mom would make us wear a coat over our costume and whether we could run fast enough before curfew to fill our pillowcase bags. With seven kids in our family, my mom was concerned about other things and adept at prayers for our safety on Halloween.
When my daughter started trick-or-treating in the late 1990s, we began to see decorations and costumes so disturbing that we stopped going out for candy altogether. It helped that we were then in a church and school that didn't allow its celebration. Now, I'm amazed at what I see. When my daughter was young, they were disturbing enough. Today, I'm amazed at what I see. It should call all believers to prayer, whether you have kids that go out on Halloween night or not.
First, we must pray whether our kids should go trick-or-treating. Many will tell you it's not a celebration of Satan. Some traditions are connected to Christian holidays like All Saint's Day. However, Christianity.com contributor Vivian Bricker reminds us that people celebrate it for various reasons. Some reasons are darker than others.
So, here are some prayers for safety that parents can use about Halloween concerns.
Further Reading: Should Christians Share the Gospel During Halloween
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1. Prayer for Deciding Wisely Whether to Go Halloween Trick-or-Treating

1. Prayer for Deciding Wisely Whether to Go Halloween Trick-or-Treating
Heavenly Father, James 1:5 says that, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
Lord, you know that many of us struggle to make the right decision about celebrating Halloween and sending our children out trick-or-treating. You know what Your will is in this situation and we ask that you make it obvious to us through the Holy Spirit whether we should participate or if we should educate our children about All Saint’s Day and what that has to do with Halloween.
Further Reading: What Is All Saint’s Day?
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2. Prayer for Choosing a Safe and Appropriate Halloween Costume

2. Prayer for Choosing a Safe and Appropriate Halloween Costume
Lord, we know there are so many scary or evil characters in media these days, including animated TV shows and video games, from ghosts to frightening "superheroes." We pray that parents will take into consideration whether or not these characters should be celebrated. If a child identifies with evil or villains each year, that may be a cause for concern. So, Lord, I pray that parents will steer their children to more innocent characters–and that costumes would not have hoods or masks that make it hard for kids to see.
Further Reading: How Should Christians Respond to Halloween?
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3. Prayer for Traveling Safely While Trick-Or-Treating

3. Prayer for Traveling Safely While Trick-Or-Treating
Lord, you know where your children are at all times. You are the Good Shepherd who walks with His sheep in the valley and on the hills. Please be present with trick-or-treating children who would be safe crossing streets (maybe with glow sticks to see better), safe from those who want to cause harm, and stay away from the gorier neighborhood displays. And Father, for older children going out in a group, we pray they will stay together and look out for one another.
Further Reading: How Should Christian Families Approach Halloween
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4. Prayer for Safety from People Using Halloween to Harm Children

4. Prayer for Safety from People Using Halloween to Harm Children
Lord, you know that Halloween is a time for children to run around after dark, often without adult supervision. And you know that the world is becoming more and more evil. The number of children kidnapped (and, in some cases, trafficked) is growing faster than officials can keep up with it. As Brother Andrew said, please, "Make evil eyes blind" to these children and surround them with your mighty angels for protection.
"It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin." (Luke 17:2)
Further Reading: 10 All Saints Day Prayers to Honor Past Christians
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5. Pray for Safety from People Tampering With Halloween Candy

5. Pray for Safety from People Tampering With Halloween Candy
Lord, we hear a story of a child who has gotten sick from something dangerous put in their candy almost every year. Please turn the heart of anyone considering doing such a thing and show them they can be forgiven and loved. And please prompt parents to check into what their child brings home.
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 18:10)
Further Reading: Can Halloween Be a Fun Holiday for Christians?
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6. Prayer for Protection Against Disturbing Halloween Decorations

6. Prayer for Protection Against Disturbing Halloween Decorations
Lord, we know there is nothing evil about giving candy. We also know that Halloween decorations have become gorier and more sexualized than ever. We see many decorations that take up entire yards, showing blood, weapons, and even dead bodies of adults or children.
We know that you created our brains to remember images. You know that children of a certain age can't understand what is real and what isn't. Please inspire parents not to go past those houses. Also, prompt them to pray for these people who need to know Jesus.
Further Reading: 10 Things You Didn't Know about Halloween
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7. Prayer for Safety for Those Tempted to Explore Occult Practices

7. Prayer for Safety for Those Tempted to Explore Occult Practices
Lord, Satan can make evil things look shiny and attractive. We know some people use Halloween to celebrate the old Celtic tradition of Samhain and nature worship, which can extend to more evil activities.
Please help parents know what the Bible says about occult practices (see Deuteronomy 18:9-12, Rev. 21:8, and more). We know that even if little Johnny is just going out to get candy, there are some dark dangers out on Halloween.
Please let God's full armor protect these children so they can withstand any evil presence. May they remember this verse:
"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Further Reading: Is the Origin of Halloween Rooted in a Pagan Holiday?
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8. Prayer for Safety for Trick-Or-Treaters With Allergies

8. Prayer for Safety for Trick-Or-Treaters With Allergies
Heavenly Father, you know those children who struggle with allergies, some of which can be fatal. We pray that if they are trick-or-treating, the treats will be labeled appropriately so parents can pick out items that aren't safe for that child.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate." (Psalm 127:3-5)
Further Reading: 10 Non-Spooky Ways to Celebrate Halloween
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9. Prayer for Safety for Families Using Fire Pits at Halloween

9. Prayer for Safety for Families Using Fire Pits at Halloween
Father, it's become commonplace for parents to sit with friends around a fire pit on their driveway while kids come and go for trick-or-treating. First, Lord, I pray that these parents will be a good example to these children by not being intoxicated (on alcohol, marijuana, or other stimulants). Second, I pray that children will not get too close to these pits, as many costumes are very flammable.
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. 'I have the right to do anything'—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others . . . So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:23-24, 31)
Further Reading: What Does the Bible Say about Halloween?
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Carolina Jaramillo
10. Prayer for Churches to Provide Safe Alternate Halloween Activities

10. Prayer for Churches to Provide Safe Alternate Halloween Activities
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Lord, your children are supposed to be light in dark places. I pray that more and more would use this time of year to provide fun activities for kids in a safe environment that doesn't emphasize the dead. Thank you for churches who have developed harvest festivals, trunk-or-treat games, and community service activities to create safe Halloween alternatives. Also, I pray that parents will separate candy into age-appropriate items for little ones.
It would be great to talk with your children before they participate in trick-or-treating to go over the safety prayers together. Remind them that they represent the Lord if they are going out for candy, so they must say "please" and "thank you" when given candy. If they go with Mom and Dad, it can be a great opportunity to meet neighbors, evangelize, and invite people to church for a kids' event that the church is hosting. God is greater than any event with even a hint of evil, so invite some neighbors to come and see that they are loved!
Further Reading: 6 Ways Your Family Can Be a Light This Halloween
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/FamVeld
Mary Oelerich-Meyer is a Chicago-area freelance writer and copy editor who prayed for years for a way to write about and for the Lord. She spent 20 years writing for area healthcare organizations, interviewing doctors and clinical professionals and writing more than 1,500 articles in addition to marketing collateral materials. Important work, but not what she felt called to do. She is grateful for any opportunity to share the Lord in her writing and editing, believing that life is too short to write about anything else. Previously she served as Marketing Communications Director for a large healthcare system. She holds a B.A. in International Business and Marketing from Cornell College (the original Cornell!) When not researching or writing, she loves to spend time with her writer daughter, granddaughter, rescue doggie and husband (not always in that order).
Originally published October 31, 2024.