30-Day Prayer Challenge: 30 Days of Gratitude

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What if you awoke tomorrow morning with only the things you thanked God for today? Would that change how you prayed today?
I think most of us would agree that life is busier than it’s ever been. With all the rushing and doing, it’s easy to grumble and complain. It can become the new norm if we’re not diligently seeking to live with a grateful heart.
For the next 30 days, let’s break the cycle and challenge ourselves to purposefully set aside time to show our gratitude for all our Father has done and will do in our lives. Each day you’ll pray a specific prayer of gratitude. Some days there will also be an opportunity for you to read a related article, or watch a short video. Other days you’ll be encouraged to journal or write down your thoughts about a particular thankfulness related prompt. Every day will also have several verses for you to think about or pray over.
You can start this prayer challenge any day of the month, but it might be easier to start at the beginning of the month, just to keep track of the days. It’s okay if you miss a day or two- life happens! If you do miss a day, you don’t need to go back or start over. Just pick up with the corresponding day and, if you have time, you can go back to the days you’ve missed. You might want to bookmark this page to make it easier to come back to each day.
So what do you say? Willing to improve your gratitude attitude? Ready to make time in your day to show your thankfulness to the One who makes your day possible?
Oh, one more thing—consider sharing this challenge with an accountability partner or friend.
Let’s get started!
Day 1 - Thank God for Your Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Who else would’ve given up his son for you, for me? What grace God has shown for His children! Thank Him that no man, no thing, no power in hell can undo what He did on the cross. Thank God Almighty that you have been saved from the sting of death. Thank Him that you will not be separated from our Lord, for you have been saved by the blood of The Great I AM. Praise God for the blood of the Lamb! Ask that He would give you boldness to share your testimony of salvation with others today, that no one would perish and spend eternity separated from Him. [Psalm 62:6-7, John 1:14, John 3:16, John 6:47, John 10:10, Galatians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:24]
Day 2 - Thank God for Today.
So much of our day is busyness. So much busyness that, by the time the day is over and our heads hit the pillow, the day just seems to be a big blur. Does this ever happen to you? Thank God for the precious gift of today, for today is the day He has made, so let’s rejoice and be glad. Give thanks to Him for each minute He allows breath to fill your lungs. Ask Him to reveal to you the things in life that you can let go of to allow yourself time for what really matters in life. [Psalm 118:14, Matthew 11:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:18]
Day 3 - Thank God for Your Friends.
In our hurried world, we can sometimes forget to thank God for those special people He’s placed in our lives. Maybe it's a friend who's always there when you need a shoulder or one who seems to make you laugh, even on the darkest of days. Is there a neighbor who makes the time to help when there is a need? Thank Him for allowing your life to be touched by these friends. Thank Him for the important role they each play in your life. Thank Him for calling you His friend. Ask Him how you can express your gratitude in a unique way to those who positively impact your life. If you’re in need of friendship, thank God in advance for sending someone special your way. Ask Him to remove the barrier that has prevented the gift of authentic, lifelong friendship in your life. [John 15:12-15, Romans 12:10, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10]
Write:Think about the 5 closest friends God has given you. Spend time today praying intentionally over these people. Send them a text or a little note in the mail to encourage them in their week.
Day 4 - Thank God for Power Over the Enemy.
When our hearts are full of praise, our lives are full of power. One of the best ways to exercise power over the things of the enemy is to be in a spirit of praise throughout the day. Thank God that through Christ we have power over the enemy. Remember to speak the words He’d have you speak, and pray you would be mindful of the enemy’s attacks. Pray He would help you remain in an attitude of praise and resist the enemy’s advances. [Ephesians 6:11-18, 2 Timothy 1:7, James 4:7]
Day 5 - Thank God for His Perfect Timing.
