5 A Cappella Men Of Home Free Sing “Forever and Ever, Amen”

Country music superstar Randy Travis recorded “Forever and Ever, Amen” in January of 1987. Released in March of that same year, the song became Randy Travis’s third No. 1 single on Billboard’s Hot Country Singles chart. The song was written by Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz, and it has been played at countless wedding ceremonies and celebrations over the years.
Watch as Home Free does their own rendition of the classic, adding four extra voices to the traditionally solo song.
Adam Rupp, Rob Lundquist, Tim Foust, Austin Brown, and Adam Chance are the members of Home Free, which originated in Mankato, Minnesota, and they are lined up in that order in the video. Adam Rupp is the beatbox star, Rob and Austin are tenors, Adam Chance sings baritone, and Tim takes the lead on this song. Together, the five make perfect harmonies—like any marriage following the mantra of Mr. Travis’s perennial favorite!
The song tells the story of a man who has left behind his player ways and is now ready to settle down. He’s pledging his undying love and affection to his girl, even when in the distant future her hair turns gray; however, Tim’s expression at 1:43 would seem to indicate otherwise! He’s teasing, of course!
Home Free adds an element of earnestness to the lyrics that are already wonderfully sincere! But, don’t get any ideas—these fellas are all taken!
The song is catchy and a toe-tapper, for sure. But, it also touches the heart of every person in love, and, particularly, those starting the ultimate adventure of marriage! Home Free does the song justice!
Check out the comments below the video to get a sense of just how impactful the tune has been over the years. Then, check out the concert schedule for Home Free. An evening with them would make a great night out with your heartthrob or honey!
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” Proverbs 3:3
This content originally appeared at: https://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=EBCCMCNU; used with permission.
Photo credit: ©GodTube
Originally published July 18, 2022.