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Hulk Hogan on Faith, His Baptism and His 'Lord and Savior' Jesus Christ

Hulk Hogan on Faith, His Baptism and His 'Lord and Savior' Jesus Christ
  • Updated Jul 18, 2024

Born Terry Gene Bollea on August 11, 1953, and known as Hulk Hogan by fans everywhere, the 70-year-old looks to be in great physical shape. As he shares during this deeply personal interview, it appears his soul and spiritual health are in pretty good shape as well!

Hulk Hogan lives in Clearwater Beach, Florida, where he owns a store and restaurant named Hogan’s Hangout. However, just a few miles away in Largo at Indian Rocks Baptist Church is where Hulk says he experienced the greatest moment of his life—being baptized (by Pastor Aaron Filippone) and publicly proclaiming his faith. 

During the nearly 12-minute interview, Hulk talks about his upbringing, career and brand, friendships in the wrestling world, and perspective on faith. He says that he accepted Christ when he was 14 years old but became “derailed” along the way. Today, Terry is committed to proving that he is faithful and not making the same mistakes this time around. 

When asked how he manages work and home, Hulk says that he is “just Terry” when he’s at home. There are no wrestling belts or photos in his home. He doesn’t wear his signature headband at home. However, he understands that when he leaves home, fans expect to meet Hulk Hogan. He says it is not just a job, and he’s very grateful for the Hulk Hogan character, which is often goofy by design, but he’s learned how to separate his work and personal life.     

Hulk talks about his favorite career moment. It occurred after he wrestled against Iron Sheik in Madison Square Garden in January 1984. At the time, Iran was holding American hostages, and Hulk Hogan represented an all-American character. After the fight, his father told him how proud he was, and he admitted that Terry was right in making the choice he did; he had chosen to leave college and pursue wrestling, to the disappointment of his father. 

Andre the Giant, who played Fezzik in The Princess Bride, was a good friend to Hulk. Hulk says that Andre was 7’4” tall, weighed 650 pounds, and had a rough life. He shares that what he most appreciated about Andre was his honesty, guidance, and enduring friendship. Andre the Giant died in 1993 when he was just 46 years old.

Hulk asks the host if he can share a story about another wrestler, and he goes on to talk about his relationship with Roddy Piper (a.k.a. Rowdy Roddy Piper). He and Roddy had not been friends in the ring; they disliked one another. However, in later years, they were friendly, and Hulk spoke to Roddy about faith. Roddy was asking questions and searching, but he’d never spoken about being a Christian or being saved. So, Hulk was tremendously moved when he heard a voice-mail message from Roddy that came in two days after his death. Rowdy Roddy said, “I’m just loving you, my brother. I’m just walking with Jesus.” 

The interviewer and Hulk Hogan touch on the interesting correlation between life and the ring. They discuss the difference between being a spectator or a wrestler in the ring. Are we Christians really living our faith, or are we in the stands? They also note that when wrestlers go “off script” in the ring, they mess with the already determined outcome of the match. We, as God’s followers, need to quit trying to write our own scripts and trust in the plan that God has for us.

It looks like Terry Bollea is all in and not done making moves. He’s got more to share with the world, and we are here for it!

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!” Revelation 3:15 

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Courtesty: ©YouTube/The 700 Club