Crosswalk Video

‘Joy in the Morning’ by Tauren Wells on Kelly Clarkson TV Show

Staying happy and joyful can, at times, be difficult. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, some of which are, well,….less-than-pleasant....
Updated Jan 24, 2023

Staying happy and joyful can, at times, be difficult. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, some of which are, well,….less-than-pleasant. Shouting for joy in those times of hardship and struggle will be the last thing on our minds. But one song from Tauren Wells is all about persevering through those hard times because, ultimately, there will be joy.

Tauren recently appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show, where he performed “Joy in the Morning.” The lyrics to the song’s first verse begin by reminding people that even though we may not understand what is going on, there is a purpose. 

The verse goes on to point out that peace will only be achieved if and when we decide to let go of the events of yesterday because, as the song says, “cause it ain’t even faith ‘till your plan falls apart.”

The chorus then goes on to remind us about the ultimate victory if we just hold on and keep battling our present circumstances, whatever they may be.

The song also points out that despite what you’re going through and that you may feel as if you are losing, God is not done with you or the situation yet. 

Like Joseph, who tells his brothers in Genesis 50:20 that God has the ability to bring about good from a bad situation, Tauren’s song states that God will use that awful predicament for good.

“If it’s not good, then He’s not done
No, He’s not done with it yet”

Tauren is an extremely talented and successful musician. As Kelly mentions in her introduction, Tauren is a “platinum-selling artist” and has “10 Grammy nominations to his name. “Whom having not seen, you love; in whom, though now you see him not, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” (1 Peter 8).

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©GodTube

Originally published January 24, 2023.