Disabled Woman Deeply Moved by Man’s Simple But Kind Gesture

Our words and actions can significantly influence those around us, even if we don’t think so. Our actions, even simple, seemingly meaningless, and insignificant ones, can have a massive impact on the lives of others. We may never see the negative or positive effects of our deeds, but what we do or say can have long-ranging repercussions.
What we consider a small, unimportant, and inconsequential act of kindness may be seen by someone else as huge. It could impact their entire day, week, or year. That small act of kindness could totally change how someone else views the world. That’s why we can never be too sure how much or little what we say or do will impact and influence others.
A sweet, heartwarming clip posted on YouTube shows how great an impact even small gestures of kindness can have on someone else. Liz Marshall, affectionately known as the “butterfly lady,” suffers from Parkinson’s disease. It has gotten progressively worse over the years, and now she is unable to walk.
Liz was sitting on her porch when the garbage truck came by to empty the trash cans sitting along the curb. When the truck reached Liz’s house, the driver, Terrance Davis, did something unusual and unexpected. Instead of leaving her trash cans sitting along the curb, he took them up the driveway and gave them to her. Liz was moved by Terrance’s simple but meaningful act of kindness.
“You don’t even begin to know what a blessing that was to me that day that you noticed me on the porch,” Liz said to Terrance. “Because when you become, when you’re disabled, a lot of times you become invisible. And even though you had a lot going on, you were dodging trash cans and kids and cars, you made an effort to stop, and it meant the world to me.”
Ephesians 4:32: “And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.”
This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©YouTube/KFOR Oklahoma's News 4
Originally published February 05, 2025.