
20 Ways Couples Can Serve Others This Thanksgiving

Being a couple is an awesome thing. You’re always there to help, support, and love each other. Still, we need to look around and see who else could...
Updated Nov 06, 2023
20 Ways Couples Can Serve Others This Thanksgiving

When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of a splendid meal surrounded by friends and family. It’s a time to reflect on our blessings and be thankful for what we have. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in our own celebrations with family and friends and not take the time to look and see what others need.

Being a couple is an awesome thing. You’re always there to help, support, and love each other. Still, we need to look around and see who else could use some help this Thanksgiving. Here are some ideas where you and your spouse can help others with your talents and gifts.

1. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen

Woman serving soup at a soup kitchen; serving is good for the soul.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Zinkevych

Take some time out of your Thanksgiving day afternoon and serve down at your local soup kitchen. Those looking for a hot meal will be grateful for your service, and those who run the kitchen will be thankful for the help.

2. Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter

Spend some time at your local homeless shelter and help by cooking, cleaning, or doing other things that need to be done. This is a great way to get to know the residents and their stories and a great way to lead them to Christ.

3. Volunteer at a Children’s Home

If you have a heart for kids, take some time to volunteer at the children’s home. Often, kids without families or a place to go get lonely and depressed around the holiday season. Once again, take some time to talk to them and get to know them. Then, if you feel led, ask the director what other opportunities are available to continue volunteering and connect further.

4. Deliver Food to Someone

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Monkey Business Images

Sit down and think about your friends and neighbors. Do you have an elderly neighbor with no family? A friend that has to work on Thanksgiving? A neighbor who can’t get home for Thanksgiving? Then take them a plate of food and some dessert. It will brighten their day to know you care and thought of them.

5. Help Your Neighbor or Friend Decorate Outside

For some people, Thanksgiving weekend is a time to decorate for Christmas. If you have a friend or neighbor planning to put up the outside lights and decorations on their house, offer to help them.

6. Offer to Watch Your Neighbors’ Children

If you are close with a neighbor or a friend who is a single parent, offer to watch their children for a few hours the day before or the day after Thanksgiving. They will be glad to have some time for themselves to either prepare for Thanksgiving or get a jump on Christmas.

7. Decorate an Elderly Neighbor’s Home

Decorating a Wreath for Christmas and Advent

Photo credit: Getty/Margarita Khamidulina

If you are close with your elderly neighbor, offer to help decorate their home or apartment for the Christmas season.

8. Shop for an Angel

Contact your local Salvation Army and ask them where they have their angel trees set up in your town. Then head to the store, choose a child for each of you to shop for, and have some fun, knowing you will make a child’s Christmas extra special.

9. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

If you love animals, take some time and volunteer at your local animal shelter. There is always something to do, from cleaning to feeding to walking, and the animals will love the extra attention.

10. Shop for an Animal Angel

Some animal shelters do angel trees, just like the Salvation Army does for children. Contact your local shelter and see if they do this kind of thing. When I lived in Illinois, our local animal shelter would put an animal angel tree up in our Big R store. This was one of my favorite things during the holiday season since I had adopted three cats from them over the years. I loved giving back.

11. Adopt a Family

If you know a family who is having a hard time, invite them to your Thanksgiving dinner. Another alternative would be to buy food for them to prepare an enjoyable meal for their family while you make something simple at home.

12. Donate to Toys for Tots

Chances are you will do a little Christmas shopping over Thanksgiving weekend. Pick up a toy or two and put it in the Toys for Tots box at your local store.

13. Donate to Your Favorite Charity

Choose an amount of money and then donate to your favorite charity (or charities) over Thanksgiving weekend, just in time to help for the Christmas season.

14. Clean Out Your Closets

Woman cleaning and organizing home

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Halfpoint

Chances are you and your spouse have more clothes, shoes, and accessories than you know what to do with, or at least things you don’t wear. Take some time to clean out your closet and donate your things to a local shelter or group that helps people in need.

15. Buy a Homeless Person a Meal

If you see a homeless person while you are out running errands, stop at the nearest restaurant and buy them a meal. They will be grateful.

16. Buy Someone a Drink

When we lived in Illinois, our winters could be brutal and get freezing. Our Walmart had a McDonald’s inside, so we would always ask the Salvation Army bell ringer if we could buy them a hot drink or some lunch. Sometimes, they would say yes, other times no, but they were always appreciative.

17. Keep Tabs On Your Friends

With Thanksgiving and the holidays come two things. One, adults and kids get sick. Two, we run out of things a lot.

If you have friends that live close by, check in often and see how they are doing. If someone winds up sick, offer to pick up a prescription, over-the-counter medicine, tissues, cough drops, or things like ginger ale, chicken soup, Pedialyte, saltine crackers, etc.

More than likely, you or someone you know will run out of something they need. If you are out and about at the store, call your friend or neighbor who lives the closest and see if they need anything. ‘Tis the season for running out of baking supplies, eggs, milk, and all the other little things that make the holidays so delicious.

18. Walk the Dog

senior mature man relaxing with dog in park

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Wavebreakmedia

Do you have a friend or neighbor who works later than usual? If you are close and their dog is familiar to you, offer to feed them and take them for a walk in the evening.

19. Check On the Cat

Some people think cats are distant and aloof, but they have their own personalities and like being around people. If someone you know has to work later than usual or is going out of town, offer to feed and check in on their cat.

In both of the above scenarios, the pet parents you know will be grateful.

20. Take the Kids Out

If you are friends with another family or a single parent, offer to take their kids for a few hours. You could take them to the park or a playground to let off some steam, to an afternoon movie, or out for a simple lunch, and then back to your house for some activities. Your friends will be grateful for the time to get things done or even spend alone.

There are many ways that couples can help others this upcoming Thanksgiving. If you can’t decide what you want to do, think about what you are thankful for, choose something in alignment with that, and go out and be a blessing to someone.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/AaronAmat

Originally published November 06, 2023.