Mother's Day

10 Heartwarming Mother’s Day Prayers of Encouragement and Blessing

Updated May 01, 2023
10 Heartwarming Mother’s Day Prayers of Encouragement and Blessing

Mother's Day is a beautiful time of recognition and celebration to honor mothers. Every life begins and ends under the sovereign hand of God. There is no greater honor than leading freshly born hearts to His feet. It’s possible mothers learn more about themselves, their purpose, of life, love, and God through the eyes of the children He puts in their care. Every precious life belongs to Him. Every note of talent and nuance of personality are the products of His compassionate care and love.

We are created in His image, and perhaps nothing solidifies that reality more than welcoming a new life into the world. Being a mother is a privilege packed with purpose we can’t handle apart from His strong and guiding hand. We pray for every mom this Mother’s Day. We pray for strength to sustain the hard parts, patience to embrace the days as they fly by, and courage to let go and love our children for who they already are right now, just as He does.

Mother's Day prayers can be used in church, on a card, or said while sharing a Mother's Day meal. May these prayers bring joy and contentment to the heart of all moms! We also understand that Mother's Day can be painful and difficult for many - those who did not have a good relationship with their mom, those who have lost their mother, or those waiting to become a mom. We have included prayers for Mother's Day to encourage you and fill your heart with peace today.

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mother holding newborn baby

A Mother’s Day Prayer

Nothing surprises You, but we are knocked off balance easily as we traverse the road of motherhood. Each stage comes with a rollercoaster of emotion as we watch little people grow and bloom right before our eyes. We watch them struggle, trying to make things easier for them so they don’t have to travel through some of the valleys we have climbed out of. We celebrate their victories as if they are our own, and our love for them is greater than anything we ever thought could possibly reside in our chests.

Motherhood is a gift we are incredibly thankful for today, Father. All of the parts of it …the hard, the ugly, the triumphant, the sweet, and the beautiful. For we learn so much about ourselves, about who we were meant to be, through this journey You have purposed us to walk out. We learn more about who You are, as we unconditionally love our own children, no matter the cost.

Father, Your goodness and compassion for us is immeasurable. Continue to guide our steps as mothers. Make clear to us where our hands end and Yours begins. Help us to let go, a process that begins as soon as they no longer need us to rock them to sleep. As we let go, step by step and stage by stage, show us how to guide them to You. Help us learn how to encourage our children, cheering them on so they may discover the great and amazing plans You have for them.

Sustain us when we are weary, Father, for You are our strength. In our weakness, You are strong. But when we are caught up in panicked emotion as our protective instincts override our senses, we often forget to lay what’s burdening us at your feet.

As we face impossible situations without precedent, increase our trust in You, Father. You sent Your only Son to die for us. Jesus sacrificed His life to save ours. The greatest expression of love—of all time—for us. When we look in the mirror, remind us that our reflection is embraced in heaven. Because of Christ, You are with us always. Help us to embrace our value because in doing so our children see and experience the true power of being loved as a child of God. There is no condemnation and shame, only love and acceptance. To live in the arms of Your Love is to experience true freedom, joy, and peace, regardless of circumstance, status, or title. You love us, for us, just as we are. Though we continue to grow each day, You don’t withhold an ounce of compassion from us as we flounder. Father, please remind us of this through the power of Your Holy Spirit given to us by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice when we are losing patience and hope with our children and ourselves as mothers. Take away the benchmarks we place upon ourselves and the comparisons we fall victim to. Father, bless us with peace of mind and the full satisfaction of being loved by You. For we love because You first loved us. May our children come to know You, and Your great Love, too.

In Jesus’ Powerful Name, we Pray,

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A young woman comforting an older woman

A Mother's Day Prayer for Those Grieving the Loss of Their Mom

Today we remember the mothers we have lost, or never had the privilege to know. Comfort the gaping hole in our hearts that longs to be with them. For even when we are grown with our own families, we long for the comfort of our mothers when we are sick, sad, or afraid. Bless and comfort us, Father, on this day that reminds us of what we have lost. May we cherish all of the good memories, and muster gratitude for the mother’s arms we passed through on our way into this world. Whether we had amazing relationships with our mothers, or never knew them at all, their lives were purposefully connected to ours by our heavenly Father. His ways do not align with ours, nor does His timing revolve around our preferences. But He is good. He is unchanging, and His love for us is greater than we are able to comprehend. Comfort our hearts today, dry our tears, and bloom a gratitude and peace in our hearts for our earthly mothers today, Father.