Sometimes an attitude of thanksgiving is difficult to maintain when life is so hard and we see others being blessed while we’re still waiting for our own blessing. But God has a specific plan for your life, and it’s a good plan. No matter how it looks, He’s always working behind the scenes. Thank Him for His divine plan. Thank Him for His perfect timing. Thank Him for wanting the best for you. Pray that He would help you trust Him more. Ask Him to help you wait patiently as He works it all out for good. [Romans 8:28, Colossians 3:12]
Read: 3 Truths to Remember When God Asks You to Wait by Abby McDonald
Day 6 - Thank God for Your Church.
Church provides encouragement, corporate worship, and the opportunity to connect with others who share our beliefs. How blessed we are to be able to assemble together in His name. Thank God for allowing you the freedom to worship together with other believers, to gather together in His name. Pray that He would continue to bless your pastor and staff with integrity and wisdom and guide them as they lead His church to further the cause of Christ. [1 Corinthians 14:26, Titus 1:5–9, Hebrews 10:25]
Read: 5 Ways to Pray for Your Church by Dan Darling
Day 7 - Thank God for His Faithfulness.
Can you think of a time when He’s seen you through? Is there a time when there seemed to be no way, but God came through and made a way? Thank Him for His faithfulness. Thank Him for His love for you. Thank Him for all things being possible with Him. Pray that He would continue to faithfully see you through and encourage you to stay strong, trusting in the faithful Father. [Psalm 36:5, Psalm 86:15, Matthew 19:26]
Write: Take a moment and think of 3 ways God has provided for you in a time of need. On an index card, write those 3 things down. Keep that index card in your pocket or somewhere where you will see it for the next month. Say a prayer of gratitude every time you feel the card in your pocket or see it displayed. Remember those times of provision the next time you’re unsure if God will provide.
Day 8 - Thank God for Love.
It’s patient. It’s kind. It’s forgiving. It’s altruistic. It protects. It gives generously. It is the greatest of all. It is LOVE. Love that lights up the darkness, gives hope to the hopeless. Love that changes lives and saves souls. God IS love. Thank God today for His enduring, undying love for you. Thank God for loving you so much that He sent His Son to die in your stead. Pray He would help you love as He loves, even those who are hardest to love. [Psalm 136, Psalm 107:1, 1 Corinthians 13, John 3:16, 1 John 4:8]
Day 9 - Thank God for Wisdom.
Godly wisdom is vital in our walk with Christ and with others. In fact, the book of Proverbs refers to wisdom as “the principal thing.” Take time to thank God for His wisdom, guidance and direction in our lives. We are so blessed to be able to consult Him- His Word- to direct our paths and help us get to the end of our journey here on Earth with as few regrets as possible. Pray you would be sensitive to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit in your decisions, great and small. [Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 4:7]
Day 10 - Thank God for Annoyances.
Some days it can be hard to feel thankful when there’s a cranky kid, 13 loads of dirty clothes, a kitchen that looks like a crime scene, and a busted radiator. But no matter the setbacks and aggravations, and no matter how we feel, one thing remains the same--He is present in the trials we face. Even the smallest of trials do not go unnoticed by Him. Thank Him for the hard stuff. Thank Him for using these things to strengthen your dependency on Him and your faith in Him. Pray for trust in Him on the hardest of days and keep praises on your lips. [Isaiah 55: 8-9, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, James 1:2-4]
Read: 6 Simple Ways to Give Thanks in the Thick of It by Briana Almengor
Day 11 - Thank God for Your Future.
Some days it’s hard to believe God has a good plan for you and your life. We can get so down in the weeds with our current circumstances. Thank Him today for His unseen hand. Thank Him for always working, even when our present circumstances would have us believe otherwise. Thank Him in advance for working things out for your good. Thank Him for preparing you for great things. Ask Him to gift you with patience and encourage your spirit to continue believing that he really is working behind the scenes. [Jeremiah 29:11, John 10:10,Romans 8:28]
Day 12 - Thank God for Prayer.
What a privilege we have to carry everything in prayer to our God—our hopes, dreams, worries, fears, burdens, petitions, and heartaches. Prayer is so needed and so important that Romans tells us the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf in accordance to His will when we’re unsure of what to pray. Tell God how thankful you are that He turns His ear toward you. Thank Him for being there for you every waking minute, ready for you to commune with Him. Ask for prayer to become a bigger part of your life, and that He would help you approach Him with confidence and reverence. [Psalm 34:15-18, Philippians 4:6, Matthew 7:7-8, Romans 8:26-27]
Day 13 - Thank God for His Provision.
