Can You Be Both Christian and Pro-Choice?

Can You Be Both Christian and Pro-Choice?

Our modern society offers many complex situations, and one of the most fractious is abortion. Mainstreamed as a normal and even desirable option when faced with an unwanted pregnancy, there is even a social media hashtag named #shoutyourabortion, allowing women to share how abortion has enhanced their lives.

Many cannot believe we are in this state in society, where women can “shout their abortions.” And since the loudest, most aggressive voices are often mistaken for the most knowledgeable ones, many—even the faithful—may be lulled into thinking that abortion is empowering.

Is it okay for a believer to be pro-choice? At a time when so many churches are emphasizing social justice agendas instead of the truths in the gospel, I believe it is important we draw a firm line: you cannot be a true follower of Christ and be in favor of abortion.

Christians are held to a higher authority—God’s authority. While the laws of man may change with the times, God’s laws do not. The Bible does not speak specifically about abortion, but there is a distinct theme of gentleness when speaking of the unborn.

For instance, Psalm 139:15-16 teaches, “My bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.”

How do we know Christians can’t support abortion? Let’s explore:

The Bible Tells Us About God’s ‘Pre-Birth’ View of Us

Jeremiah 1:5 tells us, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” This often-cited verse is stunning when you stop to really consider it; God’s intimate knowledge of a pre-born human being—not only the physical, but every human being’s destiny, too. God knows the whole arc of our life, from beginning to end. He is not constrained by space or time, and His power is all-encompassing. Not only that—God knows about us before we are in the womb. How mysterious and wonderful!

Additionally, Psalm 127:3-5 tells us, “Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.”

Since God values every human life equally, this means each child is a blessing to his parent, whether he is received as such or not. While it often does not feel like that, such as in the case of an unplanned pregnancy, we must get beyond how we feel under stress, and get back to the Word. Even in certain situations when a baby seems like the last thing a woman needs, the Bible reminds us that it is not just about her—but also about the unborn child and about God’s plan, which we must not impede.

Being Christian Means Honoring God in Thought, Word, and Deed

If we know that God loves the pre-born and that the Bible tells us about the sanctity of life, why do so many Christians support abortion?

Interestingly, a 2017 Pew Research report revealed the following about support for abortion by the faithful: “…only 35% of those who are part of the mainline Protestant tradition say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, with 60% in support of keeping abortion legal. Members of the Episcopal Church (79%) and the United Church of Christ (72%) are especially likely to support legal abortion, while most members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the mainline Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (65%) also take this position.”

You may ask, “What Bible are these folks reading?” This shows how popular opinion in society can sway even those who profess Christ. The Bible clearly does not condone abortion, so logically we can assume that society holds particular sway over pro-choice Christians.

I believe that we must allow God, through His Word, to guide us in all the complicated issues of our day. While dealing with an unplanned pregnancy is hard and scary—I know from personal experience—staying close to God and asking for His will is the only way to handle it. If we turn to society’s fluctuating morals instead of God’s enduring laws, this leads us down the path of mistakes, sin, and even ruin.

It is when we are under the most pressure that we must trust God the most, tuning out what society tells us, and instead using our infallible faith compass to guide us.

Be Prepared to Be an Outcast for Christ

If you are a Christian who holds a pro-choice position, consider this: are you afraid to be an outcast for Christ? Because if you aren’t—you may not be doing it right.

“You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved,” says Matthew 10:22, while John 15:18 reminds, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”

What do these verses tell us? That here on earth we will not be popular, nor welcomed, nor understood. While we hope this is not true for most of our time on earth, we will experience uncomfortable moments, if we are truly faithful. The world has different standards than God does. The world is run by humans, but our destiny is in Heaven, where God is the ultimate authority. Abortion is a prime example of an issue that causes turmoil for Christians; many want to be “of the world” and also follow God. It is much harder to stand at a cocktail party and say you are pro-life than it is to follow the crowd and nod that you, too, are in favor of abortion. But it is in these moments that Christ stands at our elbow, supporting us as we do the right thing. It is a shame to miss this closeness with him when we follow the crowd!

An important consideration with this topic is how Christians respond to women who have had an abortion or are considering abortion. This is where God’s love and mercy come into play. Be gentle and listen well when someone tells you they have had an abortion or are considering one. Ask God to be with you as you offer love, support, and truth. When it comes to a woman who has had an abortion, the truth is that God can forgive anything that is sincerely repented of. And when it comes to someone considering abortion, be truthful, kind, and open. Listen well, be non-judgmental, and offer God’s love in a gentle manner the listener can receive.

I mentioned that I had an unplanned pregnancy. I was young, scared, and unmarried. God intervened in my situation and continuously pulled my thoughts not toward my fears, but instead to my possibilities. He blessed me with a wonderful husband (that baby’s father), and we had two more beautiful babies. Today, I have been married for 36 years, and my husband and I happily raised those three wonderful sons together. Now, we are proud grandparents, as our family line continues to expand.

I often thank God for helping me to make a choice for life; I encourage others in a similar situation to “let go and let God.” He will bless you tenfold for your faith!

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Stevan Ovicigor

deirdre reilly author headshot bio photoDeirdre Reilly is a writer and editor, and her commentary has appeared on various websites including,, and others. Her new book, “The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus,” details her own personal journey through doubt and fear into true belief. You can connect with Deirdre via, or follow her on Twitter at @deirdrewrites.