A Prayer to Include Family Worship in Your Family's Routine | Your Daily Prayer
Father God, you are worthy of all our praise and devotion. Teach my family to incorporate Your holy worship into our daily routine and create in us a desire to put you first. Lead me as a parent to model enjoyment and give me a willing heart. Teach me creative ways to reach my family and not to give up. Help us learn to guard our time. Set aside for you and to build our day around you, rather than trying to squeeze worship into leftover margin. Today's fast paced world rarely leaves blank spaces of time in our day, and you deserve our best. Forgive us when we've given you less. Lead us to prioritize corporate worship at church, where we can come together with other believers to praise your name and study the Bible. Then, all throughout the week, stir our hearts to read your word and to listen and talk with you in prayer. When our hearts to are and wonder of your character and promises, and help us share with one another about what we are learning as we grow and experience you, God. May this be the day we incline our hearts to praise you always. In Jesus name, Amen.
Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of Canva.com
Originally published March 10, 2025.