Though some things we’re in need of may seem unattainable, so far beyond anything anyone can do, with God all things are possible. Thank Him for knowing your every need. Thank Him in advance for delivering you, comforting you, and providing for you in a way no other can. Thank Him for meeting your needs of shelter, food, clothing, warmth, clean water. Pray that He would show you how you can fill a need for someone else. Ask Him to do a work in your life so tremendous that those around you can only say, “This is surely because of God.” [Philippians 4:19, Matthew 19:26, Psalm 34:10,Matthew 6:25-26]
Read: How Saying Thanks Can Heal Our Hearts by Holley Gerth
Day 14 -Thank God for Your Gifts.
Are you gifted in leading praise and worship? Maybe you’re more of a behind-the-scenes person who sends cards of encouragement? Maybe you’re doubting you have a gift. Rest assured that He has given each and every one of us unique, fruit-bearing gifts to use in His service. Each of us has something within us He will use for His glory and as a part of His plan for us. Thank Him for your specific gifts, even if He’s not revealed them to you as of yet. Trust He will we do so, and thank Him in advance for revealing it to you at the right time. Express your gratitude to Him for the gifts others use to minister to you. Ask Him to help you always use your gifts not for yourself but for His glory. [1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-5, 1 Corinthians 14:26]
Day 15 - Thank God for Forgiveness.
Forgiveness is often difficult, but it is possible. It is a decision to be made and one for which we must ask God for help. Thank God for His forgiveness today. Thank Him for offering forgiveness through the shedding of His Son’s precious blood. Thank Him for helping you forgive in times past when you didn’t want to, when you didn’t feel like it. Take this moment to ask Him to search your heart for any unforgiveness you may have, that He would reveal it to you. Pray He would help you forgive those who have hurt you so that your spiritual wounds might finally heal. [Matthew 6:15, Luke 17:4, Acts 2:38]
Read: How to Forgive Someone Who Isn’t Sorry by Rachel-Claire Cockrell
Day 16 - Thank God for Children.
Even if you’re not a parent, children are all around you. They watch you. They look up to you. Maybe they bring joy to your life when you see them and their bigger-than-life personalities. Children, whether they belong to you or not, are blessings from God. And you are a child of God, a blessing. Thank your Heavenly Daddy for calling you one of His own. Thank Him that He loves you unconditionally and endlessly. Thank Him that you are an heir of the Almighty. Seek His guidance in how you can make a difference in the life of a child in His name. [Psalm 34:11, Luke 18:15-17, John 1:12, Ephesians 1:5]
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Day 17 - Thank God for Your (True) Identity.
This old world has a way of blinding us from the truth of who we really are, who God says we are. You don’t have to believe what someone else calls you or labels you. Thank God today for your real identity: who you are in Christ. May your words express your gratitude to Him, for you are a friend of the King, valued, loved, and redeemed. Thank Him that you are not what the world says you are but what He says you are. Pray that He would reveal someone who needs your help in learning who they are in Him. [John 15:15, Romans 3:22-25, Romans 8:35-37]
Watch: Where Do I Find My Worth? By Nicole Unice
Day 18 - Thank God for the Bible.
We are so blessed to have access to His Word, to be able to own it, house it in our homes and in our hearts, to read it and experience its life-giving power. It is the guide by which we are to live; the standard by which we are to measure our lives. It’s so much more than just a book -- IT IS LIFE. Thank God that you have access to God-breathed, supernatural knowledge through His Holy Word. Make known to Him how much you appreciate His lamp unto your feet and light unto your path. Ask that He would use His Word to daily reveal Truth to you as you journey with Christ. [Psalm 18:30, Psalm 33:4, Psalm 130:5, John 1:1, John 1:14]
Day 19 - Thank God for His Peace.
