Mac Powell’s Powerful Personal Testimony

Everyone is a sinner who, in ignorance, arrogance, and disobedience, has willingly turned their back on God. The Bible confirms this, saying that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. People choose their way, which always leads to death and destruction, instead of God’s way—the path to life and hope.
But despite our sins and turning our backs on Him, He does not wish to see any be lost and perish. His love for us is so great that He constantly reaches out to the lost. His hope for all is that they turn from their old ways and follow Him. In a clip posted on YouTube, Mac Powell talks about when God “changed my heart like it was nothing.”
Mac says he grew up going to church, learning all the Bible verses, and singing all the songs. But he admits there was a problem. He says, “My life as a Christian was pretty segmented.” He did what was expected of him while at church, but when he was not in a house of worship, Mac did things his way.
As a senior in high school, someone suggested that he read Romans. When he started to read that New Testament book, God began to work in Mac’s heart immediately.
“Reading in Romans as a senior in high school was evidence to me that God’s Word is real, and it was like God was speaking directly to my heart, reassuring me of His presence and power,” he said. “From that day on, I committed to spending time in God’s Word daily. It transformed my life and gave me the direction I desperately needed. It was my own miracle, and since that moment, I’ve seen God do amazing things.”
Revelation 3:20: “See, I am waiting at the door and giving the sign; if my voice comes to any man’s ears and he makes the door open, I will come
This content originally appeared on; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Mac Powell
Originally published February 06, 2025.