Fire Department In Austin, Texas Spots 95-Year-Old Struggling to Mow a Lawn, so They Got to Work

Some of Austin's finest went above and beyond the call of duty when they showed an elderly gentleman kindness and love.
Unfortunately, everyone experiences aging. With age comes wrinkles, often glasses, hair loss, and other unpleasant things. The body simply does not hold up over the decades. Activities that were once easy now require a significant amount of effort to complete.
That was the case for a 95-year-old Austin, Texas resident. The man was out cutting his lawn with a push mower but was experiencing issues. He was having difficulty mowing a particularly hilly area of his lawn. However, thankfully, the man was the beneficiary of some unexpected kindness.
Members of the Austin, Texas Fire Department—Matt Avery, Eric Lupton, Wilson Rivas, and Gus Wienhold—spotted the man experiencing trouble as they drove by in their firetruck. So, instead of leaving the man to figure it out on his own, leaving him to fend for himself, they stopped and gave him a hand, according to a social media post from the Austin Fire Department.
The touching act of kindness was caught on video and posted to social media. In the short, 30-second clip, one of the men can be seen standing next to the elderly man as a second man pushes the mower up and down a sloping property, quickly finishing the troubling area.
Several On Social Media Praised the Firefighters for Their Kindness
On Facebook, many responded to the video with praise. They thanked the kind firefighters for helping the elderly gentleman cut his lawn.
"Thank you for your kindness and help to this gentleman and respect for the elderly. God bless you all," one person posted.
"Nice job now; that's definitely going above and beyond the Call of Duty. Thank you for your service, gentleman," a second person added.
"Thank you for having a servant's heart," a third user wrote.
Showing someone kindness does not have to include some big, grand gesture. Little things, such as helping someone with yard work, can make a world of difference to a person in need.
"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, even as God also in Christ forgave you." – Ephesians 4:32
WATCH: Firefighters Mow Elderly Man’s Lawn
@austinfiredept @austintexasgov spotted helping an elderly gentleman mow his lawn #publicservice #thankyou
— LTK (@epialla) April 21, 2023
Photo Credit: Twitter/@Epialla
Originally published on God Updates. Used with permission.
Originally published June 05, 2024.