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Emotional Moment Woman Sees Sign from God at Boyfriend's Grave

Emotional Moment Woman Sees Sign from God at Boyfriend's Grave
  • Published Oct 24, 2024

While this may not seem like a miracle to you, it is for this woman. Through her tears, she said, “I love deer. They’re a symbolic animal to me.” She then added, “This is literally God. I was praying, ‘Dear God, please let him know that he was loved, and I think this is something I needed today.” 

Isn’t that so true? God will give us little signs to remind us he is present in our circumstances. Whether it’s a moment when you need grace, comfort, or solace, he reminds us He is with us. 

If we keep our faith focused on Him, God will regularly communicate with us as a quiet whisper in our hearts. In the Good Book, God constantly sent signs through messengers, like Elijah, Jonah, Jacob, John The Baptist, and Jesus Christ. 

He also used his creations, like birds, to feed Elijah or the donkey to Balaam. God even communicated with animals in Noah's story to lead them aboard the ark. 

I pray this woman’s heart will forever be touched by this moment as a reminder God was with her in her pain and loss. What a beautiful moment in spite of tragic circumstances. 

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows,” Matthew 10:29-31

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Rumble Viral