In this very loud, busy, chaotic, and stressful world we live in, a state of quietness or tranquility within is difficult to achieve. God offers peace as a gift to us, but we have to receive it in order for it to be manifested in our lives. God is synonymous with peace, so we must commune with God to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. When we praise Him we become filled with peace. Give thanks to God for the peace He so generously offers. As you go to Him in prayer, ask for Him to calm your heart and mind and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with peace. [Isaiah 54:10, John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7]
Day 20 - Thank God for Your Freedom.
As believers in Christ, we have been reborn and are renewed by the Holy Spirit. Our old ways and the old person we were are gone away. Because we were crucified with Him, we no longer must be a slave to our old nature and our past sin. Thank God for all He has done to free you. Thank God for the freedom we have as a nation. Ask God to help you resist the enemy’s strategic plan of attack to keep you from walking in victory. [Romans 6:6, Romans 8:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 5:17, James 4:7]
Day 21 - Thank God for Your Job.
Maybe it’s not the one you wanted. Maybe you’re not appreciated for the work that you do. Maybe you know there’s something better out there. Maybe you’ve been praying for years for things to get better. Trust that there’s a reason God has you in this particular job at this particular time. We only get to see a snippet, but He sees the whole timeline and wants what’s best for us. Sometimes He keeps us in a hard spot for longer than is comfortable because he’s doing a work in us. Maybe you love your job and you're able to use the gifts God has given you. Thank Him for the job that you have. Thank Him that you have a paycheck, when so many others do not. Thank Him that He’s placed you right where He wants you to be because it’s what’s best for you right now. Ask that He would help you work with all your heart for Him, no matter the job or circumstances. [Colossians 3:23, Luke 16:10]
Read: 3 Things to Do When You Feel Stuck between Seasons by Jennifer Waddle
Day 22 - Thank God for Public Servants.
Where would we be without those who serve our children, patrol the streets, medicate the sick, and come to our rescue when we’re in crisis? Often these servants in our community must leave their own families to come to our aid. Thank God that He has put within those who make such a difference in our lives the spirit of giving and helping. Thank Him for the times those in your community have gone above and beyond for you and your family. Thank Him that He works through others when we are in need. Pray a hedge of protection over those public servants in your community. Ask God to give you the opportunity to express your gratitude to at least one of those selfless people today. [Galatians 5:13, Philippians 2:5-7, Colossians 3:23]
Read: A Prayer for Those Who Protect Our Nation, for the Men and Women in Uniform by Debbie McDaniel
Day 23 - Thank God for Your Life.
God is life. He gives life. He is the air we breathe, the one who makes the blood course through our veins. Thank Him for knitting you together in your mother’s womb. Thank Him that you are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to live a life that honors Him, the Creator. Offer up praise to Him for His grace that makes our eternal life with Him possible. Ask Him to help you be the proof of His love, to go out into this dark and seemingly lifeless world and shine the light of His love. [Psalm 27:4, Psalm 139:13-16, John 6:47, Ephesians 2:10]
Day 24 - Thank God for the Holy Spirit.
As sinners, we don’t deserve what Christ did for us through His crucifixion and resurrection. He even went a step further by asking His Father to send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to take His place so we would have Christ dwelling within us. Thank God that He has gifted you the Comforter, Intercessor, Advocate, Helper, Strengthener within. Thank God for His promise to be with you always. Pray for the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit as you go about your day. [Psalm 27:1, John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:26, Mark 1;8, Romans 8:26]
Day 25 - Thank God for Your Family.
The happiest and healthiest of families are those grounded in Him. Godly families love one another, help one another up, honor each member with respect, and put others before themselves. But most of all, they put Christ first. Thank God for your family members, even the ones who disappoint and are difficult. Thank Him that He has shown you grace when you’ve dropped the ball. Thank Him in advance for helping you show grace and unconditional love when a member of your family lets you down. Ask Him to show you the areas of your family life that aren’t honoring God. Pray He would keep your family members close to Him and to each other. [Proverbs 1:8, Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 31:15-17, Colossians 3:13]
Read: Your Family Won’t Regret Doing This For The Next 30ish Days by Kristen Welch
Day 26 - Thank God for His Help.