In Jesus’ Name,

A Prayer for Moms Who Feel Overwhelmed

There are moments in every mother’s life when we calmly shut the door and slump down on the other side of it. Times when tears take over and we can no longer muster the strength to hold them back. When we are overwhelmed, Father, remind us it’s OK to fall into Your arms and cry out for comfort. You are close to the broken hearted, and You love us unconditionally. Jesus knows the pain of humanity, and remains with us always, in moments of celebration and strife. He promised we would have trouble in this world, but reminded us He has overcome it. When overwhelmed by the world, Father, sustain us. Dry our tears, put your arms around us, and renew our strength to open the door again and face our children with the love You fill us with. It is human to have breaking moments, Father, but guide our emotions calmly into Your presence. Protect us from our own tempers, anger, and pitfalls. Guard our hearts, Father, and when we do lose our patience and yell at our children, give us the obedience and courage to apologize to them, and repair what has been damaged. None of us are perfect, and we all get overwhelmed. Help us to set a godly example in these very real moments, of how You meet us in our mess and love us through it. Thank You for Your faithfulness, forgiveness, and friendship.

In Jesus’ Name,

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Happy mother and daughter

A Prayer for Single Moms

For moms who do it all, work to provide for their family and raise their children alone, we pray for strength and comfort. May they never feel alone, and know You have purposefully placed people in their lives to help them. Give them the courage to reach out for help when they need it, and peace to know they are loved for who they are right now. May their children see the sacrifices they make, and understand the time they must spend apart from them. Bless and heal any hurt in their hearts, Father. You are our Healer and Provider. May they know they are loved, cherished, and purposed, gifted with talents and abilities unique to them and valuable to those who border their lives. Their astonishing strength, to sustain their families single-handedly, takes bravery and commitment. But may they undoubtably know they never go it alone. You are with them, always. May the love and peace of Jesus Christ comfort and sustain them every day.

In Jesus’ Name,

Encouraging Bible Verses for Moms

“We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

“And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.”Luke 2:51

“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.”Isaiah 66:13

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”Proverbs 31:29

“Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God has promised him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him.”Genesis 21:1-3

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”Proverbs 31:15

“And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed,”Luke 1:46-48

“Bear with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”Colossians 3:13

“Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.”John 19:25-27

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”Proverbs 22:6

“The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.”Genesis 3:20

“You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”1 Peter 3:4

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”3 John 1:4

Inspirational Tributes to Moms

“Of all the people I have ever known, she had the greatest influence on me. I am sure one reason that the Lord has directed and safeguarded me, as well as Ruth and the children, through the years was the prayers of my mother and father.” – Billy Graham

“The impression that a praying mother leaves upon her children is life-long.” – D.L. Moody

“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” – C.S.Lewis

“Mothers can forgive anything! Tell me all, and be sure that I will never let you go, though the whole world should turn from you.” – Louisa May Alcott

“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.” – Maya Angelou

“I cannot tell you how much I owe to the solemn word of my good mother.” – Charles H. Spurgeon

Click here for more inspirational tributes to mothers.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/monkeybusinessimages

Meg BucherMeg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ at megbucher.comShe is the author of “Friends with Everyone, Friendship within the Love of Christ,” “Surface, Unlocking the Gift of Sensitivity,” “Glory Up, The Everyday Pursuit of Praise,” “Home, Finding Our Identity in Christ,” and "Sent, Faith in Motion." Meg earned a Marketing/PR degree from Ashland University but stepped out of the business world to stay home and raise her two daughters …which led her to pursue her writing passion. A contributing writer for Salem Web Network since 2016, Meg is now thrilled to be a part of the editorial team at Salem Web Network. Meg loves being involved in her community and local church, leads Bible study, and serves as a youth leader for teen girls.

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This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. 

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Originally published April 24, 2023.


Mother's Day and the Dilemma the Church Faces
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