Crosswalk Video

An Unbalanced Life | Your Nightly Prayer

Lord, help me to abandon the myth and balance and live a life fully devoted to you.
Updated Feb 11, 2025

Lord, help me to abandon the myth and balance and live a life fully devoted to you. Teach me to give you the whole pie, not just a slice, so that every thought, intention and action flows from my love for you. Show me how to love you with my heart. Directing my decisions and desires toward your glory. With my soul, offering every part of my being in service to you and with all my strength. Dedicating my resources, influence, and opportunities to your purposes. Reorder my love, Lord, so that everything I am and everything I do reflects my loyalty to you. Free me from competing priorities and make my life an unbalanced offering, wholly aligned with your perfect love. Teach me to trust you in every moment and find freedom in giving you my all. Amen.

Video by Skylar Cochran Thumbnail & Stock footage courtesy of 

Originally published February 06, 2025.

James SpencerJames Spencer earned his PhD in Theological Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and an MA in Biblical Exegesis from Wheaton College. By teaching the Bible and theology, as well as evaluating modern social, cultural, and political trends, James challenges Christians to remember that we don’t set God’s agenda—He sets ours. James has published multiple works, including Serpents and Doves: Christians, Politics and the Art of Bearing Witness, Christian Resistance: Learning to Defy the World and Follow Christ, Useful to God: Eight Lessons from the Life of D. L. Moody, Thinking Christian: Essays on Testimony, Accountability, and the Christian Min, and Trajectories: A Gospel-Centered Introduction to Old Testament Theology. His work calls Christians to an unqualified devotion to the Lord. In addition to serving as president of Useful to God, James is a member of the faculty at Right On Mission and an adjunct instructor at Wheaton College Graduate School. Listen and subscribe to James’s Thinking Christian podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Life Audio.