A Prayer of Hope for Singles Longing for Marriage | Your Daily Prayer
Dear Father, We ask You to comfort and console singles today who are longing for marriage.
Published Aug 01, 2024
Speak words of hope to their hearts that will calm their fears and stir up anticipation of all You have planned for them. Help them to not lean on their own understanding but to trust You to lead them to their future husbands and wives, relying on Your provision rather than their own efforts. As well, Lord, we ask You to send individuals into their lives who will walk alongside them in this process and speak encouraging words to them about marriage. Lead caring people to assist them in finding a spouse by praying for them as well as introducing them to friends and family members who are also looking to marry. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of Canva.com
Originally published August 13, 2024.