‘He Lives’ Newsboys Official Lyric Video
Jesus endured a horrible, painful and unwarranted death on the cross. He was beaten, mocked, spit upon and forced to carry His cross to the site of His eventual death. Chrit's blood was shed as nails were driven through His hands and feet.
However, because of that spilled blood on the cross and his miraculous resurrection on that glorious Sunday morning, humanity has a chance at redemption. He undertook that awful and agonizing tortuous death on our behalf. His love was so great that He willingly took on the sin and shame of humanity.
The song “He Lives” by the Newsboys begins on that world-changing Easter Sunday morning. In the first verse, someone approaches the tomb where Christ’s dead, lifeless body was placed, but now something is different. The stone in front of the tomb has been rolled away. He lives!
As the song mentions, Christ is alive. He won the victory over sin and death. Christ, as the ultimate sacrifice, took on the world's sins. He took our place on the cross and paid our debt. There are not enough words to adequately praise and thank Him.
The song’s chorus is one of joyful praise. Christ, who was brutally executed on the cross, rose again. He lives and is still changing lives today!
“He lives
All honor and power are His
All glory forever, Amen”
Jesus Christ made a way for us to be redeemed and brought back to Him. There is nothing that none of us have done or could ever do to be worthy of such a wonderful, marvelous gift.
Yes, Jesus Christ lives!
Mark 16:6 “And he said unto them, ‘Do not be troubled: you are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been put to death on the cross; he has come back from the dead; he is not here: see, the place where they put him!”’
This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.
Originally published April 14, 2023.