Crosswalk Video

Jeremy Camp Lyric Video for Powerful ‘Again’

I was recently moved by Jeremy Camp’s lyric video for his powerful song, titled ‘Again,’ and I couldn’t help but reflect on the powerful message....
Updated Mar 27, 2025

Jeremy Camp Lyric Video for Powerful ‘Again’ from Jeremy Camp on GodTube.

I love the opening verse because it feels like a weight has been lifted and because someone understands what it’s like to feel ashamed and question if there’s enough grace. 

‘I'm so ashamed, down on my knees

I know there's grace but is there grace for me?

Fall after fall, prayer after prayer

Father, will You still be there?’

Jeremy then moves on to the powerful points of the song: "Here You are again, forgiving, redeeming my heart again. Standing me up on my feet again, you show me Your mercy will never run out." These words remind us that God’s grace is never exhausted, no matter how many times we need it. 

His forgiveness is never conditional and His love never depends on how many times we’ve stumbled. Each time we come to God, He stands ready to meet us with the mercy we need to heal, grow, and move forward. Hearing Aagainreminded me that God never tires of offering us grace. His love for us is constant, and His mercy never runs out. Every time we return to Him, He is faithful in lifting us up and working in our hearts.

So, today, no matter how many times you’ve come to God with the same request, remember the words from ‘Again’ and know God will be there again. His grace will never run out. And He will continue His good work in you, day by day, step by step.

Philippians 1:6 “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©GodTube/
Jeremy Camp

Originally published March 27, 2025.