Crosswalk Video

If Jesus Loves Me, Why Does He Allow Bad Things to Happen?

Today, we depend on prayer instead of messengers. We come to the throne room and seek help in our time of need. Jesus’s presence is everywhere, but...
Updated Aug 02, 2023

The sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus that their brother, Lazarus, was sick (John 11:3 NIV). John, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wants us to know that Jesus loves this family. Jesus had spent time in their home, as Martha cooked for Him, and Mary sat at His feet absorbing everything He said. Mary also anointed the feet of Jesus with her most precious perfume and wiped His feet with her hair worshipping her Messiah. Except for the disciples, the Bible speaks of Jesus spending more time with this family in Bethany than any other group of people. Since Jesus loved them so much and spent so much time with them, Mary and Martha sent a messenger to Jesus, fully expecting Him to rush to Bethany and heal His friend, Lazarus. Mary and Martha knew where to send the messenger, and they had high expectations that Jesus would rush to their aid. Today, we depend on prayer instead of messengers. We come to the throne room and seek help in our time of need. Jesus’s presence is everywhere, but waiting is still part of prayer. Read more here.

Stock Footage & Music Courtesy of Thumbnail by Getty Images 

Originally published August 01, 2023.

Carolyn Dale Newell headshot with dogCarolyn Dale Newell is an author and certified speaker. She knows what it is to live with blindness, but she calls her disability a gift from God. Her passion is to equip women to break free from emotional strongholds through her book, Faith That Walks on Water: Conquering Emotional Bondage with the Armor of God. You can connect with Carolyn on her website and her women’s ministry group on Facebook