Maybe you woke up today troubled, depressed, full of anxiety or in despair. Know God sees you right where you are. Lift your eyes to Him. Hear His words as He whispers, “Do not fear; I will help you.” Trust in Him to grant you mercy and give you grace to get through this day. He is faithful. He is able. Thank God that He has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind. Lift your voice to God, thanking Him in advance for walking with you today. Thank Him for the Comforter within you. Thank God for being your ever-present help. Ask God to strengthen your trust in Him as you go out into the world as a witness for Him. [Psalm 46:1, Psalm 121, Isaiah 41:13, Philippians 4:13, 2 Timothy 1:7]
Day 27 - Thank God for Our World.
From the single-cell organism to the largest of living creatures, our world is a magical creation. From the tallest of mountains to sunset masterpieces, our God is Creator and He is still in control. Thank God for spinning things in orbit in perfect rotation. Thank God for maintaining the perfect position of the sun and allows it’s light to illuminate the moon. Thank God that He flung the stars, spacing them just so. Thank God for allowing you to be a part of this beautiful place. Pray to be more mindful of the work of His hands, that you would give Him praise and glorify Him in how you care for your Father’s World. [Psalm 8:3-4,Psalm 19:1, Psalm 95:4-5, Psalm 104:24-25]
Read: Why Every Day Begs to be Thanksgiving by Ann Voskamp
Day 28 - Thank God for His Protection.
Most, if not all of us, have experienced a time in our lives when we’ve been mistreated, wrongly accused, even victimized. Perhaps you’ve felt like you had no one on your side to come to your defense. The Scriptures tell us that God is our protector, refuge, and fortress. Thank Him that He fights for you. Give thanks to Him that He has given you Godly armor needed to stand against the dark forces of the enemy. Thank God that He is your protector and has your back. Ask that He would continue to walk with you, clothing you in His love and protection today and everyday. [Psalm 91:7, Psalm 121:7, John 6:40, Isaiah 58:8, Ephesians 6:10-18]
Day 29 - Thank God for Creature Comforts.
Have you ever had a time when you were without electricity, running water, gas, technology, or vehicles? Recall how relieved you were when those amenities once again became available. Today, thank God for those creature comforts. Thank Him that He has provided not only the essentials needed for everyday life but the non-essentials that make our days easier and comfortable. Thank Him for giving man wisdom in how to make our lives more convenient. Thank Him for hot water, internet that keeps us connected to our loved ones, elevators, air conditioning, ice, heat… Thank Him in advance for putting within your heart a new appreciation for the things that make our days easier. Ask Him to help you, no matter what your state, be it plenty or scarce, to be content. [Psalm 84:12, Philippians 4:12-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:18]
Day 30 - Thank God for How the Story Ends.
More than ever before in our world, it may look like the enemy is winning. But we know the Truth. We have read the ending of the Book of Truth. The Truth is that when it’s all said and done, God will prevail. There will be a day when there’s more pain, sorrow, suffering, and all that’s wrong will be made right. Tell God how thankful you are that there will come a day when He will wipe away your tears. Thank Him that we will look into His wonderful face and sit at His feet in sweet fellowship. Oh, what a day that will be! Thank God, all wounds will be healed. Pray for a fresh touch of encouragement, reminding you of the hope you have in Him. [Revelation 21:3-4, Revelation 22:5]
Congratulations—you just spent an entire month faithfully praying for a more grateful heart! We would love to hear from you—how has this prayer challenge changed you? Leave a comment and let us know how prayer has transformed your life!
Click here to access this prayer guide as a downloadable PDF!
About the Author: Writer by day, transcriber by night, Renee Davis is a boy mom, PPD survivor, recovering fear-a-holic, and former educator. She’s a contributor to The Good Men Project, Crosswalk, and, most recently, The Washington Post. You can learn more about Renee’s journey and her passion for helping women find their worth in the Word, not the world, at The Stay@Home Scribe.
Originally published November 21, 2016.