Crosswalk Video

A Prayer for New Friends | Your Daily Prayer

Father, give me the grace, the power, and the strength to let go of people that you are not calling me to be close with this season.  
Updated Sep 27, 2024

At the same time, Father, I ask you to also empower me to see and to receive the new friends You have for me. Father, I want your best. Give me eyes to see rightly. Give me a heart that honors and that does not grieve your Holy Spirit. Help me to let go of the people who are not good for me. I ask you to bring to me new friends for your glory and your purpose. Give me an understanding of the purpose of our friendship so that I can walk in that. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. 

Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of 

Originally published September 26, 2024.

headshot of Kelly BalarieKelly uplifts believers with boosts of faith; be encouraged weekly by getting Kelly’s blog posts by email. Kelly, a cheerleader of faith, is a blogger, national speaker, and author of Take Every Thought Captive, Rest Now, Battle Ready, and Fear Fighting. Kelly loves seeing the power of prayer in action. She loves seeing the expression on women’s faces when they realize – their God is faithful! Kelly’s work has been featured on The Today Show, CBN’s 700 Club, Relevant and Today’s Christian Woman