How to Get What You Really Want for Mother's Day

One of the most talked about holidays this time of year is Mother’s Day. Every spring, millions of people in the United States (and internationally) flock to retail stores and online outlets for one simple reason: Mom.
Over $20 billion is spent on this annual tribute to mothers in the US alone. In fact, in 2015, the National Retail Federation reported that $21.2 billion was spent on Mother's Day gifts that year. Nearly 80 percent of those who honored the holiday bought a card. Almost 70 percent purchased flowers, and 34 percent opted for jewelry. How much jewelry? Jewelry spending hit 4.3 billion in 2015.
Perhaps we spend this much because we realize that the job of a mother is never done. It's a 24/7 commitment. According to the 2019 Mother's Day Index, if you put monetary value on the many things Mom handles in the household, her market value would be an impressive $83,676. You rock, moms!
Yet, if this much money, time, and effort are spent on celebrating our moms, why are so many mothers not all that happy on Mother’s Day? Perhaps, we don’t know what we want or how to ask for it.
We don’t really know how Mother’s Day is supposed to be. The first one we celebrate involves the recent birth or adoption of our first child. However, we are so tired, excited, and happy to be celebrating Mother’s Day that we don’t even think of asking for a thing! We have a child, and that’s what is important.
But before we know it, Mother’s Day starts to resemble all the other days of the year:
- We still do breakfast before church,
- We still get everyone dressed and into the car,
- We still do lunch after church (unless we get to go out to lunch and face all the crowds), and
- We still do the “stuff” that all mother’s do before eating dinner and going to bed.
When does Mother’s Day become what it claims to be—a day to celebrate Mom and make her feel special?
I remember talking to a close friend one day. She was so mad at her husband. It was her birthday and he'd forgotten! While I listened patiently to her huff and puff, I thought, “why not let him in on the secret?”
Ladies, we gotta remind our husbands of what we want!
So, let me list some ideas that hopefully will help you moms get what you really want on any of your special days:
- Think about what you really want on your special day. Because until you know what you really want, you won’t get it.
- Men (and children) are not, and never will be, mind-readers. They just don’t have that particular DNA. So, talk to them and share what you really want.
- Then ask for it. And early! I start talking about my birthday and Mother’s Day at least a few weeks ahead. And I get a whole week of celebrating when it’s my birthday. I actually thought I might be overdoing it until I met a new friend who celebrates for the whole month!
- Remember: God created women, and He loves you! He wants you to have joy in your everyday life.
- Don’t be afraid to delegate. I know it’s hard—we are already doing everything. But on Mother’s Day, I don’t do a thing! Our families can figure out how to survive for one day.
- If someone in your family starts asking you to do something that you have already stated you aren’t going to do on your day, don’t do it! It’s ok to say no. I don’t cook on Mother’s Day, and the family knows beforehand. I also like to sit in the sun, read a book, take a walk, nap, and maybe watch a special show or movie.
I may not do all of these things every year, but I have concluded that Mother’s Day is for me to enjoy, recharge, and renew! I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
"He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young." (Isaiah 40:11)
Lane Jordan is a best-selling author, international motivational and inspirational speaker, singer, artist, Bible teacher, and professional life coach. She lives in Frisco, Texas with her husband who partners with her in ministry and waits impatiently for daughters and granddaughter to visit! Lane’s desire is to encourage, support, and motivate women of all ages to be better wives, mothers, and women of God by organizing their lives and time. You can find her at: and her blog at
Photo Credit: GettyImages/fotyma
Originally published May 03, 2019.