Crosswalk Video

American Idol Contestant Delivers Jaw-Dropping Performance of Stevie Wonder's 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered

On American Idol, one young woman turned in a fantastic and jaw-dropping rendition of one of Steve Wonder’s most beloved hits, “Signed, Sealed,...
Updated Mar 28, 2024

On American Idol, one young woman turned in a fantastic and jaw-dropping rendition of one of Steve Wonder’s most beloved hits, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered.”

Shows like The Voice, America’s Got Talent, and American Idol give people who may have been overlooked for whatever reason an opportunity to shine. There are talented people everywhere. God has blessed everyone with different skills, abilities, and gifts. Sometimes, working up the courage and confidence to display those gifts can take time, too.

In a clip posted on YouTube, Micaela McCall, a young woman with the voice of an angel, has been trying to make a career in entertainment. However, for whatever reason, the young woman has not yet been recognized by the right people or persons. 

Instead, as she tells the judges, she has been busking - performing on the street - hoping to get noticed by the right person. Following her lovely performance on American Idol, something tells me she will no longer have any problem being recognized for her immense talent.

She performed a version of Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” that you’ve likely never heard. It’s a beautiful, slowed-down, piano-bar version of the upbeat and energetic song. 

Micaela’s voice is stunning and could be listened to repeatedly. Moments after belting out the lyrics to the beloved tune, she had won over Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie, who gave her a well-deserved standing ovation.

Luke could not understand why Micaela hadn’t already been discovered and not wowed audiences with her vocal talent.

“And I don’t know why you haven’t already had a massive amount of success,” Luke said. “But you’re here, you’re with us now, and I could hear you sing the rest of the afternoon.”

Sometimes, all we need is a chance and an opportunity to make those dreams a reality.

Ephesians 5:19: “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”

Photo Courtesy: American Idol via YouTube.
Originally published on GodTube. Used with permission.

Originally published March 28, 2024.